The REAL John Romita - awesome.
Newsarama said:RQ: siatexas - Have there been any developments on Daredevil: The Target? Can we expect to see issue #2 sometime next year?
JQ: siatexas, to be honest I have no idea when we'll ever see this project finished. Adam Kubert had started doing some work on issue #2 but only really had the opportunity to touch on it slightly because of all of the other work we were giving him here at Marvel. Eventually he went off to DC and DD Target was just something he wouldn't be able to finish before leaving and with no further scripts from Kevin it was completely understandable. So, the current status for the project is that it's dead for now.
There's 2 really awesome drawing on Michael Lark's Myspace page
The times square one is particularly interesting...
Isn't that from the What if Karen page had lived What if? I have it upstairs...
EDIT: Yes. Yes it is.
Damnit. I don't have it. I should get it. Bru's rendition of Karen's death is the ****.
Bendis said:well, as i have said publicly- its not what i wrote.
issue 1 the artist drew the script as he saw fit and all was well. then the following issues he drew whatever he wanted and tried to get me fired from the project. not knowing that i had been offered the job running marvel knights. which, of course, i did not take.
when the art came in. the editor and i desperately tried to figure out what he drew and what we could do with it. it was a strange situation.
i was excited to work with him and thought he was really talented. but in the end he was one of the very few people i have worked with that it completely did not work for me on any level.
if you love it or hate it, and some do like it, i can't take full credit or blame. they offered me the opportunity ot take my name off of it and i chose not to. it just seemed wrong.
they even offered ot have my scripts drawn my someone else as a ninja redux type of thing, but i passed on that as well.
but there have been so many scripts of mine that have been propelled to such amazing heights by some amazing people. and i did learn from the experience.
Very succinctly put. I feel the same way.I like the nostalgia factor of yellow, but red definitely looks better.
Cool. I hope he can get back to his DD state of mind and away from this USM ****.