Flash TV series Discussion/Spoilers


Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Jul 24, 2004
The World of Icelandia.
Anyone watch the pilot today? I've seen it before, but watched it again on air because I enjoyed it. Good start, has lots of promise to it. Great trailer at the end for upcoming episodes including Captain Cold! No idea who the guy that can multiply himself or the dust turning guys are.
This show is sex.

Anyone watch the pilot today? I've seen it before, but watched it again on air because I enjoyed it. Good start, has lots of promise to it. Great trailer at the end for upcoming episodes including Captain Cold! No idea who the guy that can multiply himself or the dust turning guys are.

Multiplex or Mirror Man are my guess and Dusty could be Spirit King which would explain the "vs" in "The Flash vs Arrow".

Also we now have three of these threads
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Anyone watch the pilot today? I've seen it before, but watched it again on air because I enjoyed it. Good start, has lots of promise to it. Great trailer at the end for upcoming episodes including Captain Cold! No idea who the guy that can multiply himself or the dust turning guys are.

Loved it. Especially loved the tease for crisis at the end. Can't wait for Grodd!
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The tease:

Promo for next week's episode, "Fastest Man Alive".


"Meet Captain Clone. ... Don't worry, I'll come up with something cooler." :lol:

I don't think the character is Mirror Master. I could be wrong, but that would be big news and casting for the show. Especially since he's a Rogue. We'd have heard of either someone getting the role or at the very least that the character was going to appear (like with Pied Piper). I doubt they'd keep him secret.


Just checked the cast listing and it's Multiplex.
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I did not know that.
You don't listen to me anymore! :cry:

And not supposedly, Firestorm will be in the third episode, played by Robbie Amell. He'll be Caitlin Snow's fiancé that was thought to be dead. And he'll be shown as Firestorm, too, not just as Ronnie Raymond.
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Honestly I thought the show was "ehh". I will hold on and try more because I don't judge shows by the pilot. But coming off of Gotham, Flash felt mediocre.
I liked the Flash pilot, but Gotham's was smarter overall. I'm just a sucker for those Bruce and Alfred scenes. Flash does seem to be laying the groundwork for some cool stuff, though, so excited to see what that will lead to.
Yeah, the Bruce/Alfred scenes are really good.

I'm excited for everything that's coming up in Flash. He's one of my favorite DC heroes and has a cool rogues gallery, which so far we're getting a majority of in the first season. I'm guessing season 1 will have the building up of the Rogues and will be a team by season's end or set up as a team by then.
Yeah, the Bruce/Alfred scenes are really good. I'm excited for everything that's coming up in Flash. He's one of my favorite DC heroes and has a cool rogues gallery, which so far we're getting a majority of in the first season. I'm guessing season 1 will have the building up of the Rogues and will be a team by season's end or set up as a team by then.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how they're going to do Gorilla Grodd.
I don't watch The Walking Dead or Arrow, but for my money Flash has so far been the best comic based show this fall. I like everything about it, from the cast to the tone everything has been great so far. Really looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.
I watched the pilot. It was really good. Much better than Arrow, and I don't hate Arrow - except the crappy romance/drama. Hopefully it will continue to be good.
Flash so far has started out better than Arrow because right out of the gate they're embracing the comic book-ness of the material (which with this property would be hard not to). Arrow, unfortunately didn't because the higher-ups wanted it to be grounded.

Next week we get to see Ronnie Raymond! From the synopsis, sounds like it's going to be a FLASHback :)wink:) and maybe just set up the tease of him becoming Firestorm, which would later play out in episode 12 when Dr. Stein comes into the show.