Wow. Where should I even begin to respond?
1. Despite what one person suggested, I am not "through with Marvel." I just don't see myself buying any more Ultimate comics after this crossover happens. It just...taints everything. If I have to deal with multiverses and crossovers, I'll just go back to 616.
2. Sales data are indeed subjective. My point was that compared to many Marvel and DC books, the Ultimate line is selling well.
3. I have never paid any attention to or read a single issue of any book set in the Supremeverse. So if I talk ignorantly about it, and confuse the Supreme Power universe with the Squadron Supreme universe, that's why.
4. Nonetheless, when I see people try and distinguish between the two, it strikes me drawing a thin line -- similar to the DC Universe vs. All-Stars DC. So why do I consider Ultimate Marvel different from 616 Marvel? Because Ultimate Marvel is a fully realized and independent universe. Conversely, I see new Supreme comic as an update of the old Supremeverse. As such, in my mind, this crossover now simply blends Ultimate and Supremeverse together.
5. We could argue semantics regarding Exiles and their appearance in the Supremeverse all day. Suffice to say that I see a connection relevant to this discussion. If you don't, that's fine. I can appreciate and understand that.
6. I appreciate the humorous point made by one person, who noted that according to my logic, all of comicdom is part of one convoluted multiverse. Sadly, though, I think that person hit the nail on the head.
Here's what my point boils down to: The Ultimate Universe was conceived of as great way to invite new readers and generally be unencumbered by the chains of continuity. Up until now, Marvel has remained substantially faithful to that concept. The Ultimate Power crossover just mucks that up.
I'm sure Bendis and Loeb will do a good job of explaining things. (And I'm sure JMS will do a good job of making readers howl in pain.) But at the end of the day, this series will irrevocably alter the feel and function of our beloved Ultimate universe. And I'm sorry, but that's just not cool.