Law & Order: Episode Four

I love the title of the Batman book.
great issue!!!


Just dont kill me Houde :cry:
This whole issue rocked.

Ultimate Houde said:
Bass: Delayed? This is a freaking collection, shouldn't all of the issues be in there?
Loebendis: No comment.

:lol: :lol:

I particularly loved the courtroom being a game show, that's inspired.

But it was all good. I can't wait to see some of Slimjim's plans to catch Quicksilver. Making him Roadrunner is genius. :D
Next on Law & Order: UC - The return of a keyboarding character causes a mishap in the trap SlimJim and Skotti lay out next for Ultimate Quicksilver (beep beep). Meanwhile, DIrishB, Doc Comic's roomate/landlord, sells him out for another date with Ultimate Scarlet Witch. Bass and Hawkeye101 start to go through the list of Loebendis fanboys in search of the political assassin (because we all know a political assassin would hide out in a comic book shop). Baxter, the mayor who believes he is Batman, makes ProjectX2's life even more miserable.

And don't forget about Houde! He makes a choice between life or death.....Coke or Pepsi.
Doc Comic said:
He picks Pepsi, right? Please tell me he picks Pepsi. Coke sucks.
I hope he picks coke cause I really hate pepsi's advertisements and that's more imnportant than taste
Ultimate Houde said:
Next on Law & Order: UC - The return of a keyboarding character causes a mishap in the trap SlimJim and Skotti lay out next for Ultimate Quicksilver (beep beep). Meanwhile, DIrishB, Doc Comic's roomate/landlord, sells him out for another date with Ultimate Scarlet Witch. Bass and Hawkeye101 start to go through the list of Loebendis fanboys in search of the political assassin (because we all know a political assassin would hide out in a comic book shop). Baxter, the mayor who believes he is Batman, makes ProjectX2's life even more miserable.

And don't forget about Houde! He makes a choice between life or death.....Coke or Pepsi.
:lol: :rockon:
Ultimate Houde said:
Next on Law & Order: UC - The return of a keyboarding character causes a mishap in the trap SlimJim and Skotti lay out next for Ultimate Quicksilver (beep beep). Meanwhile, DIrishB, Doc Comic's roomate/landlord, sells him out for another date with Ultimate Scarlet Witch. Bass and Hawkeye101 start to go through the list of Loebendis fanboys in search of the political assassin (because we all know a political assassin would hide out in a comic book shop). Baxter, the mayor who believes he is Batman, makes ProjectX2's life even more miserable.

And don't forget about Houde! He makes a choice between life or death.....Coke or Pepsi.

This is sooooooo good. :D
Bass and Hawkeye101 remain at the comic book shop as they search for the most recent political killer.

Hawkeye101: So, what are we looking for?
Bass: A comic book geek.
Hawkeye101: Oh...ok.

Both him and Bass look at the line of suspects. Each is holding onto several books, and they also are wearing various shirts that support Loebendis' stuff, like Luke Cage:Hush, Superman/Spiderman, and others. Bass looks at the list that Rhyo had found at the first crime scene.

Bass: All the girls can go.
Hawkeye101: Why?
Bass: Because, this list has lots of t & a in it.

He shows Hawkeye101 the list that contains titles such as Supergirl, Birds of Prey, and She-Hulk.

Bass: No girl would get those books, they know how bad they are.
Hawkeye101: You heard the man, any ladies in the line.

The line shifts, but no one moves.

Bass: I should have known....

82nd Precinct's Jails

Dr. Strangefate: I hate this guy, so much right now.

The only other occupant of the jail cells was Dr. Strangefate, the gay assailant who was randmly metrolyzing the men of New York city. No court official wants to be in the same room as him, so he is forced to stay down in the jails all day.

Earlier, some excitement via the way of Baxter, the delirous mayor of New York, was also imprisoned to save the random attempts on his life by the murderer. He has down nothing since, but call out for Robin, the Boy Wonder.

Baxter: Is that you Robin?
Dr. Strangefate: For the tenth time, I'm not Robin, I'm Dr. Strangefate, the gay AVENGER!
Baxter: Robin, we need to take out the Joker. Quick, give me my Bat belt!
Dr. Strangefate: Get it yourself
Baxter: You keep talking to me like this, I'm going to have to have Alfred spank you again. Do you want that Robin?
Dr. Strangefate: SHUT IT YOU FREAK!

Just then ProjectX2 walked down the stairs with lunch.

ProjectX2: Lunchtime!
Baxter: Alfred, you arrived with lunch. So good, please be a dear and spank Robin for me, he's been a naughty naughty boy.
Dr. Strangefate: Oh, wait, he's that case, spank me big boy.
ProjectX2: I'm not Alfred sir.
Baxter: Of course you are, now get spanking!
Dr. Strangefate: (lifting up his skirt): Come on big boy!
ProjectX2: My god, where did you get a skirt with jail stripes on it?!?
Dr. Strangefate: Never mind that, hit me hard!
Baxter: He's being even dirter now, he deserves it! Hit him Alfred.
Dr. Strangefate: Hit me
Baxter: Hit him!
Dr. Strangefate: HARD!
Baxter: YEA!

ProjectX2's brain falters, and he runs out of the jail's sweating. Up the stairs he runs into the cheif of police, E.

E: Why are you still holding the lunch slave....I mean secretary.
ProjectX2: I panicked....
PRojectX2: But the spankings...
ProjectX2: Sorry sir.

The rest will be typed up later today or tomorrow, I'm at a public computer right now...
That was great. Best part was the end there.

ProjectX2: Lunchtime!
Baxter: Alfred, you arrived with lunch. So good, please be a dear and spank Robin for me, he's been a naughty naughty boy.
Dr. Strangefate: Oh, wait, he's that case, spank me big boy.
ProjectX2: I'm not Alfred sir.
Baxter: Of course you are, now get spanking!
Dr. Strangefate: (lifting up his skirt): Come on big boy!
ProjectX2: My god, where did you get a skirt with jail stripes on it?!?
Dr. Strangefate: Never mind that, hit me hard!
Baxter: He's being even dirter now, he deserves it! Hit him Alfred.
Dr. Strangefate: Hit me
Baxter: Hit him!
Dr. Strangefate: HARD!
Baxter: YEA!
And so it continues


Skotti: So, you sure this one will work?
SlimJim: Of course, of all my plans, this one is the best.

Skotti and SlimJim both stood on top of a second story building. Near the end, was a cardboard cut out of a Brazilian woman. She was wearing a bikini, even though it was the middle of winter.

SlimJim: He's coming, remember what you have to say.
Skotti: It's so demeaning.
SlimJim: Just remember.

SlimJim hides behind an airvent. Skotti pulls out a microphone, and talks into it.

Skotti: Oh, mio so caliento...this is so demeaning...oh, me so caliento. I quiero un papi to cool me down. Oh, mio so caliento.

Suddenly a gust of wind kicked up, and a man was by the cardboard cutout. Skotti could tell it wasn't Ultimate Quicksilver though, the guy was holding a keyboard.

Pandrio: DUN DUN!
Skotti: Get away from that!

The trapdoor released, and Pandrio fell, along with the cardboard cutout. SlimJim and Skotti ran downstairs, and to the place where Pandrio fell. He was fine, his keyboard slightly off key, but of the cardboard cutout, there was no sign.

Skotti: Damn, where did it go.

Pandrio rattled the bars of his makeshift cage, then pointed outside. Skotti and SlimJim look to see Ultimate Quicksilver holding the cardboard cutout, and laughing. He held it up.

Ultimate Quicksilver: Beep beep!

Pandrio looked at him, and pulled out his slightly offkey keyboard.

Pandrio: Din Din!

Ultimate Quicksilver laughed, and jetted off. A cloud of smoke erupted behind him.

Skotti: I hate this guy!

Houde stood at the vending machine at the courthouse. This was his destination.

The Coke or the Pepsi

He choose Coke.

Houde: Pepsi makes my teeth hurt.

He ventured closer to his destination, and away from there, he needed to stop one more place before he could go home and do nothing for the rest of the day.

Goodwill: How long have you've known the client?
DIrishB: Seventeen years
Goodwill: Really?

The cloud of smoke that hung around DIrishB, and may contain his head, looked down at a piece of paper he was holding.

DIrishB: Yes...
Goodwill: Interesting, and how would you describe him?
DIrishB: Slightly neurotic, very strange, *another glance at the piece of paper* and completely neurotic.
Goodwill: Interesting.
Cad: He's leading the witness your honor.
DJF: What makes you say that?
Cad: the witness is holding a piece of paper with the answers on it.
DIrishB: This isn't that, it's my grocery list.
DJF: Let me see that son.
DIrishB: Um...okay.

DJF picks up the piece of paper, and reads it.

DJF: Just as I thought.
Cad: See!
DJF: You must have a bone to pick with Goodwill, because if you continue to make up false accusations against him and his witnesses, I will have to declare you contempt Cad!
Cad: What?
DJF: This is obviously a cheat sheet for a test. Any judge would know that! Here you go.

He hands the paper back to DIrishB.

Goodwill: DIrishB, does Doc Comic have violent tendencies?
DIrishB: (looking at the paper): Yes.

Cad throws his hands up in frustration.
Ultimate Houde said:

Houde stood at the vending machine at the courthouse. This was his destination.

The Coke or the Pepsi

He choose Coke.

Houde: Pepsi makes my teeth hurt.

He ventured closer to his destination, and away from there, he needed to stop one more place before he could go home and do nothing for the rest of the day.
Just great