Buffy Season 8 Comic series

I'm pretty sure there are extensive Buffyverse timelines out there...

And BBG best not be dissing "Once More With Feeling"

That episode = ****ing Awesome.
Potentail slayers (capable of be the next slayer)are just normal humans. Just like Buffy was before Giles, her Watcher chosen her to be the next slayer, after Spike killed Kendra's mother, a slayer. Spike took her leather trench coat as a souvenir for the kill.

The Master drain Buffy of her blood and throws her into a pool, killing her. Wes, a Watcher, immediately summon Faith, a potentail, as the new slayer unaware that the old slayer, Buffy wasn't really dead.

Only Watchers, demons, or vampires could tell if someone is a potentail slayer.
That's why Angel knew Buffy was the slayer before Giles appointed her, with the help from his demon pal who find her.

Watchers can only appoint potentail slayers to be the next slayer. It not like they can pick just anyone.

Now, there can't be anymore new slayer since the Watcher council was destory. Buffy and Faith are the last slayers. Faith really should've been the the only slayer, since Buffy was killed for a second time when she took her life for Dawn at the end of season six. The series should've edded with that.

I didn't know Spike killed her mother. Where's this said?

1900: Spike kills his first Slayer during the Boxer Rebellion.

Kendra's mother was the first slayer Spike killed. He took her coat as souvenir for his 1st kill.
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The first slayer that was killed by Spike was Asian. Not in any way Kendra's mother. How old would Kendra be if she was born BEFORE 1900?

Spike killed another slayer in NYC later on. That was NOT Kendra's mother either. That was Robin Wood's mother. Watch season 7. It explains that.

Also, in season 2, they SAY that Kendra is a slayer, reporting to Giles for training and help. There is NEVER any mention of Watchers appointing a slayer. The closest thing is when the Shadow Men imbue the first with a demon. After that, it is part of WHO THE GIRLS ARE, just not always active.

Think of being a potential slayer as a gene. Lots of girls have the slayer gene. The Slayer force only inhabits one girl at a time. Watchers made it their business to track down all of the girls with the gene and keep tabs on them until the old slayer dies and one of them gets the Slayer force. Potentials are slightly stronger/faster/reflexy than normal girls. Once the Slayer Force enters them, they become supernaturally better.

In season 7, they release the Slayer Force into ALL potential girls. That's how she gets her Slayer army.
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The first slayer that was killed by Spike was Asian. Not in any way Kendra's mother. How old would Kendra be if she was born BEFORE 1900?

Spike killed another slayer in NYC later on. That was NOT Kendra's mother either. That was Robin Wood's mother. Watch season 7. It explains that.

Also, in season 2, they SAY that Kendra is a slayer, reporting to Giles for training and help. There is NEVER any mention of Watchers appointing a slayer. The closest thing is when the Shadow Men imbue the first with a demon. After that, it is part of WHO THE GIRLS ARE, just not always active.

Think of being a potential slayer as a gene. Lots of girls have the slayer gene. The Slayer force only inhabits one girl at a time. Watchers made it their business to track down all of the girls with the gene and keep tabs on them until the old slayer dies and one of them gets the Slayer force. Potentials are slightly stronger/faster/reflexy than normal girls. Once the Slayer Force enters them, they become supernaturally better.

In season 7, they release the Slayer Force into ALL potential girls. That's how she gets her Slayer army.
Yeah. ya right. I got confuse with a differnt person.
The Master drain Buffy of her blood and throws her into a pool, killing her. Wes, a Watcher, immediately summon Faith, a potentail, as the new slayer unaware that the old slayer, Buffy wasn't really dead.

Wes wasn't Faiths original Watcher, her original Watcher was killed by Kakistos.

Only Watchers, demons, or vampires could tell if someone is a potentail slayer.
That's why Angel knew Buffy was the slayer before Giles appointed her, with the help from his demon pal who find her.

Also, Giles wasn't Buffys original Watcher, that was Merrick, killed by Lothos before the series began.
Robin Wood from season 7 was the daughter of the slayer that Spike killed in New York. They even had an whole episode with him trying to kill Spike for it.


Due to the violent nature of the life of a Slayer, their average lifespan is quite short after being called. Consequently, the Shadow Men's spell also created a large number of Potential Slayers - normal girls around the world who may one day be called. When a Slayer dies, one of the Potentials - seemingly chosen at random - gains the powers and abilities of a Slayer. The Watcher's Council tries to identify and train these "Potentials" before they are called, but are not always able to do so.

They are called at random. Giles never meet Buffy before she was a slayer. and she was slayer before he was chosen as her watcher.

Come on, do you even watch the show?

Kendra was the slayer called after Buffy. They say so in the episode. Faith was called when she was killed.

SO! The Faith arc ended on a great note. I like how Faith plans on being a mentor to "bad" Slayers. And I think it's really cool (And a complete reversal) that Giles is now going to be her partner. I wonder if Faith is going to show up in Ripper because of this? Even if just occasionally.

As for the villain. . .is he even a villain? Issue 10 seems to point to no. He's trying to destroy the realm of magic. It also seems to point to the fact that Willow may be in love with Buffy, but may betray her when she decides to help usher in Twilight (C'mon, it HAS to be Buffy that destroys magic on Earth. It hints at it in Fray). Issue 10 was really strange and sort of all over the place, though. The Dawn and Xander parts were cool, if just for the interaction, but the Buffy/Willow parts were just bizarre. Especially if Willow really is in love with Buffy (Am I reading that right? I don't know. . .)

Looking forward to the Tokyo arc!
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I wonder if Faith is going to show up in Ripper because of this? Even if just occasionally.

I would love that. I love Faith. Lots.

I thought the same thing about Fray when they mentioned the end of magic etc.

On a side note... does anyone else find reading back BBG's old posts incredibly funny? He seriously had no clue...
I would love that. I love Faith. Lots.

I thought the same thing about Fray when they mentioned the end of magic etc.

I hope she shows up in Ripper, although that depends when Ripper takes place. It's supposedly Giles coming out of retirement to fight baddies in England, so it has to be after Buffy 7. Although, I think there was a year and a half between Buffy 7 and Buffy 8 so. . .who knows.

And "Twilight" is definitely leading up to Fray. I'm just curious where it goes.

On a side note... does anyone else find reading back BBG's old posts incredibly funny? He seriously had no clue...

Yes. I still don't know how he didn't know almost anything about what he was talking about.
Yes. I still don't know how he didn't know almost anything about what he was talking about.

He was the type of person you could throw a dozen links at to prove your point, and he still would say that damned timeline of his was right.

The one thing if Joss does go with Twilight being the end of magic and essentially the jumping on point for Fray, we won't get any more spinoffs in the current Buffy timeline. They would either have to prequel it (and look how well Enterprise worked out for Star Trek...) or do a Fray style series, set after the return of the demons.
The one thing if Joss does go with Twilight being the end of magic and essentially the jumping on point for Fray, we won't get any more spinoffs in the current Buffy timeline. They would either have to prequel it (and look how well Enterprise worked out for Star Trek...) or do a Fray style series, set after the return of the demons.

I doubt there would be anymore spin-offs. Ripper will probably take place from when Giles went back to England up until the Faith arc in Buffy Season 8. It could also continue all the way until the end of Buffy Season 9 (I think they're doing a Season 9 after Season 8 ) IF they get Eliza Dushku on board. After that, what's left?

They planned on doing the Animated Series, which was supposed to take place in Buffy's high school days but with Dawn added, but that was canned. Faith the Vampire Slayer, if it ever gets off the ground, could take place from the end of Season 7 until her meet up with Giles. The Spike and Willow movies could take place around the same time. And Slayer School basically IS Buffy Season 8. Those are the only spin-offs that were ever discussed.
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I understand what going on. Buffy is going down hill. Buffy used to be awesome. Back in the day, when Buffy was an kick-*** demon slayer. Now she just a babysitter with gay friends. Jeez, Angel is the only person kicking some demon butts.

Oh dear. Someone's spat the dummy.

Not nice being wrong, is it?

I'll say goodbye in advance.



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