Dreamcasting Round Ideas and Suggestions

I really want to do a Justice league
Aha, me too. I've already got ideas for virtually every member of the League.

I've only got Batman and alfred (see my Alien vs Batman cast for them) and Lex (idea on him came to me during a tv show the other day)
like a pimp?
Like a really awesome gay pip.

Like Dick 'Rene' Marcellus from Action.

(Not to be confused with Pulp Fiction's Dick Marcellus. "It's an homage.")

Also, just because we've done JSA before doesn't mean we can't do it again.

The burden simply lies on the round moderator to determine whether or not everyone is game when he decides he wants to start a JSA round.
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So now we've gone from "there are so many great untapped ideas out there we should try to figure out if we could dreamcast" to "let's use a round doing yet another extremely broad and vague cast that WE'VE ALREADY DONE THIS YEAR"?

So now we've gone from "there are so many great untapped ideas out there we should try to figure out if we could dreamcast" to "let's use a round doing yet another extremely broad and vague cast that WE'VE ALREADY DONE THIS YEAR"?

'Swhat I thought as well.

My point is, I have nothing against it, but we don't have to either.

Basically, nobody should be afraid to revisit something we've done before as it gives newbies a chance to throw their own cast together... or veteran participants to assemble a new cast.

I don't have a problem with DSF locking up the threads, but more than one person has PMed me to say that they'd like to see the round threads to be left unlocked so they can throw in their own after-victory non-compete casts.

So if anybody is against re-casting old stuff like Planet-man is, I suggest that perhaps all the dreamcasting threads be left open (and closed ones re-opened) should people want to mess around. That way, the round thread ends up having an afterlife as the default "If Amazing Comic Book Were A Movie Who Would You Cast?" thread.
'Swhat I thought as well.

My point is, I have nothing against it, but we don't have to either.

Basically, nobody should be afraid to revisit something we've done before as it gives newbies a chance to throw their own cast together... or veteran participants to assemble a new cast.

I don't have a problem with DSF locking up the threads, but more than one person has PMed me to say that they'd like to see the round threads to be left unlocked so they can throw in their own after-victory non-compete casts.

So if anybody is against re-casting old stuff like Planet-man is, I suggest that perhaps all the dreamcasting threads be left open (and closed ones re-opened) should people want to mess around. That way, the round thread ends up having an afterlife as the default "If Amazing Comic Book Were A Movie Who Would You Cast?" thread.

I'm completely for this. I wouldn't mind going back and adding to my Blade Runner cast either, and some new people might want to contribute since a few saw it this month.

But yeah, that's definitely how we should do things.


New year


I haven't locked one in ages, and just be awesome, I'll unlock the rest... I just don't want 20 Dreamcasts to be active at once.

Done. (and there hadn't been a locked Dreamcasting round since #13)
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I still want to know why they has been a huge decrease in the amount of people who enter them.