Flash TV series Discussion/Spoilers


We got our first look at Gorilla Grodd tonight, at the end of the episode. While we didn't get to see much (since he was mostly hidden in shadow), the CGI and movement looked really well done. I absolutely can't wait to see him talking. Wondering if he'll show up in the next few episodes, but thinking they may hold off on introducing him until the series finale, or possible a teaser at the end of the finale as a prelude to Season 2.

Pure awesome.

We got our first look at Gorilla Grodd tonight, at the end of the episode. While we didn't get to see much (since he was mostly hidden in shadow), the CGI and movement looked really well done. I absolutely can't wait to see him talking. Wondering if he'll show up in the next few episodes, but thinking they may hold off on introducing him until the series finale, or possible a teaser at the end of the finale as a prelude to Season 2.

Pure awesome.

At one point IMDB had a description of an episode about Grodd. But it's gone now. I wonder when he's actually going to come in.

The next two episodes are about Firestorm.
At one point IMDB had a description of an episode about Grodd. But it's gone now. I wonder when he's actually going to come in. The next two episodes are about Firestorm.

Yeah, I don't think we'll see a Grodd-centric episode this season. Maybe, but either they're teasing him for Season 2 or for later this season closer to the finale (though I kind of doubt the latter since I think they'll focus more on Reverse Flash for the last few eps of the season). We'll see.

Either way, I was psyched to finally have Grodd show up. I can't wait to have him talk and see Barry's (and everyone else's reactions). Plus the fight scenes will be fun: speed vs brawn.
And mind control?

Yup, though I wonder if Grodd will have that ability from the get go or if it'll develop as his intelligence increases. Because from the episode ending teaser he showed up in, he didn't speak or use mind control/telepathy. His handwriting of his name was also rather elementary.

I have a feeling his intelligence and associated abilities like mind control will develop as the show goes on.

Course I could be wrong.
"Grodd is coming."


Sweet. Based on the General's line it appears he does possess telepathy or mind control. Sweet! Definitely looks like we'll see Grodd in the next several episodes.

Also, the time travel element is being built up more and more. We now know Barry was indeed able to time travel to the past to the night his mother died based on the last episode. They'll obviously build that up as we get closer to the series finale. Loving this show.
It looks like Flashpoint happens in this timeline going by the last episode. Which makes the theories that this is all post-Flaspoint more true.
Tonight's episode was great. Lots of awesome stuff happened: Ronnie and Dr. Stein figuring out their powers, Barry learning of his ability to time travel and planning how to save his mother, Harrison Wells confirmed as the Reverse Flash (well, he was already confirmed, but at least now we know beyond any reasonable doubt, and Harrison getting revenge on Eiling by racing him to Grodd's sewer lair... and we got a great look at Grodd and got to hear his voice!

Looks like Grodd will eventually show up sometime in the next couple months as a foe for Barry.

I absolutely love this show.
These aren't really mid-season breaks. These are normal breaks for holidays (December) and now instead of a week break, they're just having 3 so the rest of the season pretty much runs throughout. After this, there's just one more break before the it goes from April to May with no more interruptions.
Call 'em whatever you want. They suck. One break (or 2 short ones) is quite enough per season imo.
You also have to take into account production schedules. It's not like they film everything non-stop from first episode to the last. That also accounts into breaks.
Well, after this three week break, we get nine episodes almost in a row. They're skipping April 7, but besides that there will be new episodes every week until the season finale on May 19.