Dreamcasting #34- Further Entries into the Superman series


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2005
The Rules:

1) The winner of the last round becomes the moderator of the round, and thus gets to choose the property or story in question to be adapted. Winner may also declare whether this property is an animated film, or a live-action one. He must also name the core characters to be cast, which should be at least 4, but no more than 9.

2) You may not use actors who have played the role before in the same medium before. Voice talents may not reprise their role, nor can film ones.

3) After ten days, the round is declared closed. People will vote via PM and send it to the moderator, who will count the votes and declare winner. Like the Ultimatization Game, you CANNOT vote for yourself.

4) The winner declared gets to choose the property in the next round.

Your round should you choose to accept it.


This is in the same vein as the Batman Begins round in which you must use the preexisting characters while casting new and improved characters.

You must cast...

John Henry Irons: Steel

Conner Kent: Superboy

Kara Zor-El: Supergirl


General Zod





You may also cast...

Professor Emil Hamilton

Lana Lang

Pa Kent


Mr. Mxyzptlk


The Eradicator

Cyborg Superman

And no changes on the regular cast, just like the Batman round.
So does it matter who we choose as Superman? I don't really like Brandon Routh....

And does it matter where these "further entries" pick up from? I'd like to forget about III, IV, and Returns....
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Well if you participated in the Batman Begins round then you would know that it picked up right after the recent movie. You can put down someone else for Superman if you like as long as you cast the required casting options.
So does it matter who we choose as Superman? I don't really like Brandon Routh....

And does it matter where these "further entries" pick up from? I'd like to forget about III, IV, and Returns....

Well, it does say Richard Donner, not Brain Singer's Superman...
You guys are missing the idea of this round. It's just like the Batman Round. You don't get to choose to ignore certain castings or concepts....you merely get to continue the franchise.

You still have Routh and Friends. All this round is doing is presenting the idea of "What if they made a sequel or 2 based on Singer's film based on Donner's film?"

If you didn't like Returns.....then simpy make your cast and give us a film pitch based on your ideas. So long as it retains the "continuity" set forth.

That said, seeing as how this was my idea that I've been meaning to do forever (I love you Bluebeast)....I will definitely compete in this round now that I've got a small work-around to my internet problem. The only thing I won't be doing is casting Mongul. Instead I plan on replacing him with Lana Lang.
You guys are missing the idea of this round. It's just like the Batman Round. You don't get to choose to ignore certain castings or concepts....you merely get to continue the franchise.

You still have Routh and Friends. All this round is doing is presenting the idea of "What if they made a sequel or 2 based on Singer's film based on Donner's film?"

If you didn't like Returns.....then simpy make your cast and give us a film pitch based on your ideas. So long as it retains the "continuity" set forth.

That said, seeing as how this was my idea that I've been meaning to do forever (I love you Bluebeast)....I will definitely compete in this round now that I've got a small work-around to my internet problem. The only thing I won't be doing is casting Mongul. Instead I plan on replacing him with Lana Lang.

Thank you. I'm glad someone has grasped what's the main point of this round. It's just a continuation of the series. This is basically the Christopher Reeve/ Brandon Routh Superman round. If you guys want another round with new continuity and a new Superman then win sometime down the road and use that. Besides half our rounds have Superman and Luthor anyway.
Should Bizarro be a must cast due to fact it pretty much has to be Brandon Routh since we are going off the horrible returns film
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John Henry Irons: Steel- Donald Faison

Conner Kent: Superboy- Shia Labeouf

Kara Zor-El: Supergirl- Gwyneth Paltrow

Brainiac- Hugh Laurie

General Zod- James Woods

Metallo- (Voice) Elijah Woods

Parasite- Edward Norton

Mongul- John Glover

Bizarro- Brad Garret
Should Bizarro be a must cast due to fact it pretty much has to be Brandon Routh since we are going off the horrible returns film

I guess you don't have to cast him but Bizarro has such a different persona that you could cast someone very different. And no Returns bashing in this thread. I don't want my dreamcasting round turning into an argument over whether or not the movie was good.
in reply to gamma man's cast:

brad garret is actually clever... but i dont think he could do the action scenes too well... everyone else is kinda meh for me.
You guys are missing the idea of this round. It's just like the Batman Round. You don't get to choose to ignore certain castings or concepts....you merely get to continue the franchise.

You still have Routh and Friends. All this round is doing is presenting the idea of "What if they made a sequel or 2 based on Singer's film based on Donner's film?"

It says "Richard Donner's Superman" right in the title.... if I cast it that's what I'll be continuing from. Not Bryan Singer's Superman Returns.
John Henry Irons: Steel – Terry Crews – this is always by choice for steel as he looks tough and can play the tough guy BUT also looks like a normal construction worker which steel is. Both of these make him my Steel

Conner Kent: Superboy – Tom Welling – Conner = A clone of superman when he was younger right? That's why. He also seems to be a bit more cocky than superman which Tom Welling can do and I think that would be pretty awesome that they clone superman to get a younger one and it's Smallville's clark.

Kara Zor-El: Supergirl – Sarah Michelle Gellar
– I know this choice will most likely be unpopular BUT you need someone her age for supergirl as the other supergirl movie is part of the same universe so she would have aged now. As well as that I've always thought Sarah Michelle Gellar would make the perfect Kara

Brainiac – Voice : Kelsey Gramma
r – I see Brainiac been cgi and been a robot of some description. However I think Kelsey Grammar's voice gives that intelligence that is required of him for him to be Brainiac. I honestly like this choice a lot.

General Zod – Gerard Butler – The reason for this is since it's going off the continuity of the previous Superman films you need someone not to play Zod but to play Terence Stamp playing Zod. Look at Gerard Butler in 300 and you'll see he's perfect for that role.

Metallo – Vin Diesel – I don't like this guy yet I keep using him . But Metallo is basically an android so his lack of personality and acting will actually help in this role. Add that to fact he looks like he could snap someone in half and you have what I wanted.

Parasite – Arnold Vosloo – I think Parasite needs to have a certain creepy/scary quality to him but all so evil yet conflicted. Arnold Vosloo I think would be fantastic in this role and could be a show stealing villain which would make the film he's in that much better.

Mongul – Michael Clarke Duncan – His size , voice and how intimidating he can be he is the only choice I could think for Mongul. His look would be a mix of cgi and Michael Clarke Duncan in make up.

Darkseid – voice Hugo Weaving. Looks Darkseid is cgi with Hugo Weaving's face mixed in. Hugo Weaving is pretty much the go to guy for scary voices and that's what's needed for this as the look and size would be too hard to pull off and get a good character of it.
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vosloo might actually make a good zod. or rodrigo santoro, what with the whole kneeling business.
Mole, your Zod & Parasite are very great.

I do like the idea of Gellar as Supergirl.

And you stole my Steel from the 52 round!
You know I don't like the reason you picked Deisel for Metallo (Metallo's not really a lifeless character at all) but I do like Vin Deisel in that role, so it works great. Plus I like your Steel and Parasite very much.
You know I don't like the reason you picked Deisel for Metallo (Metallo's not really a lifeless character at all) but I do like Vin Deisel in that role, so it works great. Plus I like your Steel and Parasite very much.


I know Metallo isn't lifeless BUT I was thinking film wise if they did him like the terminator kind of emotionless machine it would be very cool.