Law & Order: Episode Four

SD Author: Okay, so this doesn;'t follow the exact sollict, SUE ME! Anyways, the final part of Episode four.
Houde walked into his final destination, the comic book shop he buys his comics at.

Houde: Weird, looks like a lineup.
Bass: HOUDE! What are you doing here?
Houde: Buying some comics on my sick day, what are you doing here?
Loebendis: He's trying to find a killer based on a comic book list
Houde: Why is Hawkeye101 in the lineup?
Bass: Because he's my partner for the day, and when I told everyone in the line to lineup, he did too
Houde: Oh yea, today was switch day, wasn't it
Bass: Yup, here's the list
Houde: Wow, this guy has no taste, these are all Loebendis books, and mainly girls with huge knockers, so, everyone in here is guilty, aren't they?
Bass: Yup
LoebendisL I resemble that remark
Fanboi 1: He's so witty!
Houde: Well Bass, I say we vote for plan B
Bass: You sure?
Houde: Yea, E won't mind
Bass: Okay.

Both Houde and Bass pull out there guns and look at the lineup.

Houde: Let's just shoot them all
Hawkeye101: Man, I hate the cops.
The Courthouse

Cad: So, Doc Comic, you say...
DJF: Hold on, this isn't your witness.
Cad: But...
DJF: Not buts, kick him off.
Cad: I have nothing, not a clue...
DJF: Man, this sucks. This case didn't finish in time.
Cad: In time for what?
DJF: To go fishing, and bring back a big one for the wife.
Cad: I request a 15 minute recess.
Goodwill: I object, this is merely a distraction so he can buy a fish for you judge!
DJF: Well, I'll be amazed if he can get down to the fish markets and back in fifteen minutes. Hell, I'll rule in the favor of his client if he does.
Cad: Gadzooks! I'm off!

With that Cad runs out of the courtroom, and down to the docks.

Skotti and Slimjim set up the last trap, Slimjim was wearing rollerblades, and had a jetpack strapped to his back.

Slimjim: Now this plan is foolproof!
Skotti: I hope so.

Ultimate Quicksilver blows past them.

Skotti: Go get him!

Slimjim hits the button, and goes about two feet forward, then slows down. He slams the button a few more times to no avail. Unstrapping himself from the ketpack, he hits it with an open palm a few times. It fires, and Slimjim holds on as it shotts him into the sky.

Skotti: Oh, screw this, I'm going back to bed.

Ultimate Quicksilver: BEEP BEEP!

As their guns level at the suspects, TGO finally makes a break for it.


All the men in the lineup look, and TGO runs for the door. He knocks Bass over, and runs past Houde, heading into the street.

Bass: Damn! Why didn't you shoot?
Houde: I calle din sick man, I ain't got bullets!
Bass: I hate this day
Houde: Eh, it's almost over.

Twelve minutes later.

Cad buys the biggest fish he could find, but realized he had no chance of arriving back to the courthouse in time. He slouches on the curb, pissed he lost the case, and just then.

Ultimate Quicksilver: Hey there gringo, need a pick me up?

Cad looks up at Ultimate Quicksilver, and smile comes on his face.

Cad: If you can get me to the courthouse within a minute, I'llm ake sure you never spend any jail time.
Ultimate Quicksilver: Hop on my back chico.


At the Comic book sshop

Bass and Houde step out into the street, and Bass looks like he's about to reprimand Houde for calling in sick and sticking him with Hawkeye101, and instead he hears yelling.

Cad: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Bass: Was Cad riding the back of a giant speeding bird?
Houde: Naw, he was riding the back of a Brazlian drug dealer.
Bass: Oh
Houde: Sorry about this day man
Bass: No prob, the killer got away, but at least I picked up the latest issue of Planetary
Houde: They changed writers?
Bass: What?
Houde: HA! Loebendis wrote this issue!
Bass: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back at the courthouse

DJF: Congrats! I rule in favor of Doc Comic!

DJF cluthched the massive fish Cad bought him. Cad, Ultimate Quicksilver and Doc Comic where all celebrating in the courtroom.

Doc Comic: We won!
Cad: YAY!
Ultimate Quicksilver: Arriba, adelay adelay! BEEP BEEP!
Doc Comic: Who is this guy?
Cad: Just some speed dealer
Doc Comic: Thanks for the save
Ultimate Quicksilver: It's what I do, right the wrongs, save the innocent, kiss the's all in a days work for me, Ultimate Quicksilver!

With that, he ran out of the courtroom, and into the night.


In the cells

Baxter: Young Dick, did they forget about us down here?
Dr. Strangefate: I think so crazy
Baxter: I think I love you young Dick
Dr. Strangefate: Whatev, when that handsome policeman comes down here again, wake me up will ya?
Baxter: Goodnight young Dick, Batman...I mean Bruce Wayne shall watch over your sleep.


ProjectX2: My hand, my glorious glorious hand....

You ****ed with Planetary.

It's all over now.

The whole episode wasa laugh, well done Houde me boy.
If I were a celebrity, I'd easily be named as having VH1's Best Week Ever, with all of my positive fan fic appearances.

With that said, I couldn't stop laughing when Quicksilver runs by with Cad on his back. It reminded me of a Seinfeld episode, where Bass just stands there and says "...was that Cad riding a giant bird?"
*Wonders now if Houde is watching her* the "oh screw this, I'm going back to bed" is such a me line.

Woot, go me, 200 posts
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