Coming in October: "Ultimate Power".

ProjectX2 said:
I hope Hyperion or one of the other Supreme Power characters don't get left behind in the UU.

I doubt Hyperion, but possibly one of the others. Also, who from the Ultimate Universe would get left behind in the Supremeverse. . .
Ultxon said:
Not to throw rile anyone up but the ultimate universe is already known by the Exiles. The Ultimate X-men appeared in one of the issues where Evil Hyperion has just been revealed.
Nope. It only showed an X-Men team with the same style of clothes as the Ultimate X-Men. For all we know it could be the movie X-Men. :wink:
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Ultimate Warrior said:
Nope. It only showed an X-Men team with the same style of clothes as the Ultimate X-Men. For all we know it could be the movie X-Men. :wink:
Thank you!

High five, UW! Photo op!

Dr.Strangefate said:
The original Supremeverse has not been visited for a long long time, and simply judging by the fact that JMS, the writer of Supreme Power, is going to be handling this mini... not to mention the series logo (an amalgamation of the Ultimate logo and the Supreme Power logo) I think its safe to assume that
we're going to be seeing the latter version of Hyperion; the one with depth comparable to the characters in the Ultimate Universe.

Please, try to have SOME idea of what you're talking about before you try to talk down an entire company. Something tells me the people in charge have, surprisingly enough, made their decisions based on the fact that the two series (ultimates and Supreme Power, in particular) have equatable levels of maturity... Because 616 and the old Supremeverse had combined sucessfully on a number of occasions, I would wager that this has been on the table for some time now. I also put faith in the fact that the decision was made by someone who read both series in the first place!



Ultimate Warrior said:
Are you talking about the evil Hyperion? Because I thought that the CURRENT arc of Exiles was in the original Squadron Supreme Universe. :?

I dropped Exiles recently, and haven't read the one with the regular Squadron Supreme... But if it's got a blind Hyperion with ugly green goggles, then yeah, that's the original.
thee great one said:

616 Exiles have visited the supremeverse.

Exiles has never visited the Supreme Power universe, which is the universe that will be crossing over with the Ultimate Universe. Exiles visited the original squadron supreme universe. Supreme Power is an "ultimization" of Squadron Supreme. Therefore Ultimate Universe is not in the same universe as Image or whatever. SUPREME POWER HAS NEVER VISITED ANOTHER UNIVERSE
Nurhachi said:

That's not true either.

Arcanna accidentally sent the Supreme Power Hyperion to an alternate reality in the Supreme Power: Hyperion miniseries. The universe set a few years in the future where the Squadron has absolute control of Earth, and with Hyperion reworking the minds of those who disagreed with him...

Its an alternate Supreme Power Universe, NOT the original one though.

If anything this merely sets the precedent for interdimensional travel.

BB: And not everyone ends up in the universe they started in.

NRAMA: What?

BB: What what?

NRAMA: Not everyone ends up in the universe they started in?

BB: Who said that?

NRAMA: You did.

BB: I did? What does that mean?

Aww, hell...
Nurhachi said:
Exiles has never visited the Supreme Power universe, which is the universe that will be crossing over with the Ultimate Universe. Exiles visited the original squadron supreme universe. Supreme Power is an "ultimization" of Squadron Supreme. Therefore Ultimate Universe is not in the same universe as Image or whatever. SUPREME POWER HAS NEVER VISITED ANOTHER UNIVERSE

I know. I was just making a point that anything can crossover if you want it to.
Dr.Strangefate said:
That's not true either.

Arcanna accidentally sent the Supreme Power Hyperion to an alternate reality in the Supreme Power: Hyperion miniseries. The universe set a few years in the future where the Squadron has absolute control of Earth, and with Hyperion reworking the minds of those who disagreed with him...


thee great one said:
I know. I was just making a point that anything can crossover if you want it to.

Yeah? Ultimate Universe and Mortal Kombat universe? :D
Nurhachi said:
Yeah? Ultimate Universe and Mortal Kombat universe? :D

I can see it now: Thor, God of Thunder takes on Raiden, God of Thunder in the most epic duel of all time. And it's all Reed Richard's fault for opening a portal to Outworld :p.
Dr_Draco said:
I can see it now: Thor, God of Thunder takes on Raiden, God of Thunder in the most epic duel of all time. And it's all Reed Richard's fault for opening a portal to Outworld :p.

That would rock so hard :twisted:

Scorpion vs Ghost Rider

Iceman vs Sub Zero
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Wow. Where should I even begin to respond?

1. Despite what one person suggested, I am not "through with Marvel." I just don't see myself buying any more Ultimate comics after this crossover happens. It just...taints everything. If I have to deal with multiverses and crossovers, I'll just go back to 616.

2. Sales data are indeed subjective. My point was that compared to many Marvel and DC books, the Ultimate line is selling well.

3. I have never paid any attention to or read a single issue of any book set in the Supremeverse. So if I talk ignorantly about it, and confuse the Supreme Power universe with the Squadron Supreme universe, that's why.

4. Nonetheless, when I see people try and distinguish between the two, it strikes me drawing a thin line -- similar to the DC Universe vs. All-Stars DC. So why do I consider Ultimate Marvel different from 616 Marvel? Because Ultimate Marvel is a fully realized and independent universe. Conversely, I see new Supreme comic as an update of the old Supremeverse. As such, in my mind, this crossover now simply blends Ultimate and Supremeverse together.

5. We could argue semantics regarding Exiles and their appearance in the Supremeverse all day. Suffice to say that I see a connection relevant to this discussion. If you don't, that's fine. I can appreciate and understand that.

6. I appreciate the humorous point made by one person, who noted that according to my logic, all of comicdom is part of one convoluted multiverse. Sadly, though, I think that person hit the nail on the head.

Here's what my point boils down to: The Ultimate Universe was conceived of as great way to invite new readers and generally be unencumbered by the chains of continuity. Up until now, Marvel has remained substantially faithful to that concept. The Ultimate Power crossover just mucks that up.

I'm sure Bendis and Loeb will do a good job of explaining things. (And I'm sure JMS will do a good job of making readers howl in pain.) But at the end of the day, this series will irrevocably alter the feel and function of our beloved Ultimate universe. And I'm sorry, but that's just not cool.
Josh said:
Wow. Where should I even begin to respond?

1. Despite what one person suggested, I am not "through with Marvel." I just don't see myself buying any more Ultimate comics after this crossover happens. It just...taints everything. If I have to deal with multiverses and crossovers, I'll just go back to 616.

2. Sales data are indeed subjective. My point was that compared to many Marvel and DC books, the Ultimate line is selling well.

3. I have never paid any attention to or read a single issue of any book set in the Supremeverse. So if I talk ignorantly about it, and confuse the Supreme Power universe with the Squadron Supreme universe, that's why.

4. Nonetheless, when I see people try and distinguish between the two, it strikes me drawing a thin line -- similar to the DC Universe vs. All-Stars DC. So why do I consider Ultimate Marvel different from 616 Marvel? Because Ultimate Marvel is a fully realized and independent universe. Conversely, I see new Supreme comic as an update of the old Supremeverse. As such, in my mind, this crossover now simply blends Ultimate and Supremeverse together.

5. We could argue semantics regarding Exiles and their appearance in the Supremeverse all day. Suffice to say that I see a connection relevant to this discussion. If you don't, that's fine. I can appreciate and understand that.

6. I appreciate the humorous point made by one person, who noted that according to my logic, all of comicdom is part of one convoluted multiverse. Sadly, though, I think that person hit the nail on the head.

Here's what my point boils down to: The Ultimate Universe was conceived of as great way to invite new readers and generally be unencumbered by the chains of continuity. Up until now, Marvel has remained substantially faithful to that concept. The Ultimate Power crossover just mucks that up.

I'm sure Bendis and Loeb will do a good job of explaining things. (And I'm sure JMS will do a good job of making readers howl in pain.) But at the end of the day, this series will irrevocably alter the feel and function of our beloved Ultimate universe. And I'm sorry, but that's just not cool.
Welcome Josh.
Lynx said:
When were the Exiles in the Supremeverse?

Are you sure it wasn't Squadron Supreme, not Supreme Power?

He's talking about the original Squadron Supreme (the ones seen in some 616 titles). The Supreme Power team/characters, as far as I know, haven't appeared anywhere else but in the original series, the three minis (Hyperion, Doctor Spectrum, Nighthawk) and the new ongoing (Squadron Supreme).

Ice said:
If there's no mention of them, or the Ultimate Universe, it's worth nothing, because it can be ANY universe. Appearance doesn't mean it's them for sure, no matter how much they LOOK like it.

Exactly. Matter of fact, what appeared to be Ultimate Reed and Sue showed up in a 616 FF comic recently, but since they weren't named or specified, it doesn't count as a crossover, really.
Josh said:
I'm sure Bendis and Loeb will do a good job of explaining things. (And I'm sure JMS will do a good job of making readers howl in pain.) But at the end of the day, this series will irrevocably alter the feel and function of our beloved Ultimate universe. And I'm sorry, but that's just not cool.

I still don't see your argument...

It sounds like your point is "I don't know what I'm talking about, so my generalizations are correct", which is just flat out nonsense.

The Ultimate Marvel Universe has had interdimensional travel. The New-Supremeverse has had interdimensional travel.

Simply from the line "someone will be left behind", we know that this series is going to begin AND end with two fully functional and separate universes... and something tells me that the person left behind isn't going to be a major character. It sure as hell isn't going to be Zarda, Hyperion, or Nighthawk.

It's going to be entertaining, and its going to stir up some trouble, but mostly on a Fascism vs. Democracy level.

Hyperion believes in the virtue of Absolute Power, the Ultimates do not share this belief, and therefore there will be an ideological undertone to the series.


Do yourself a favor and pick up the first trade of Supreme Power, and see if you're still complaining.
Dr.Strangefate said:
I dropped Exiles recently, and haven't read the one with the regular Squadron Supreme... But if it's got a blind Hyperion with ugly green goggles, then yeah, that's the original.
Sorry. Forgot about this post.
No. It is one of the ones that came to the resque when the evil Hyperion was brought down.
For anyone who still doesn't understand my argument, think about it like this:

You put your G.I. Joes in one box, your Transformers in another box, and all your other action figures in a third box, because, well, they're already mixed together anyway.

You've made it a special point to keep your G.I. Joes and Transformers separate, though, because they're special and you've always done it that way. But one day, you're just lazy and decide to put your G.I. Joes and Transformers together in one box.

How long is it gonna take until you're so lazy that you just put everything together in one box?

This development makes me fear the slippery slope. Stage 1: Ultimate Marvel is a universe unto itself. Stage 2: Ultimate Marvel is now mixing with another universe, but that's OK because that universe is still a unique universe unto itself. Stage 3: Oh, the heck with it, let's just mix all our universes together!

This crossover violates some of the very founding principles of the Ultimate universe. It pains me to see this happen.

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