Cable/Deadpool Series Discussion (Spoilers)

I forgot to mention... I love the artist on this book. He is one of the best I've ever seen. He has a whole bright cartoon fell that ian't to cartooy. Patrick Zicher I think it was. I just read Thirty Pieces and I liked that too. Best parts.

"Your dream buy is here"
"Rob Lowe. Did I just say that out loud?"

I loved the MODOK scenes. That was hilarous. I yelled out Modok when I seen him. I liked the Agent X and Deadpool scenes. Stop copying me. I'm not copying you you're copying me. And the Hawkeye's death joke was pricess. I'll read Murder In Paradise tomorrow.
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Okay, I finished all the trades. I loved them. I mean the entire series just folds in on itself so perfectly, and the running jokes always seem to be timed right. And the further I read the more I got the feeling that anything could happen next. I've yet to get a "I know exactly where this is going" feeling yet. I was disapointed that issue 19 wasn't included as I've leafed through it in the comic shop and I believe that its a continuation of the baby cable storyline.

I might just have to add this to my monthly pulls.
Well this was unexpected. I sense a Cable/Deadpool revolution on the site. This is good news indeed.

Baxter, I totally agree with "you never know where it's going". The thing is I never noticed because I think I was always too lighthearted about the series to actually care what the next opened door would bring. I don't know if that sounds bad but I think it's a good. I consider this the break in my monthly uptightness about the serious titles. Also notice the continuity is almost completely seperate from the rest of the Marvel Universe... something after Burnt Offering I was concerned about because... well, that was a big deal.
thee great one said:
That because I'm a tend setter and everyone wants to be like me.
God yes. If I can be even a smote more like you I'll die a happy man.

Another thing I liked was the creative team refrences. "Nicole lets us do cool things like this" and the Prester John lets the artist draw a horse. They made me smile.
I don't regret adding this to my pull list. I found the search for Cable story a bit jumbled, but the Bosom Buddies story is pretty funny so far.

Duct tape.
Duct tape.
Duct tape.

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So we get a full Cable/Deadpool working together issue here. Like they're best friends. The explanation of What's going on was funny because I'm pretty sure that's how everyone feels about this storyline. No one gets what the stupid thing does and it's actually pretty simple. The Cable shower scene was noteworthy because I'd like to see more relationship with Merryweather and Cable.

They easily infiltrate the Black Box's hideout and have a fight with two chicks (One of their name's is "Rave") Deadpool's fought them before and apparently killed them but didn't kill enough. They were only thugs anyway. Then Deadpool lays them out again. Black Box hooks both Cable and Deadpool up to the information highway and tries to overload their brains.

Cable is unaffected because he was the world's most powerful telepath and dealing with a gazillion thoughts at once was his schtick. So he beats Black Box down while Deadpool was whining like a girl (Not without some humorous quips. Especially the one about Palmero).

All the while The Cat is immuned to the whatever the B.A.D. Girls toss at him at his apartment and just proves that he's like the James Bond of the Marvel Universe.

The ending confused me. Are we supposed to know who The Black Box is? Or were they just intentionally being funny. I have no idea but could've missed it cause I rushed through the issue cause I had class.

Good issue as always though.

Cable/Deadpool #23.
And the Black Box is... Commcast.

So This former X-Man was booted out of Xavier's because he wanted to use the world's knowledge to take it over for good or bad.

Anyway, lot's of fighting, lots of witty one liners, and Cable convinces Commcast to work for him. Cable also gets some of Commcast's powers and uses it as a form of Telepathy since he can read thoughts again. Wish I had the issue to quote Deadpool more but I don't. A lot of funny stuff. Cable is also the guy who hired everyone in the story so that they could find Black Box. He hired The Cat, B.A.D. Girls, and even Deadpool.

Good last panel where Cable's on the phone with Wade and says I have another assignment for you: NEXT ISSUE DEADPOOL VS. Spider-Man


Just nothing exciting but always entertaining. I know entertainment isn't good enough for some comic fans and they need big words and well thought out symbolisms and meanings :twisted: Well I bet they don't read this.
Ever a comic shouldn't have worked, it's Cable & Deadpool. It takes two hopelessly mismatched characters with no obvious reason to work together - not to mention a massive disparity in power levels - and nails them together in a single comic for no immediately obvious reason. But to his credit, Fabian Nicieza has managed to make the book work. Having successfully racked down Cable's powers to sane levels again, he's now playing up the odd couple dynamic for all it's worth.

For more, The X-Axis reviews Cable/Deadpool in 2005

Somebody said:
And This was found by "Somebody" over at EDBOARDS

For everyone but UltimateE

Double Whammy.
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Cable/Deadpool #24


The military is working on something that I think Cable can't hack into. Cable wants to know more about it so he secrety sends Deadpool to find a Daily Bugle reporter who is getting inside information.

The reporter, a made up character, is taking Peter Parker to a story. Deadpool shows up on the Queensborough bridge. He throws Peter Parker out of the car over the side of the bridge (as a gag since he doesn't care about civilian lives). Suddenly there's a big Web infront of them and Deadpool makes a funny Sci-Fi Channel B-Movie joke. Spider-Man and Deadpool fight it out until Cable contacts the reporter through a text message telling him Deadpool is going to help him with the information about the top secret government thing. Everything cools down and Deadpool walks away. Cable explains this "Cone of Silence" project was being built to completely cut specificly him off from the entire world. Ending page shows Nick Fury pissed that the project's been shut down and he wants Captain America to not talk to Cable but to kick his ***....

The Deadpool/Spidey fight was great and awesome that Fabian referenced New Avengers Savage Land incident. Something huge is going on and it's gonna be Cable vs. the world. I think this was the last issue with Partick Zircher.... Pitty I like the art. The best part is Fabian is tying into continuity but with Cable's plan being as big as every suspects, I wonder how the other writers will take it.

The letter's page was hilarious too.

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TheManWithoutFear said:
No one? E did you read it? :twisted:

I got it, but I'm not sure if you value my opinion as much as the Big E.

I really liked this done-in-one-but-still-with-running-plot-threads issue. Deadpool was as almost as funny as way back in the day with Joe Kelly, and Zircher was on top form. A great compact issue after the slightly dissapointing and drawn out Bosom Buddies tale.

Oh and I'm pretty sure that the reporter dude is a bonafide character. I seem to remember him being a side character in Spidey about 6-7 years back. I think he even discovered Pete's identity once too.

I take it from the little blurb at the end of the issue that Zirchers moving over to Iron Man now? First I've heard of it.
Fuzzy Birds said:
I got it, but I'm not sure if you value my opinion as much as the Big E.
E doesn't even like Deadpool. He's a sad little man.

Fuzzy Birds said:
I take it from the little blurb at the end of the issue that Zirchers moving over to Iron Man now? First I've heard of it.
Me too. I had no idea.

Read through it again. Forgot to mention how funny the Irene showing up at Deadpool's apartment was. :lol:
I loved it. It didn't have the knock down smart *** fight I was expecting. But I was laughing my *** off. And this is my first issue I own. :twisted: Looking forward to more.

An incredible secret from Cable's past is revealed! Can a confrontation between Cable and Apocalypse result in an unbelievable ALLIANCE between these two powerhouses? And will Deadpool be forced to cap both of the megalomaniaX?

Does the thought of Deadpool trying to cap both Cable and Big A make everyone else chuckle?