Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

No, Brittney is not the mother. Ted hasn't even dated her character, he's currently dating someone else.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

No, no,no. Barney, you better not do this to us. No, no, no, no, no, no.

PLEASE don't tell me Barney is in love with Robin?!?!? :shock:


Hopefully it's for a break up.
From what I read of the synopsis, it sounds like it.
But it wasn't! I mean, at the beginning I thought it was, then wondered how the crash would make him think about Stella, and then they were back together. Or at least in Ted's eyes. I believed that Ted had broken up with Stella, but she thought it was just a fight. Then Lily (AGAIN) opens up her big mouth and ruins it for Ted (AGAIN).

Then Ted goes to see her at the Arcade place (and hold the pineapple. When she Ted in the hospital, who did she leave her daughter with?! :shock:).

Ted to Stella: I tried to get a diamond ring...

Me: Huh? Noooo....!

Ted: Marry me. *Screen blinks to black*

Me: Wait, WHAT?!?!

Sometimes it sucks knowing that who won't be the mother, because if we didn't know, the season finale would've been more shocking. It would be funny though for next season to have Future Ted's Son go to the daughter and make a joke about this or something.

Oh, and Robin not believing in miracles? What happened to Ted and Barney, both surviving, are miracles. Her story for disbelieving in it though...didn't make sense as for evidence against the case. But it was hilarious for her thinking her dog turned into a turtle. :lol:
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Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

What makes it funny is she's playing the same character in both shows.

A doctor, with little self esteem, that you know won't end up with the male lead.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

I am more interested in seeing this Barney/Robin thing than I am of Ted/Elliott.

Random Person: But Doom...Sarah Chalke's character on HIMYM is named 'Stella'. :?
Doom: No. It's Elliott.
Random Person: No. Elliott is the name of the neurotic character she plays on Scrubs.
Doom: Meh. Same thing.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

There's still the chance that Ted could just explain in the season premiere that it didn't work during the summer or whatever, but I doubt it. They'll want to have Sarah Chalke there to really show it and stuff...
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

The Sept. 22nd is a confirmed season 4 premiere date.

As for the premiere episode:

Season 4. Episode 1.

: "Do I know you?"

Synopsis: As Stella responds to Ted's proposal, Barney realizes he's in love with Robin.

Airdate: 9/22/08

And the DVD set for Season 3 is still October 7th.

And look at this:

"The series has been renewed for a fourth season consisting of 26 episodes (according to Neil Patrick Harris) which is set to start on September 22nd 2008."
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