Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65
That was the best episode in a while. Abra Kadabra was a pretty cool villain. And most importantly, no one really acted all that stupidly.
That was the best episode in a while. Abra Kadabra was a pretty cool villain. And most importantly, no one really acted all that stupidly.
It couldn't last. At this point I can't figure out who Savitar is that won't tick me off. This season has just been awful. Latest episode was alright. I didn't really dig it until the team was back together, but when future Barry decided to jump in I did have an emotional response to it which was nice. Haven't had that from this show in a while. The future Flash costume was great
Captain Cold is the best.
"This reminds me of Jaws, they never showed the shark because they couldn't afford to make it look good."
That 4th wall breaking made me lol.
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Yeah, it was a cop out, but they were always going to have some kind of cop out. No way Iris was actually going to die for good. I was expecting some kind of inexplicable time travel or speed force reversal, so finding out it was HR was a surprise. And it was a good way for his character to go out.Eh, I didn't like the HR twist. It was a cop out and way of avoiding consequences. Sure, HR is dead, but that was sort of a given with them using new version of Harrison Wells each year.
And they've utilized time travel so much that they can't even keep track of the effects it should (or shouldn't) have, as Captain Canuck pointed out.
Eh, oh well. Arrow managed to turn itself around impressively with Season 5 so hopefully Flash can reinvigorate itself next year.