Dreamcasting Round Ideas and Suggestions

I want to do a Frankenstein/Dracula/other Classic Universal Horror monsters DreamMovie round. I suppose it would be more appropriate during October, but whatever.
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Godzilla, Doctor Who, The Dark Tower, The Prisoner...
Godzilla, Doctor Who, The Dark Tower, The Prisoner...

For Godzilla, would we do a remake of GINO or just do another Gojira?

(GINO = Godzilla in Name Only, the one from the Roland Emmerich movie;
Gojira = original Godzilla)
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For Godzilla, would we do a remake of GINO or just do another Gojira?

If you want to win I would say do anything BUT the crappy us godzilla film. Hell even do a Godzilla and Godzooky film :lol:
Yeah but that's exactly why it's perfect to be remade. Because it sucked so bad.

but it was a remake of the original so any remake you did would be best based on original instead of a remake of a really bad remake
Here's a list of ones I want to see made in the comics rounds:
Kingdom Come
Ellis' Thunderbolts
Marvel Zombies
The Legion of Doom (I have a great idea for this as an HBO mini)
Ultimate X-Men
All-Star Superman
The Avengers
Marvel 1602
Batman: The Long Halloween
Watchmen again.
Here's a list of ones I want to see made in the comics rounds:
Kingdom Come
Ellis' Thunderbolts
Marvel Zombies
The Legion of Doom (I have a great idea for this as an HBO mini)
Ultimate X-Men
All-Star Superman
The Avengers
Marvel 1602
Batman: The Long Halloween
Watchmen again.

Kingdom Come, 1602, and Avengers would be interesting. I don't know about Marvel Zombies, though....
I would like to do :



  • Decade ones e.g 80's , 90's ect... so you can do film based on show or film from that decade
  • Anime
  • Based on a film or series by *insert director*
Basically Dream Movie I like the ones that give you the most freedom
DreamMovie - The Comic Book Industry

Do a movie based on the inner workings of the Comic Book Industry. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby; Joe Quesada's reign of terror; Alan Moore conquers the universe... You come up with the story, and cast some of the top comic book creators of all time.
DreamMovie - The Comic Book Industry

Do a movie based on the inner workings of the Comic Book Industry. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby; Joe Quesada's reign of terror; Alan Moore conquers the universe... You come up with the story, and cast some of the top comic book creators of all time.
I've been working on a pitch about Carl Burgos & Bill Everett for some time now, actually, in the highly fictionalized vein reminiscent of Big Fish, Ed Wood & Forrest Gump.

But if I was going to base one more on 'fact' than 'fiction', I'd probably try very hard to put together one based on the story of the four men based on: Donnenfeld, Rosenthal, Siegel & Schuster.

Also, I wish I could do Stan Lee & Jack Kirby, but the only man I want to play Stan Lee just passed away.
I think Death Note would make for a great round
If someone does Death Note or equally as obscure in the adaptations round and I still don't get my Desolation Jones comics round, I'm 'unna **** a brick.
DreamMovie - The Comic Book Industry

Do a movie based on the inner workings of the Comic Book Industry. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby; Joe Quesada's reign of terror; Alan Moore conquers the universe... You come up with the story, and cast some of the top comic book creators of all time.

I call "The Bill Finger Story".