Nexus of the World
I dunno... the more I think about it, the more likely it seems to me that GTA will result in America wearing a top hat, cane, twirly moustache and pointing its whammo-ray at the rest of the world...
marvelman said:I'M AMERICAN!!!
and america is evil. but not all of it. :wink:
yay for hippies, peace, and love.
TheManWithoutFear said:Can I get some some patriots in here please?
moonmaster said:All you foreigners are just jealous.
Bass said:It's true. If WW3 were to start in this generation, it'd be due to some stupid bastard's post on some stupid bastard's forum.
Bass said:I wasn't referring to this board! OMG! Ultimate E! Ultimate E! MWOF thinks you're a stupid bastard! BAN HIM! BAN HIM!'s all falling into place...
koo pah
koo pah
Latari'sFighter said:what i WANT to see is like, Banner come back,not be such a huge murderer, break Thor out and team up against whoever is pulling the strings for real. I really wanna see the Hulk kick some bad guy butt. If this happens, they could do a story of the military or SHEILD trying to track down Banner.
fantomex said:so back to the topic. what role does everyone thinking that the UU will play in this arc. Meaning spidey,x-men and so forth. i mean if something this big is happing. don't you think that this would show up in other ultimate books.
but what i mean is how the UU will react to something this happening to america. i know it's going to be political but come on it's also going to have to be some what physical attack. to me this seem's somthing like a coup.TheManWithoutFear said:I think they can leave it with just The Ultimates. It will be mainly political and not a massive physical attack on American soil so there's no need for the X-Men or Spider-Man to get involved.
Patriot said:Don't know if this has been said already but I just read the new Marvel Previews.It had the the ads for Ult Starts month,and inside the UFF cover side there was ads for the other 3 Ultimate books.The tagline for Ultimates2#7 was "The Ultimates Invade!"
Bye bye Middle East
Ha!UltimateE said: