Well-Known Member
Grrrr, I went to the bookstore and they didn't have this in yet, and weren't sure when they would get it in. I guess I'll order it off Amazon once I get some money for my birthday.
I also just picked up 1,001 Nights of Snowfall. There wasn't a weak piece in the whole collection, although Reynard's story was probably my favorite. I love animal stories, and I love that little fox.... Although, I think making him human would be a bad decision. Bigby's story was pretty good, too.
The only problem I could possibly think of was that there weren't really any huge revelations. For the most part, the stories just clarified information that was mostly implied in the main title.
This is the fables I know and love.
Pinocchio story of what would was very awesome.
Okay, Houde, you big cry baby.
And sir, I've just expanded your backstory in UC:Stuck
You know how frustrating your reviews are?
You never recap anything
That is cause I can't be bothered to type out the entire issue. If you are in this thread most likly it's cause you read the freakin issue yourself.
Bad form ToG. I always try to recap.
I would like to see Julian McMahon (Nip/Tuck, Fantastic Four) as Prince Charming, and isn't there a Jack on lost who is really similar to Jack of the Fables?