Flash TV series Discussion/Spoilers

I enjoyed the cross-over episodes. The most exciting part is that they referenced the emotional spectrum in the Flash episode. I would be so excited if they did a Green Lantern show, or at least had Green Lantern show up in one of the shows.

Oh, also: was that supposed to be Connor Hawke's mom at the end of Flash?
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Oh, also: was that supposed to be Connor Hawke's mom at the end of Flash?
Yes, that's her. The crossover episodes were great! Loved them! One, if not my favorite moment was when (and how it was done/looked) Flash caught the boomerangs before the hit the Arrow.

Oh yeah! And how tan arrow flew in Flash's logo and a lightning bolt in Arrow's! Amazing.
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Oh, also: was that supposed to be Connor Hawke's mom at the end of Flash?

Could be. The flashbacks that introduced that plot line showed her getting pregnant around 2007, so assuming she kept the kid (which is likely), the kid would be around 6-7 years old at this point in the show's timeline. I doubt we'll see that kid become Red Arrow, mainly because (assuming they stick with the 5-year plan) even by the end of Arrow's final season he'd only be around 10 years old. Maybe you they'll do a flash forward? That'd be a cool surprise and a twist on the flashback formula in a very Lost way.

This is freaking brilliant.
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Could be. The flashbacks that introduced that plot line showed her getting pregnant around 2007, so assuming she kept the kid (which is likely), the kid would be around 6-7 years old at this point in the show's timeline. I doubt we'll see that kid become Red Arrow, mainly because (assuming they stick with the 5-year plan) even by the end of Arrow's final season he'd only be around 10 years old. Maybe you they'll do a flash forward? That'd be a cool surprise and a twist on the flashback formula in a very Lost way.

This is freaking brilliant.
It's her, as I posted yesterday. The producers have said there are no plans for a grown up Connor to appear (at least as of yet, a flash forward at the end would be cool), even though fans were already wanting him to.
Could be. The flashbacks that introduced that plot line showed her getting pregnant around 2007, so assuming she kept the kid (which is likely), the kid would be around 6-7 years old at this point in the show's timeline. I doubt we'll see that kid become Red Arrow, mainly because (assuming they stick with the 5-year plan) even by the end of Arrow's final season he'd only be around 10 years old. Maybe you they'll do a flash forward? That'd be a cool surprise and a twist on the flashback formula in a very Lost way.

It's her, as I posted yesterday. The producers have said there are no plans for a grown up Connor to appear (at least as of yet, a flash forward at the end would be cool), even though fans were already wanting him to.

It would be cool to do a flash forward to the crisis in 2024. I guess Connor would only be 15 or so though.
Wow! So Wells definitely IS the reverse flash!...? Except how was he in two places at once? Time travel?

And Reverse Flash didn't kill Eddie, so maybe he's also the reverse flash.

And Flash was there when his mom was killed too?
Looks like they're definitely doing Flashpoint, or rather, Flashpoint may have already happened. So this could be the world after Flashpoint, which would indicate why Barry was also there when his mom died, stopping himself from stopping Reverse Flash.
I can't wait to see how they handle Gorilla Grodd. Johns confirmed a few months ago that it was definitely going to happen, and now the other day one of the producers tweeted about how he was shown the VFX for Grodd and loved it. I WANT TO SEE IT NOW TOO!!!

I love how they're handling Captain Cold. His attitude and just overall persona is done pretty much perfectly, the way I see it. They're building up the Rogues just right without rushing or forcing it, which is great. Can't wait for the time traveling (accidentally) in episode 15!
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Devon Graye as the new Trickster in costume:

I liked Pied Piper, but the best part was seeing Wells actually run, and getting to learn a bit more about what's going on with him.

That and Keep Calm and Han Shot First.
I wasn't enjoying The Flash much and I think I just needed a break because after mid-season I am living this again.

Han Shot First.

This just reminded me, the other day I got into an argument with someone who legitimately thought Greedo shot first because that's what they grew up watching.
I wasn't enjoying The Flash much and I think I just needed a break because after mid-season I am living this again.

This just reminded me, the other day I got into an argument with someone who legitimately thought Greedo shot first because that's what they grew up watching.

Yeah, I thought so too until someone on this site set me straight.