Dreamcasting #34- Further Entries into the Superman series


I know Metallo isn't lifeless BUT I was thinking film wise if they did him like the terminator kind of emotionless machine it would be very cool.

I see Metallo more as a thug than anything else. Which is why Vin Deisel would work in the role.
I see Metallo more as a thug than anything else. Which is why Vin Deisel would work in the role.

That could work. I was thinking of him as the criminal in fast and the furious for back story and then the emotionless thing after if that makes sense so a mix of both kinda
It says "Richard Donner's Superman" right in the title.... if I cast it that's what I'll be continuing from. Not Bryan Singer's Superman Returns.

Not to get into a huge argument again, but Singer's film was essentially a continuation of Donner's. So it's still a valid entry.

But there is no point in debating this simply because I don't wish to drag this thread off-topic and it's already been well established that while I love Singer's film...you, in fact, hate it. And the topic has been debated for 2 years now and neither one of us will see the other's side. So.......

With that said....

Gamma Man's Cast -- :sick: to all of it. Even the inclusion of Faison and Glover. Both of whom I love.

Mole's Cast -- :?. I'm a bit torn. Like most rounds, you have a few standout choices that are really good/inspired. And then there's several selcetions that you have the characterization all wrong. But in your defense, this is your "vision". So if you want a lifeless Metallo...then it's your decision.

I'll comment more in depth later after I finish my cast. I'm about 80% done.
Mole's Cast -- :?. I'm a bit torn. Like most rounds, you have a few standout choices that are really good/inspired. And then there's several selcetions that you have the characterization all wrong. But in your defense, this is your "vision". So if you want a lifeless Metallo...then it's your decision.

Thanks dude.
Thanks dude.

Yeah, Vin wouldn't really be my choice there either, I'm afraid. Metallo is a cyborg who was once man. He's not the Terminator. He's not a machine by choice.

Do you know what might be cool and a lot like the animated series version? Hear me out here...


Rupert Everett as Metallo. I can totally see it. He's charming and charismatic and very funny, but he can also be very menacing and quite scary.
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See I see Metallo working best in films as basically a weapon. You can feel sorry that he was turned but once he's a machine he's just a weapon. I was looking at it like he could be used by Lex and we could get more than one villain this way as on his own I don't think Metallo could hold a film. But they way I do him we get some great action , we get a new villain and we can have more than one in a way that works.

But that's just my thoughts when it comes to Metallo
I want to see Man of Tomorrow, nine short tales featuring the Last Son of Krypton handled by different animators (Japanese, American or otherwise) in one DVD package.

John Henry Irons: Steel - Terry Crews


Conner Kent: Superboy - Emile Hirsch


Kara Zor-El: Supergirl - Elisha Cuthbert


Brainiac - Daniel Day-Lewis


General Zod - Viggo Mortensen


Metallo - Ralph Fiennes


Parasite - Ray Stevenson


Mongul - Javier Bardem
Once again TOG steals my Steel :noway::noway: :lol:
Everet's not bad at all, but I'd pick Jason Isaacs as Metallo. I love the way Alex Ross draws him, based on his first appearance(can't find a pic at the moment, though), and Isaacs could channel that in both look and manner.

Metallo is one of my favourite Alex Ross designs, yeah.


Barrack Obama as Ron Troupe.

It's DREAMCasting. Nobody said they had to be actors...

Seriously, every time I hear an Obama speech, I'm reminded of Ron Troupe. Troupe is described in Action Comics Annual 11 as being "too good for the Planet". So why not have a Presidential candidate play him?

Unfortunately, I can't come up with anything for Steve Lombard.

Vince might be good. He's good looking and manly even if he is a bit hefty and he's the kind of person who could jabber on about anything and expect people to love him for it. The only problem is he wouldn't work unless they recast Lois with someone who wasn't a 3" nine-year old. It would just look weird if he was hitting on her.

TOG's cast is nice although is it okay if I never want to see Lana Lang ever again for at least fifteen years? I really don't think her presence in a piece of Superman media is required for a while at least, as everyone is sick to the back teeth of her from Smallville.

Mickey Rourke is interesting as Bizarro, but it would be weird seeing him play such an intellectually stunted character. If they ever do Bizarro in a movie, I'd like to see him adapted a bit and not just have him as a comedy retard like he usually is.
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I'm not sure I'm gonna get my cast in on time (depending on when this round closes). But I'll have mine up by Friday for sure.
*Note* You can not vote for this cast but realize how empty your life was without it.​

John Henry Irons- Steel: Taye Diggs

I used this in the 52 round and I think it sticks. Diggs has that everyman feel to him that John Henry Irons needs to have in a Superman film. Diggs has a niece he has to look after and has to fill the void that Superman leaves after his death. He's got enough charisma to pull off the character.

Conner Kent- Superboy: Channing Tatum

As the Boy of Steel, Conner inherited most of Clark's Kryptonian powers and despite his other genetic donator Luthor's intelligence is really an airhead. Conner has to eventually fill the shoes of Superman, which is a role that he is somewhat afraid of, but he's even more afraid he might turn out like Luthor. Channing Tatum might play in movies I hate like Step Up and whatever they're called but he has that same stature and attitude that Conner always had in Teen Titans.

Kara Zor-El- Supergirl: Blake Lively

Superman's cousin from Krypton, Kara is kind of a spoiled princess from Krypton so she's got a lot to learn from her cousin. She's got to feel superior to humans but wants to listen to what her cousin says. I think Blake Lively has that exact emotion to play the Girl of Steel.

Brainiac: Hugo Weaving

Brainiac, the greatest of all Superman villains of all-time. Who better to play him than the crazy Mr. Smith from the Matrix films? Hugo Weaving has the absolute creepiness mixed with intensity to him that Vril Dox always had in the comics.

General Zod: Jude Law

As the polar opposite of Kal El, Zod is ruthless, egotistical and uncaring of others besides himself. Zod is the ultimate representation of absolute power corrupting absolutely. Jude Law has a skill and professionalism that reminds me of Terrence Stamp back when he played in the role. He might seem pretty boyish for the role but I can't see anyone else saying 'Kneel before Zod' better besides Stamp himself.
Metallo: Viggo Mortenson

For the record, John Corbin is not a lifeless machine, he is a former mercenary plagued to live the rest of his life encased in a body made of indestructable metal. Metallo lives his life unfeeling, he has a constant itch that he can't scratch and wants to take it out on Superman. Imagine Viggo Mortenson as an indestructable merc with a heart of Kryptonite. Now that's scary as hell.

Parasite: Steve Buscemi

Where Metallo was a monster before he got transformed, Rudy Jones was a schlub. He had always depended on others and taken the easiest way out in any given situation. Once he is transformed into the Parasite he gets a rush of power that he never would've achieved as Rudy Jones. As Superman is the only being to truly give Parasite the real power he craves, he targets him. Steve Buscemi has always played the creepiest of characters in his roles and would provide the necessary neurotisism that Rudy Jones would have before his transformation.

Bizarro: Javier Bardem

I like to think that Bizarro is what Luthor views Superman to truly be. While Zod is Superman's antithesis in that he is cold and calculating, Bizarro is silent and merciless. Bizarro is like the Frankenstein monster who is misunderstood but silently brilliant in his own backwards thinking way. Javier Bardem would make an absolutly scary version of Bizarro come to life on screen.

Toyman: Andy Serkis

I picked Serkis as this character in the Legion of Doom round because I always hated the idea that people think of Toyman as pedofile. I like the new version of Toyman that Geoff Johns made in the comics, one who just loves children but hates adults and what they do to them and himself. I think Andy Serkis would bring that childlike insanity that he brought to Golum in the Lord of the Rings.

Mr. Mxyzptlk: Wallace Shawn

No Mxyzptlk wouldn't show up in a Superman movie, nor do I really want him to. But if he ever showed up Wallace Shawn would be perfect for the role.

And on that note I give the round 24 hours. This is a courtesy to Doom who asked for this round. He's got 24 hours to finish it but if he doesn't get it done you all will vote.
Hugo Weaving, Steve Buscemi and Andy Serkis are all excellent choices. Javier Bardem is okay, but he was born to play Bane in a Batman film. I'm not feeling Viggo as Metallo. And Jude Law shouldn't play General Zod. Jude Law as General Zod is the most over-rated comic book movie performance that never happened.