Heroes Season 3 (Spoilers)

Kind of lacking for a season finale...
That was a hell of a good finale. This show is showing some teeth again. What I really want to say, though, is... Nathan's a DICK! They could've made the ending even better by having Peter land in the forest with Nathan, punching him in the face and saying "Bro, you're a DICK!" before flying off.
This whole half season was just a jumbled mess. You know it's bad when they show you the "previously" clips and you barely remember anything they're showing you. This just felt like the kitchen sink strategy as reaction to the complaints about season 2. Just a hodgepodge of ideas thrown together without any thought to consistent character or coherent story. Basically, it got Loeb'd. Loeb wrote the ham-fisted episode last night.

But fear not. Loeb is out, and Bryan Fuller is coming back before the season's done!
It isn't a season finale... Its the last episode before the mid-season break. We've still got another dozen episodes starting up in a month or so.

It *is* the season finale. They split the TV season into 2 seasons. This was the end of season 3. It even said "End of Volume 3" at the end.
volume =/= season.
When they sell the DVD, Volume 3 and 4 will be on the same "Season 3" DVD.
Finally saw BORINGS, the amazing show of spectacular people thrust into a mundane world where there isn't a big enough budget for them to be awesome, so they whine a lot. My nails are gone from all the biting.

Let's go through my 'live' video commentary:

I'd've loved it if Peter's punch didn't knock Nathan out and they got into a sibling brawl. It would've been hysterical and honest. Peter doesn't know how to punch. He smacks Nathan in the face. Nathan looks back in shock and anger. Peter's surprised it didn't work. They tussle. Anyone who has a brother and 'fought' (i.e. just wrestled with each other pretending you want to hurt each other but not having the balls to actually hurt each other) knows this would've been funny.

Claire is explaining how she can die with something in the back of her head.

They all know this. Angela JUST TOLD PETER about it. Noah must know about it. Maybe it's news for Meredith. I assume this was said for the benefit of the audience. I am confused, however, since this is the VOLUME FINALE and the previous episode MENTIONED this. Obviously, the deluge of viewers who wanted to watch only this episode and none of the preceding need to be taken care of. Or maybe we regular viewers can't possibly keep up because it is so action-packed and so terribly complex.

And it kinda is. The Petrelli family is an out-of-control weed. Keeping track of who's related to whom HURTS.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyhow... Sylar is roaming around the Company, gleefully doing his best SAW impression as he walks over dozens of dead bodies... and then complaining he's a killer. Apparently, it's a BAD thing, even though he ****ing loves it.

But I have a question... where did all the dead people come from? The Company building has been VERY vacant all the time. I made a point about how Arthur Petrelli has no staff except a single scientist. There was NO ONE looking after Mama Petrelli in the coma. There has been **** all in the way of extras. And now, there's enough of them to be atmospheric.

I can only assume that Sylar hired them the day before, so he could kill them. THE FIEND!!!!

Also: Hayden Patisserie... she's not a very good actress. She can't do 'angry badass'. She doesn't know how. She was terrific fun in Malcolm in the Middle. But this part is not a good one for her. At least, this is what I feel from her performance.

Mohinder is rubbish.

So is Peter.

COOL BONUS - Flint's scar is the 'helix sign' thing. I thought that was an awesome little touch.

COOL BONUS - Ando; "Do I have powers?" "So far, we know you can pass out really well."

In fact the whole "I don't know but that sure wasn't time travel" was a pretty good scene - a smart scene too. The ol' "what are my powers" scene but with drama and a new twist. I liked it.

I feel that HEROES has finally had enough Sylar. I said when season 1 ended, they needed to put him on the shelf for at least a season and then bring him back as a great dramatic, big bad return. Instead, he was back immediately in season 2, and it was revealed he didn't escape but was saved by someone else. He had Hero-AIDS. Spent a lot of time doing nothing with Maya. Then, he became a good guy. Walked around thinking he was emo. Then he lost his powers, dated Kristen Bell, died, came back to life, killed Kristen Bell, threw a temper tantrum, and killed off any other potential villains that could replace him. He's a terribly selfish man. We've had enough Sylar. There's a threshold, and there comes a point where him killing someone isn't scary or anything. And it happened precisely when he 'killed' Claire. 1) He knows how her powers work, and thus, would know the brain-trick to kill her and could've done so (but he wouldn't do that because he just wants the power, he's a rapist really). 2) When Sylar got regeneration in the future, he felt he no longer needed any more powers and just wanted to go around killing things. This is because he's immortal. When Sylar got Claire's power, subsequent powers were just dull and insignificant. 3) He's killing everyone and no one else can kill anyone but him. Peter can't even kill his dad, something that would've been dramatic. Sylar had to kill-steal. He's like that ******* on Co-op games who ninjas the loot.

But you know what?


I said, in SEASON 1, "Put Sylar on the shelf. Wait. Give him an AWESOME return."

Volume 3 "Villains" ends. Nathan says to President Worf, we need to round 'em up. Worf says, "we have just the man". And they bring in SYLAR. BECAUSE HE CAN FIND THESE PEOPLE.

That would've been the best ****ing return ever.

Heroes has no plan at all. They're making this **** up. And if they're not, then they're changing things on the fly and have no balls. And if they're not, then they didn't plan it out well in the first place.

Seriously, it's like nega-Heroes is on. Sylar died at the end of volume 3 instead of returning like I, Bass, Writer of Nothing, has decreed.

Oh, and speaking of people who died... I liked Puppet Man. But Sylar had to kill him in a ridiculous scene. At one point, Puppet Man has Sylar doing the Karate Kid pose. **** it.

And the black dude didn't even get to show off his powers! He's just dead.

Don't worry... there's PLENTY of black people in this multi-cultural show.

There's... Maya? Gone. New Orleans girl too. Um... The African... dead too. Oo! Knox! And... ah... Mohinder.



Well. At least Knox is cool because of THE WIRE.


Now he's dead.

New rule of HEROES!

"No Blacks."

And since when is Tracy a KILLER? Her character is really very contrived isn't it? REALLY ****ING CONTRIVED.

Think about it... she shows up at the beginning of the season in a WTF scene where we go, "OMG! Jessiniki isn't dead! OMG!" Then it turns out she's a SUPERPOWERED TRIPLET CLONE. And then... does nothing. Seriously. All she does is tell people they might be awesome. And that 'she's really good at what she does'. SHE DOES NOTHING. This character... if it wasn't played by Ali Larter, would be DEAD.

Especially if they were not a blonde.

Or black.

Or appeared in season 2.


And Nathan... Nathan's okay with her killing people. She's just being fired. She's not going to jail or anything. In fifteen minutes he'll go to President Mutha****ing WORF to 'round these people up' and he didn't think to start with the ICE QUEEN WHO KILLS PEOPLE. Hell, he's okay to let her go. Someone else can catch her. She's just... there. In front of him. *sigh*

HRG is also rubbish. He could've got out of the room if he'd thought about the fire trick earlier. There's a table in there. He could pistol whip the glass. At the very least, when Claire shows up, he should've put the bullet into the glass and then told her to find something to smash the glass with.

Ando... when he discovers he's a supercharger... he should've pouted. "My one power is to make other powers work better?! Ugh."

But then, "I HAVE SUPERPOWERS! YA TAI!" was funny. (COOL BONUS)

But why didn't Ando immediately try to charge Hiro? First thing I would've tried.

Oh... and we still don't know Kaito's power.

COOL BONUS - "Pikachu?! Excuse me." SMACK!

I howled with laughter.

UNCOOL BONUS - Peter and Flint knock over a HUGE vat.



DOUBLE UNCOOLOSITY - Peter injects himself with powers to save Nathan. How? By flying. How can he fly? By copying his brother's powers...


He doesn't need Peter to save him. NATHAN SHOULD'VE SAVED PETER... AGAIN.

And after he saves him, Nathan and he look at each other and realise that even though they're brothers they REALLY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER. Nathan tells Peter to just keep out of the whole 'powers' thing (since Peter still has no powers) and leaves him.

Oh - and how did Mohinder survive the explosion? I'll tell you how... because as he began losing his powers he got into that cocoon thing and it protected him. Apparently, the chemical thing works instaneously, but the BULL**** ECLIPSE required a cocoon. Whatever.

And Sylar is dead only as long as Hollywood keeps him in movies. Remember when he died in season 1? His eyes did a flash of all the people he killed and it was cool. *sigh*

Slo-mo run from flames = rubbish.

And I assume Meredith isn't dead. She's immune to fire. They pointed this out. Yet, supposedly we're supposed to think she died.

This show is so muddled. The emotional intent of a scene doesn't make sense if you pay attention.

This finale was rubbish. This entire volume was "create new villains; then kill ALL OF THEM OFF unless they turn good."

"Or are Ali Larter."

WTF? They are ALL dead. And they were ALL rubbish. Except the ones who weren't but it doesn't matter because they are dead.

What a ****ty, ****ty piece of ****. Where was the big fight? Where was the change? Where was the POINT? There was none. Totally ****ing wasteful.

And season 4 has little promise.

Nathan's plan is to round up everyone with powers so that they're no longer a problem to everyone.

So... his plan is to REBUILD THE COMPANY.

Any time you want to do something NEW, guys. *sigh*

He HATES the Company. He wanted to reveal himself to the world, then wanted to give the world powers, now he wants to rebuild the Company.


He goes to President Worf and demonstrates he can fly and says, 'here's loads of people who can do crazy ****'. And President Worf says, "I'm Worf." And Nathan goes, "How about you HIRE us as a CRACK TEAM OF AWESOME SUPER-POWERED PEOPLE AND WE'LL GO AROUND SAVING THE WORLD. All you have to do is convince the UN to legitimise us as a top secret unit and make sure we're paid."


And Volume 4 details Nathan rounding up a group of Heroes he trusts and them doing AWESOME MISSIONS against extremely powerful people and against crazy super villains.


It pisses me off because Peter's ENTIRE reason for wanting to stop the formula this season was because he SAW the future in which HE was being hunted down and killed and everyone said he was bad and yet the WORLD seemed fine. Remember... only HIRO saw the bad future. Peter was TOLD it was a bad future by a future version of himself whose first act was to KILL HIS BROTHER. This is stupid. THERE IS NO REASON for Peter to act so bizarrely fanatical about opposing the formula when there are plenty of moderate solutions to the situation. Peter is a dick.

Three things:

How did Nathan survive the shots? We STILL don't know.

Hiro saw a future in which he is badass with a sword and Ando is fighting him over an exploding Tokyo and Ando kills him with an energy blast. Ando doesn't have zap powers, he has enhancement powers. If he zapped Hiro and Hiro suddenly disappeared this would NOW MAKE SENSE (he teleported super far away) but it DOESN'T NOW. His power wouldn't change due to the future being changed. But here's the thing; the WHOLE POINT of the glimpse of the doomsday future is to have that scene play out in all its terrifying excitement and at the last moment, the good guys have one last chance to stop it. Season 1 - the bomb actually happens. 2 - the virus was supposed to go off (curse you WGA!). 3 - Hiro sees a future in which he and Ando are fighting on top of a neon bridge over the formula. This doesn't even COME CLOSE to happening. Ando and Hiro barely have a CROSS WORD in the entire ****ing season. Instead of Hiro and Ando, it should've been Peter and Nathan. That schism got touched on, at least. But this... ugh. What an anti-climactic waste of time.

And thirdly - Arthur Petrelli stole Peter's powers. He had the perfect opportunity to get the scar. HE DIDN'T.

Instead, Peter has his powers back. And Hiro will too, thanks to Ando.

I swear, this show isn't planned out at all. They're ****ing hacks.

Hacks who wrote the President in as a black man because Obama won and it's trendy and 'politically aware' even though THERE IS NOT ANOTHER SINGLE BLACK FACE IN THE SHOW, except Mohinder "It's more coffee-coloured, my face" Suresh.

AND!!! It's even more annoying when you consider they ALREADY HAD THE COOL SCI-FI ACTOR PLAYING A GOVERNMENT CONNECTION... Bruce "John Sheridan" Boxlietner. He could've returned. But... meh. I like Worf. He's cool too. I'm happy either way...


President Worf and Governor Sheridan.

Awesome but wrong way round.

As we all know, it's President Sheridan and Governor Worf.


GEEZ. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!!!1111!11!!!!!11!

Right. I'm off to watch Transformers Animated. It has better continuity.
Meredith would have died from the building collapsing, not the fire, that's what I took out of it.
^What Bass said.

It really pains me to see the show in such dire straights. So many logical inconsistencies, so little time. It's a shadow of its former self, practically a parody of its former self.

Mind you, it wasn't all bad. Sylar is mildly interesting again, and if I can just pretend that his entire arc this season didn't' actually happen, just pretend all of his ridiculous flip-flopping and muddy motivation was just a bad dream, then he is suddenly the badass Sylar from the first season. Also, Ando was interesting, inasmuch as Hiro is finally back in the present and in full control of his mental faculties.

But everything else was terribly anticlimactic. There was no big showdown, no great duel of brother vs brother, just a few dirty looks and two people who have no reason to work together trashing a lab. I came across a reality show on G4 the other day called Human Wrecking Ball that had essentially the same plot as this episode.

Also ... they gave Peter powers again, which was something I knew they'd do, but really, really hoped they wouldn't. Did they not watch the past few episodes? Peter was more interesting in these episodes than he has been in the entire rest of the series.

There was never anything at stake here. We never came close to seeing the reality Hiro saw, as Bass has already stated. It was just a bunch of people running around a building desperately trying to stop ... er ... what, exactly? I mean, can you blame Nathan for not wanting to stop what he's doing? Has Peter ever actually sat him down and said, "Hey, the world's gonna blow up if this happens?" Well, actually, he couldn't, because the badness of the world he saw essentially consisted of Hayden Panewhatsit's "acting."

So, yeah, no stakes + character arcs that make no sense + they killed off the Puppet Master, arguably the best thing to come out of this season? = not a great volume finale. I mean, it wasn't off-the-charts awful, but man, this season could have been so much better.

All of which brings me to my last point, which is, I won't be watching come February. Part, or maybe even most, of this is that 24 will be airing at the same time (I think, anyway), and even though Season 6 wasn't exactly what you might call "good," every other season of the show has been strong. 24 has earned my willingness to return after a bad season by the sheer number of good seasons it has behind it.

Unfortunately, Heroes has been leaning on the fantastic first season since somewhere in the middle of season two to keep me coming back, and I just don't see a reason to any more.

The only reason I might keep watching is if I hear the stuff that Bryan Fuller is bringing to the table is truly incredible (the promise of seeing Zeljko Ivanek doesn't hurt either, but given the way Heroes treated its villains this season, I don't know if his presence is even a good thing). Oh well. I suppose we'll see, but as of right now, I don't really see any reason to keep up with this show any more.
You know Bass your arguments are well thought out and you present interesting alternatives, but unfortunately its too long that I doubt anyone who has creative control of heroes has the mental capacity to take in that much logical information. But if all you say is:
Right. I'm off to watch Transformers Animated. It has better continuity.

I think they may get the picture. Though it would be interesting if you wrote a whole essay on how to fix Heroes and spread it around the internet, see what happens
UNCOOL BONUS - Peter and Flint knock over a HUGE vat.



Peter: Hey Flint, let's knock over a vat!

Bass, it's not a party unless you knock over a vat.

And after he saves him, Nathan and he look at each other and realise that even though they're brothers they REALLY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER. Nathan tells Peter to just keep out of the whole 'powers' thing (since Peter still has no powers) and leaves him.

But like I said, Peter punches Nathan in the face first and tells him he's a dick.

Peter is a dick.

Nathan's the dick. He couldn't make daddy proud so he's selling out his peers for some clout. This storyline will lead to Volume 5: President Nathan, where he'll bust out like Palpatine and reveal he's got all the powers, he's just been flying around to make everyone think he was just a crappy guy who could fly.

Flying's cool and all, but it's not going to conquer the world against dudes who can cut heads open and play with brains, or time travellers who could easily kill your mother before you were born. And people who shoot fire out of their hands. And your ultra-powerful brother. And Mohinder, who already sewed your *****-*** into a cocoon. You suck.

Or do you?

The theory sucks... but Nathan is still a dick.
There was never anything at stake here. We never came close to seeing the reality Hiro saw, as Bass has already stated. It was just a bunch of people running around a building desperately trying to stop ... er ... what, exactly? I mean, can you blame Nathan for not wanting to stop what he's doing? Has Peter ever actually sat him down and said, "Hey, the world's gonna blow up if this happens?" Well, actually, he couldn't, because the badness of the world he saw essentially consisted of Hayden Panewhatsit's "acting."

So, yeah, no stakes + character arcs that make no sense + they killed off the Puppet Master, arguably the best thing to come out of this season? = not a great volume finale. I mean, it wasn't off-the-charts awful, but man, this season could have been so much better.

I agree.

You know Bass your arguments are well thought out and you present interesting alternatives, but unfortunately its too long that I doubt anyone who has creative control of heroes has the mental capacity to take in that much logical information. But if all you say is:

I think they may get the picture. Though it would be interesting if you wrote a whole essay on how to fix Heroes and spread it around the internet, see what happens

Nothing would happen. Lots of people like Heroes just the way it is. Far more than hate it. And why try to FIX a crappy show? FIREFLY didn't get a full first season. Neither did CRUSADE. Why would I try, in any way, to keep a show that's had three seasons from tanking when the only reason it's falling apart is because the writer's are dropping the ball?

How to fix Heroes? Invent a villain with time travelling powers who effectively retcons everything in season 2 and 3.

Or kill off the vast majority of the cast and start again.

Or jump a year into the future so you can radically change the status quo without having to detail the bull**** and start again.

There's no way to 'fix' Heroes without more effort than the show is worth. Simply because the bad ideas aren't just "bad ideas" but ideas that kill off future storytelling. For example, the Company has been mined of all potential storytelling drama, and split into ANOTHER Company and so you can't do the secret operation unit dealing with superpowers because you've driven it into the ground (yet, this is the entire ****ing premise of volume 4...). You can't do 'the future will be bad' because Isaac-clones are everywhere, as are time travelers, and this well has been stripmined too. Lots of potential villains with great archetypal powers are all dead (or as in Sylar's case - overused) so any new villain will seem derivative. And on and on and on.

Think of it like this: if you're doing a show about the first Earth starship, you can do LOTS of stories... but only once. The 'first alien encounter' story can only be done once. After that, it's repetition. It's like the Ultimate universe too - you can't introduce Black Panther more than once, so if you **** it up the first time, you've ****ed it up for all time.

It's the stripmining of story. These are not 'bad' ideas but wasteful ones. Lots of potentially good ideas (like the Eclipse, Samedi, a formula that gives people powers, an evil time-travelling Peter, etc) are now USED. They're done. And done poorly.

The only option is to give up and start again, or just endlessly repeat yourself until you're cancelled. And the latter is easier to do, so they're doing it. They killed off the Company so Nathan could start a new one.

Nothing is happening. Every single step forward turns out to be in a ****ing circle.

I'd prefer a new, more interesting show.

Peter: Hey Flint, let's knock over a vat!

Bass, it's not a party unless you knock over a vat.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The theory sucks... but Nathan is still a dick.

Nathan became a dick precisely when his plan was to rebuild the Company and repeat the first season.

Rubbish show.
I love the show, but do agree that a lot of times it feels like they're making it up as they go along, with no clear plan.

And I do agree that bringing Sylar back as a government agent to track everyone down for season 4 would've been great.
Nothing would happen. Lots of people like Heroes just the way it is. Far more than hate it. And why try to FIX a crappy show? FIREFLY didn't get a full first season. Neither did CRUSADE. Why would I try, in any way, to keep a show that's had three seasons from tanking when the only reason it's falling apart is because the writer's are dropping the ball?

How to fix Heroes? Invent a villain with time travelling powers who effectively retcons everything in season 2 and 3.

Or kill off the vast majority of the cast and start again.

Or jump a year into the future so you can radically change the status quo without having to detail the bull**** and start again.

There's no way to 'fix' Heroes without more effort than the show is worth. Simply because the bad ideas aren't just "bad ideas" but ideas that kill off future storytelling. For example, the Company has been mined of all potential storytelling drama, and split into ANOTHER Company and so you can't do the secret operation unit dealing with superpowers because you've driven it into the ground (yet, this is the entire ****ing premise of volume 4...). You can't do 'the future will be bad' because Isaac-clones are everywhere, as are time travelers, and this well has been stripmined too. Lots of potential villains with great archetypal powers are all dead (or as in Sylar's case - overused) so any new villain will seem derivative. And on and on and on.

Think of it like this: if you're doing a show about the first Earth starship, you can do LOTS of stories... but only once. The 'first alien encounter' story can only be done once. After that, it's repetition. It's like the Ultimate universe too - you can't introduce Black Panther more than once, so if you **** it up the first time, you've ****ed it up for all time.

It's the stripmining of story. These are not 'bad' ideas but wasteful ones. Lots of potentially good ideas (like the Eclipse, Samedi, a formula that gives people powers, an evil time-travelling Peter, etc) are now USED. They're done. And done poorly.

The only option is to give up and start again, or just endlessly repeat yourself until you're cancelled. And the latter is easier to do, so they're doing it. They killed off the Company so Nathan could start a new one.

Nothing is happening. Every single step forward turns out to be in a ****ing circle.

I'd prefer a new, more interesting show.
I was actually thinking they would hire you to run stuff like this, Serious WHY AREN'T YOU AN EDITOR OR SOMETHING AT MARVEL!
Well, season 3 is back on. It was a decent episode for the most part except when it involved Peter.

He states he can fly but doesn't think to at the end? Sounds like our good old logical hero is back! As for his absorbing powers, does anyone else think that when he took the serum it gave him a different variation of absorbing abilities? Or are the writers that lazy?

How could anyone not enjoy Sylar? Plus, I seriously thought Claire was going to run infront of the plane and stall it from taking off by getting diced up. That would have been something.
The plane scene was great. Except for Peter forgetting that he can fly.

I realized watching this that I cannot for the life of me remember how/when Peter got his powers back. Maybe season 3 wasn't as good as I thought.

I like the premise of everyone being fugitives.
I think that Peter can only use one ability at a time now, meaning that since he has the ice powers at the moment, he cannot fly.
At any rate, this was a large step up in quality from "Villians" both in concept and execution. Looking forward to where they go next.
It was a decent episode, and is already an improvement from Chapter 3. The major flaw is they were not able to explain why Peter's powers behave differently from before. It appears though that his powers are similar to Rogue's, except the absorbee is not weakened. Still it is a failure that they failed to explain it.

I'm also happy that for the first time we may not have some rehash doomsday scenario, but turning Parkman into another Mendez makes me a little uncomfortable.

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