Eureka (Sy-Fy) Discussion & Spoilers.

Good news about Season 5. It will only be 13 episodes and will all air in 2012, so it won't be split. Finally everything will be back to some order.
Good news about Season 5. It will only be 13 episodes and will all air in 2012, so it won't be split. Finally everything will be back to some order.
The bad news about it is that it's the final season.

And with that, the series finale for Eureka comes early. Monday, April 16th at 9PM. Officially announced by Colin Ferguson (Jack) on Twitter.
So it is over.

And in typical Eureka fashion, it all ends okay, sortof. The moment I saw them driving down the rainy road, I knew they were going to see themselves coming the other way.

I hated the corny wormhole. When he jumped through and saw his life. Retarded.

I never liked the new timeline, and I always thought they were going to fix it, but they obviously didn't. No Nathan Stark either annoyed me. Told I was right Ice, I'll be waiting for my sandwich now.