Doctor Who

It was okay but I think the long break really hurt the momentum of the show.

I agree. I think LET'S KILL HITLER would've been more entertaining the week after A GOOD MAN GOES TO WAR. The break feels it should've been either before A GOOD MAN GOES TO WAR or after LET'S KILL HITLER.

Hitler was never a villain, he was merely something fun to call the show.

River wasn't the villain, cause you knew she would become a good guy by the end.

Teselecta wasn't really a villain, merely a plot device for the Doctor to gain information on his future.

There was no clear villain, unless you count the antibodies, but even then, they were merely robots with a defined purpose, nothing else. I have to agree with Project, the break hurt the momentum of the show.

River and the Teselecta are clearly "the villain"s of the episode. River has poisoned the Doctor, so you've got the whole, "How to save the Doctor from River", and the Teselecta is trying to kill River, the daughter of Amy and Rory and the Doctor's future lover, which is "How do you stop the Teselecta?" They're both villains. Hitler is a red herring, but you don't know that until fifteen minutes in and so you can have different expectations.

There was no clear villain, as you said. There were definitely three villains, but the spine of the story is pulled between them so it lacks some focus.
Torchwood is interesting again.

Something is calling Jack's Blood, and it extends throughout the entire planet?

Makes me wonder if it's TARDIS related, since that's what made Jack immortal in the first place.

Guess my Owen Harper theory is wrong.
I'm excited to find out what the hell's been going on. Only two episodes left. I'll be annoyed if it rushes itself.
Just saw Mark Gatiss' NIGHT TERRORS.

It was a delight, lots of silly fun with the Doctor, nice idea and execution of turning a doll's house into a haven of horror. I enjoyed it. The ending was a bit weak due to the whole "the monster isn't really evil" schtick, which is what killed CURSE OF THE BLACK SPOT.

But, the real problem is this: DOCTOR WHO is supposed to be scary, a kinda kid's version of Horror. Horror uses the aesthetic of a nightmare to work; you can't run, you can't hide... it's coming to get you. For such a story, you need a victim as the protagonist.

The Doctor is not a victim. If anything, he's an overdog. So, to make a scary episode you either have to turn him into a victim (not easy) or you do what Moffat did in, without a doubt, the scariest DOCTOR WHO ever, BLINK, you put the Doctor on the sidelines. If you're doing an Action episode or what-have-you, absolutely the Doctor is up front. But if you're really going for the scare, he needs to be sidelined or turned into a victim. This wasn't the case in any of the 'horror' episodes this year: the Gangers, CURSE OF THE BLACK SPOT, and, NIGHT TERRORS. And it's also true of THE EMPTY CHILD. And to make it worse, they undercut the monster by making them actually not such bad people once you get to know them.

It's not that these episodes are bad. NIGHT TERRORS does sideline the Doctor until the very end, and keeps the focus on Amy and Rory. Rather, this is why they're not BLINK. That episode has proper victims as the protagonist, and the villain is properly evil. Reality-warping powers isn't enough, it has to be true, sadistic, evil. This is why the Silence is working so well too, they're great monsters.

Still; a very charming, entertaining episode. Well done to them. :)
I thought it was an alright episode. I liked last week's episode better. This to me felt more like a filler episode.

Still was entertaining in the least.
:lol: I love that.

Not seen the finale to TORCHWOOD: MIRACLE DAY, but the penultimate episode was brilliant, so very ominious, terrifying, and exciting. Cannot wait for the finale.

The latest episode of DOCTOR WHO, THE GIRL WHO WAITED, is a beautifully moving episode, and classic old-school sci-fi: two people locked in a room with an impossible choice. Terrific stuff.
"This isn't fair, you're turning me into you!"

Brilliant. Next week: Weeping Angels!
If this really is the last season with Rory and Amy (which has been said before) then all that's happened this season has been a great setup for that.
Holy hell, did not see that coming. I was right and totally called what the Doctor was doing, but didn't call who was in the suit or what was going to happen after the Doctor's death.

I got annoyed with the episode towards the end because BBC iPlayer kept hiccupping and it took me five minutes from the Doctor saying he was going to whisper something in River's ear and then him telling Amy what he said. Very annoying.

But that's not the episode's fault, and I enjoyed it. The Silence/Churchill scene was really effective, and I loved the time-collapse. THE WEDDING OF RIVER SONG is very much another version of THE BIG BANG, they're structurally almost identical, however, THE BIG BANG is far more emotional when THE WEDDING OF RIVER SONG is more bombastic. I have to say I prefer THE BIG BANG a great deal more, but THE WEDDING OF RIVER SONG was great. It was crazy, fun, and man, did not see it coming.

I also love the question. Hidden in plain sight all along.

And we know what the big finale is for season seven thanks to the head;
Clearly the Doctor will be in a place where no one can lie or stay silent and someone will ask HIM "Doctor Who?" and some how, the answer to that, his name, will do something terrible. "Silence will fall" means the Silence want the Doctor to not answer the question. When the question's asked, they want silence to fall so he doesn't answer. But if he does, something terrible will happen... And it happens at the "Fall of the 11th". This is not probably referencing Matt Smith regenerating in #12, but rather, continuing the theme of "He will rise higher and then fall so much further" - the fall is still to come.

Off to watch CONFIDENTIAL now.

This explains so much about Mrs. Frizzle....

Also, has anyone seen the minisode that was apparently released recently and/or knows where to see it at?
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