Cable/Deadpool Series Discussion (Spoilers)

McCheese said:
Cable looked really pissed about the mystery death. With all the time they gave him in this book my money is on Herc.
It's quite possible. He is one of the last two I considered.
The only reason I picked Goliath instead of Hercules is because of his ties with Ares (they pretty much hate each other) and the writers could make a good story in the Avengers books by playing them against each other. However it could just be the death of Hercules that makes Ares join IM's Avengers so it's a 50-50 bet.
Ultimate Warrior said:
It's quite possible. He is one of the last two I considered.
The only reason I picked Goliath instead of Hercules is because of his ties with Ares (they pretty much hate each other) and the writers could make a good story in the Avengers books by playing them against each other. However it could just be the death of Hercules that makes Ares join IM's Avengers so it's a 50-50 bet.
Yeah it's a toss up.
Ultimate Warrior said:
It's quite possible. He is one of the last two I considered.
The only reason I picked Goliath instead of Hercules is because of his ties with Ares (they pretty much hate each other) and the writers could make a good story in the Avengers books by playing them against each other. However it could just be the death of Hercules that makes Ares join IM's Avengers so it's a 50-50 bet.

Yeah I could see that happening. And it would make sense if Ares ended up hating Thor b/c of," you killed my enemy that I was born kill" type of deal. I would love to see Ares take on THor. Ares would kill IMO.
I loved this issue. I still am not convinced that Deadpool isn't playing possum. I loved the thing with the president and Cable. That and the duct tape. My favorite line had to be, "The next time we meet you'll be an old enfeebled man... and you'll be watching your successor six times removed as he signs a treaty of surrender."

I agree with MWoF. This was the title of the week. Great ties in to CW, as funny as Orson Scott Card on fire, and just generally wicked! The "lots and lots of duct tape" line has to be one of the best things Cable has ever said..
and I'll be damned if I don't use the line "By the curly hairs of Zeus I smite thee!" when I got to the pub tonight.....
:Okay, so we know the GLA's stand on CW now, thanks to Deadpools vigilante efforts. Personally, I would have thought that the GLA would be on IM's side, as they are always so desperate for opportunities for respect.

And shouldn't the GLA have lost their powers after M day? Are they really important enough to be included in the 198?
Ultimate MJ said:
:Okay, so we know the GLA's stand on CW now, thanks to Deadpools vigilante efforts. Personally, I would have thought that the GLA would be on IM's side, as they are always so desperate for opportunities for respect.

And shouldn't the GLA have lost their powers after M day? Are they really important enough to be included in the 198?
:? They are on Iron Man's side. He attacked them anyway because he's Deadpool. They actually said as much in that issue. Which by the way was not the most recent.

Who cares about their M day status? They're the freakin' Great Lakes Avengers.
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I just read Cable Deadpool 31.. Isnt that the most recent?

On the first page, third panel, it briefly shows Deadpool fighting the GLA (although I think some of those members are dead...), and the narration is about how Deadpool is working on IM's side. From what I can tell, at no point does it specify the CW status of the GLA, but it implies that they are on IM's side.

Was there a previous issue dealing with this fight more extensively? If so, I must buy it! Recently the GLA has become my top pseudo-joke-team.

And I care about their M-Day status because they recently renamed themselves the Great Lakes X Men, since they are all mutants.
Ultimate MJ said:
I just read Cable Deadpool 31.. Isnt that the most recent?

On the first page, third panel, it briefly shows Deadpool fighting the GLA (although I think some of those members are dead...), and the narration is about how Deadpool is working on IM's side. From what I can tell, at no point does it specify the CW status of the GLA, but it implies that they are on IM's side.

Was there a previous issue dealing with this fight more extensively? If so, I must buy it! Recently the GLA has become my top pseudo-joke-team.

And I care about their M-Day status because they recently renamed themselves the Great Lakes X Men, since they are all mutants.
I thought you were responding to issue 30,where yes they do go into great detail of the fight. It takes up the first few pages and then after DP is defeated (I won't say by who, it's too funny to spoil) we find out that the GLA or GLC as they recently changed their name to(not GLXM), were first in line to register. Sorry about the confusion.
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Just read the GLC fight scene - classic. About what I expected from a deadpool/GLA fight.

Except WTF is up with their name? It was GLA in GLA:reassembled, it was GLX in GLX-mas, and now its GLC? get it strsight guys!8)
i wouldn't knock since alot of panel were awarded to him at the end of the last issue of CW#3. And as it was sd for him being a counter against Ares being in Mighty Avengers; I don't think so. Ares is a God, Herc is god-like. So I don't think you could pit the two against eachother. Especially if he can't take Thor. Or if Thor Ends up killing him, which IMO seems out of character. Mind Control??? It's happening to Cyclops during X-Men CW.

Hercs a Demi-God and the greek gods do exist in MU so Ares could be THE Ares....or not
Hercs a Demi-God and the greek gods do exist in MU so Ares could be THE Ares....or not

Ares IS Ares. But the Greek Pantheon has been destroyed in the Ares mini. Just Herc, Ares and Hermes remains, I think.

Edit: Sorry for double post. I thought this was other thread =(
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Pretty mind blowing. This definitely was not your typical Cable/Deadpool issue. Fabian is good at taking these big blowout events and useing Deadpool to make a farce out of them but he did the unexpected with this issue...


Deadpool goes all out and fights Cable. Cable holds down the White House security and Deadpool with his powers. The President refuses to listen to him so he bodyslides taking Deadpool with him.

Irene Merryweather and Comcast are watching the news broadcasts which are making Cable out to have directly attacked the White House. Obviously not good.

Cable and Deadpool transport to the First Unitarian Church (Should've picked up the first trade). There they continue to fight and Cable decides to tie him up with duck tape again inside. Cable says that he's bought the property and let's the people who used to follow the Blue Skinned guys worship what they want too. Deadpool busts out and continues to pummel Cable. Deadpool goes on about how....

...Although he has no jurisdiction in France "I'm an American Agent with a badge so I can do what I want where I want." (MESSAGE!!!)

Deadpool's lines are fed throught the infonet throughout the world. President Bush is shown denouncing Deadpool and claiming he has nothing to do with the Merc with a Mouth.

Cable and Deadpool bodyslide to Deadpool's apartment. Deadpool talks about how Cable ruined his one chance to go legit. Cable feels he's on the wrong side but Deadpool says that he can't make him change his opinion.

Cable teleports away acknowledging they're on opposing sides.

5/5 A shot at American politics, a very serious Deadpool (although there were some one liners), A stubborn Cable... this issue kicked ***. If you don't read Cable/Deadpool but read Civil War, make sure to add this.
This was a great issue. We don't usually see the more deeper side of Deadpool which was nice. This is turning into a great Civil War story. I'm shocked to see Deadpool take a stand for something, but I'm glad to see it not come across as stupid.

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This was an awesome issue, and I like Fabian's Deadpool again. Now this is the Deadpool that I've been reading about for the 10 years prior to C&D.
In this issue, Deadpool (finally) reveals that he was just having fun playing the idiot, and shows Cable that.

Deadpool was trying to be legit, and he was trying to do what he thought was right. But as always, Cable has been manipulating him (since day one). Deadpool's tired of being used, and Cable getting him fired was the last straw. So the **** hit the fan in this issue!

Deadpool: "Playing the idiot is fun most of the time, Nate. But you know when it stops being a yuk-fest? When you start believing it's true!"

Cable: "Deadpool, you have to trust me..."
Deadpool: "Trust you? You mean OBEY you, right?!"

P.S. I'm pro-registration.
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This was an awesome issue, and I like Fabian's Deadpool again. Now this is the Deadpool that I've been reading about for the 10 years prior to C&D.
In this issue, Deadpool (finally) reveals that he was just having fun playing the idiot, and shows Cable that.

Deadpool was trying to be legit, and he was trying to do what he thought was right. But as always, Cable has been manipulating him (since day one). Deadpool's tired of being used, and Cable getting him fired was the last straw. So the **** hit the fan in this issue!

Honestly, I'm pro-registration.

Only because Deadpool is right?