Eureka (Sy-Fy) Discussion & Spoilers.

Re: Eureka (Sci-Fi) Discussion & Spoilers.

He's talking about Tess Fontana, whom I remember being a blonde/dirty blonde in the show....

This season premiere was incredible! I may be over-excited about it, but I completely loved it!! The one thing that was weird was having a clip in the "Last time in Eureka" part that didn't actually happen last time. In it, Tess broke up with Jack via hologram from Australia. Then the show begins with the town celebrating Founder's Day. Zane surprises Jo with asking her to marry him, too. After seeing Kevin again and him working on a machine, Jack is jogging and suddenly ends up in 1947. Eventually we see Jo, Fargo, Henry, and Alison as well. It was awesome not having the typical time-traveling story from what happened in the episode. Here, though, they meet up with one of the founders, Dr. Grant (played by James Callis, "Gaius Balter" on BSG). He helps them get back, but like I said, it wasn't your typical time-traveling story. When they are back, they notice one big change on Main Street and quickly go to see what else has changed.

Jo: She sees Zane in jail (he was in it at the beginning of the ep.) and Jo tells him yes, she'll marry him. Zane tells her, "Marry you? In what universe?"

Alison: Gets home to see nothing different at first. She still has Kevin and Jenna, but Kevin isn't Autistic....

Henry: Gets back to his garage to see someone from earlier in the show, a woman who was fixing a car and dressed in the same duds as him. She leaves, gives him a wedding ring, kisses him and says, "See you at home."

Jack: Gets back home, S.A.R.A.H. is still the voice of the house and Zoe is still attending Harvard. But to his surprise.... he's back together with Tess!!

The episode ends with Dr. Grant from 1947 being back with them in 2010, as when he was helping the others, he secretly took something to go to the future as well. He appears in Cafe Diem asking for Alison.

We don't see the change with Fargo until the preview for episode 2. He's in charge of G.D.! Next week they'll see that they messed up the timeline and have to fix it. This is going to be a great season. I think the "time-traveling/space time continuum" arc might be wrapped up next week, but I hope it can go a little longer. It's interesting to see how they live in this version of Eureka.
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I thought the premiere was excellent as well. Really looking forward to how this all turns out.
Jaime Paglia (co-creator/writer/exec. producer) mentions about the break-up clip on his Twitter:

@jaimepaglia said:
For viewers wondering when Carter and Tess broke up (as seen in the re-cap), we borrowed that from a deleted scene. It'll be on the DVDs.

Weird they would do that, but OK.
The "zombie" episode last week was pretty cool. Feels a bit weird without Zoey. Also, I hate that they don't seem to want Jack and Tess together, even though they do make a good couple. It's stupid when shows do these things, to get the lead guy with another woman that they spent forever teasing about and whom actually don't work together at all. It's as if they don't know what to do with them (though they were doing fine) and decided to phantomly give them problems that Jack took a year to figure out they wouldn't work. Such BS.

But there's a certain someone coming back. Wonder how this will change things....
I liked the original, too. But I also like the idea of Andy changing every time we see him, like a small running joke for the show.
Eureka Christmas special this year!!!

Get ready (okay, in about 4 months or so) to deck the halls... it's been officially announced that this year there will be a Eureka holiday special!

It's already been written, shot, and edited... and it's frakkin' fantastic. Guest stars include Chris Parnell (SNL, 30 Rock) and everyone's favorite Eurekan Aussie, Taggart (Matt Frewer). So while the stand-alone special episode won't air until December, to tide you over here's an early Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Solstice/Festivus gift: an exclusive snapshot of "Santa" courtesy of Executive Producer Bruce Miller.

are they going to just recant all the things that have happened this season? when Grant goes back in time?
December 7th is the airing of the Christmas episode.

The show just had its table read-through of episode 4x20 (season finale), so that's going to be shot soon.

And still no word from Syfy when they plan to air season 4.5 or season 5. I'm expecting the usual, which would be July 2011 for season 4.5 and 2012 for season 5. I think it's stupid to wait that long and still have it as one season, but whatever.