Cable/Deadpool Series Discussion (Spoilers)

It was alright. I liked the idea of Cable being the leader of an eastern block country. It's so ripe with controversy, I can't wait to see what everyone else reaction is.

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MaxwellSmart said:
It was alright. I liked the idea of Cable being the leader of an eastern block country. It's so ripe with controversy, I can't wait to see what everyone else reaction is.


We know what everyone's reaction's gonna be. Cable's alread the head of his own little country and everyone is scared ****less.
I found it to be one of the stronger issues in awhile. I loved Domino since New X-men and this was great. I liked that it was from her eyes. The short fght between her and Deadpool was great. I should of seen ending coming but I didn't until it came. But holy ****. I love Cable.


I'm enjoying the arc. I just don't like the story.

Cable now has his own European country. For what reason? There's nothing Cable having control over this couldn't be done storywise with his control over Providence. Deadpool is dumbed down to a complete lackey now but is still hilarious. Domino gets a lot of attention and it totally worked for me. I want to see more Cable/Domino interaction in the future. Citizen V? Sucked. I love addition to the Ultimatum as Cable's new Stormtroopers.

Basically the issue was Cable playing President and Domino struggling with whether she wanted to kill him or not.

Deadpool is sent to check on the resistance leader who turns out to be Citizen-V in disguise. They pointlessly fight (seriously). They're on the same side but Deadpool is just goofin' off and attacks him. Deadpool brings him to Domino where she let's him go after he says he trusts Cable.

Same old "Do I trust Cable" scenerio. She ends up testing his new powers and leaving him alone. Cable cries like a sissy.

2.5/5 glad this is over and we can get to the Civil War Tie-In.
#30 Civil War Tie in

Good stuff.

Deadpool has one of the best recap pages ever here. Then we open with him fighting The GLA (GLC?) I read The Thing Mini which was referenced, so I get it. Anyway they're already registered but Deadpool wants to fight them anyway. After he violates big bertha, decapitates Mr. Immortal, and gets pwned by Squirrel Girl... the fighting stops and the government steps in and offers Deadpool a job as a superhero bounty hunter.

As he's strapping up, Cable visits him and questions him about what he's doing. Cable asks why he doesn't ask what side he's on and Wade answers him by telling him he figured he's above all this B.S. The whole time Wade asks why he's in town and Cable keeps telling him, "I have to see a guy about something."

Cable meets with Captain America. Cable tells Cap that he already knows the fake names of the heroes (see Civil War #3) He offers the refugees sanctuary in Providence. Cap says he won't run and Cable should help. Cable says he'll do what he can when he can. Deadpool looks on...

Deadpool taking the names that Cable rattled off goes and looks for his first bounty.

He comes face to face with "Daredevil" (Not Murdock :evil: ). They fight but when "Daredevil" gets the advantage, Wade figures out who he really is (I wish I could). Before he can say it out loud he's knocked down by Cap, Young Avengers, Goliath, Falcon.


Look for George Carlin reference (Daredevil's someone Wade's fought before), The Thing references, and Young Avengers cracks.
Nicieza talks Deadpool & Some other guy @ CBR

One is a time traveling soldier from the future that uses his cunning tactical mind and heavy armaments to make the world a better place, whether the world wants to be or not. The other is hyperactive, trigger-happy mercenary with a broken inner monologue and a Bea Arthur fascination. They are Cable (AKA Nathan Summers) and Deadpool (AKA Wade Wilson) and they're stars of their own self-titled series from Marvel Comics. After a few years, the duo's reluctant partnership was starting to gel into a friendship, but now Marvel's heavily armed odd couple find themselves on opposite sides of the ideological schism tearing apart the Marvel Universe's community of costumed champions. CBR News spoke with "Cable & Deadpool" writer Fabian Nicieza about the book and some of the effects Marvel's mega-story "Civil War" will have on the series.

In the most recent issue of "Cable & Deadpool," issue #30, a storyline began that ties into the events of "Civil War." With the book's involvement in such a high profile storyline, CBR News asked Nicieza if he had any information for readers who might be picking up "Cable & Deadpool" for the first time because of "Civil War." "Why did you wait so long before picking up an issue of 'CDP'?" Nicieza asked. "Oooh, I know, you don't like Cable. He's a big guns '90s guy. Or you don't like Deadpool unless Joe Kelly is writing him. Well, you know what, screw you! That's right, I said it. Screw you, candy-assed decompressed '00s reader who refuses to recognize true greatness when it is published every month before your very eyes. You're probably the same guys that would walk past a totally naked Penthouse Pet at your comic book shop because the new Heroclix are on display right behind her. How about if we called it 'New Cable & Deadpool?' You'd probably buy it then because you'd figure how exciting it will be to get in on something totally cool, cause, you know, it has the word New in it.

More at the link above.
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Civil War spoiler in Cable/Deadpool #31:
Thor kills one of the heroes that is on Caps side
Anybody know who?

Oh, and I now know the way to the bathroom from the oval-office in the white house :D
Hibiki said:
Probably "DD," Goliath or Hercules. The Variant to number 4 should be one of the three.
Yeah, it was those three, Cap and Cable that was in this issue.

We know that it won't be Cap and Cable was the one who told the news.
"DD" gets his own book so it will (probably) not be him and then we only have Goliath and Hercules left.
Ares joins IM's Avengers so Hercules should probably be left alive so we have a somewhat personal relation/rivalty between them.
So the only one left should be Goliath then. Well too bad for him :p
#31 was my issue of the week.

We start off with a semi-serious recap page that summarizes civil war and then cut to Deadpool taking on the resistance. Although he holds his own a one-two by Daredevil (Rand) and Captain America put him out. The fight is sealed when Cable steps in and they then tie Deadpool up with ducktape... a lot of it... at least one roll for his mouth alone.

Hilarious Deadpool being left alone and trying to free himself complaining he has to pee the entire time.

Cable returns explains that someone was killed by Thor. They bodyslide by two to the Oval Office where Cable warns the President that this is the beginning of what he's had to dealt with in his life (his past/their future). The President doesn't care. After Cable takes out the military that was protecting the president, the prez then orders Deadpool (after he returns from the bathroom) to take him dead or alive.

Great issue. And really great Civil War tie ins from Fabian.

He went to the restroom? That's funny. After playing xmen legends 2, I think I will pick this up. Not for sure since it's late in the series.
Another great issue. Deadpool taunting Herc while hiding behind Cap was hilarious. Then we get the return of Deadpool's small bladder. And I was sure that when Cable offered him a bigger badge he would switch sides. A little disapointed that the shiny bauble didn't sway him, but I liked the way it ended so no complaints. Can't wait to see the next one. I wanna see these two go at it again.

Cable looked really pissed about the mystery death. With all the time they gave him in this book my money is on Herc.
McCheese said:
Another great issue. Deadpool taunting Herc while hiding behind Cap was hilarious. Then we get the return of Deadpool's small bladder. And I was sure that when Cable offered him a bigger badge he would switch sides. A little disapointed that the shiny bauble didn't sway him, but I liked the way it ended so no complaints. Can't wait to see the next one. I wanna see these two go at it again.

Cable looked really pissed about the mystery death. With all the time they gave him in this book my money is on Herc.

i wouldn't knock since alot of panel were awarded to him at the end of the last issue of CW#3. And as it was sd for him being a counter against Ares being in Mighty Avengers; I don't think so. Ares is a God, Herc is god-like. So I don't think you could pit the two against eachother. Especially if he can't take Thor. Or if Thor Ends up killing him, which IMO seems out of character. Mind Control??? It's happening to Cyclops during X-Men CW.
Hibiki said:
i wouldn't knock since alot of panel were awarded to him at the end of the last issue of CW#3. And as it was sd for him being a counter against Ares being in Mighty Avengers; I don't think so. Ares is a God, Herc is god-like. So I don't think you could pit the two against eachother. Especially if he can't take Thor. Or if Thor Ends up killing him, which IMO seems out of character. Mind Control??? It's happening to Cyclops during X-Men CW.
See it's because he got panel time at the end of CW#3 and in this book that I think he will bite it. Why would they kill somebody who's done nothing but stand in the background? Where's the emotional pull in that, but if someone goes out like a hero
(rushing in to save cap)
people will care. In theory.

Anyway this is a discussion for another thread.
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