Eureka (Sy-Fy) Discussion & Spoilers.

Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

It's official. Season 3 will finish this July.

As posted by a producer (Charlie Craig), the show will come back on July 10th, moving to Friday's at 9pm.

It will happen when Sci Fi changes its name to "SyFy."
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Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

watched season one on

it is a very enjoyable show, im gonna have to pick season two up on dvd.
Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

Damn, that was a fun episode.

I think that's the magic of Eureka, you know nothing is going to be detrimental to the characters or the town, that it will get figured out, but that's not the point, the point is the character growth/development.

I hope Andy becomes a main character.
Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

Damn, that was a fun episode.

I think that's the magic of Eureka, you know nothing is going to be detrimental to the characters or the town, that it will get figured out, but that's not the point, the point is the character growth/development.

I hope Andy becomes a main character.
I was thinking the same. I would love for Andy to stick around. He's a great addition to the cast if they let him be. Great personality, good humor, and the actor who plays him does a sweet job.
Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

So the whole signal sub-plot that was running through the first couple episode turns out to be a returned ship that was a project of Henry's from 20 years back. And to everyone's surprise, it had Kim, who we end up finding out is a clone, but a "computer clone" as she is basically walking computer data.

I was wondering what would happen with the Kim clone because if something happened where she dies 'again' because it would really hurt Henry again. And in tonight's episode, to get the data needed from her, she was gone. Poor Henry. :'(

But on the lighter side of relationships, Carter is now with Tess. I like it. It was getting forced to get these two together, but I still like them as a couple.

It's gonna be very interesting to see how things go on from here to the season finale (Sept. 11th).
Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

Finally got around to seeing this. It took almost 2 days to get thru the pilot.

I like it. It's....different. I could care less about crazy science folks.....

DOOM IS IN LOVE. HER NAME IS LUPO. :drooling::drooling::drooling::drooling:

So long as she is on....I will watch.
Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

She's in every season.

And one episode she's wearing a red dress and singing ontop of a piano.

With a gun.

Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

Yay! Someone else who watches it now, too!

Lupo would totally be a match for you. :lol:
Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

Season 4 cast photo:


And it took me until looking at this a second time that Jo is wearing a suit... Whaaaat?