Bryan Singer on Ultimate X-Men.

Still, we will see what the arcs will be like. Hopefully we get good action in them, with the whole team, and not relating to the movies at all.
Again, we're asking for a lot there, but, like I've said, I'll live through his arc to see another one. I just hope that he uses Colossus to the fullest!
Well, Blacksword, continuing the talk here about Singer, I still dont think that Vaughun is setting up for him. Remember, some else mentioned on the board, hes not even writing the comic. Its the writers of the X-Men movies.
Is that right? Wow, if Singer's name is put on those things instead of the two writers, that's some bull right there. This guy keeps on getting better and better in my opinion.
We say Singer for convenience sake. And the concepts are most likely to be his. And if you take things where they are now as compared to where they were at the end of ROTK we have an X-Men team that is one heck of a lot closer to the movie X-Men than at any point before.
Well, there were very subtle similarities before, but now, it is getting movie like cast-wise, but the stories are still very original. Singer wouldn't even think to add the Fenris Twins in a story or a movie.
Im kinda pissed that Singer left X-Men to do Superman, but I really wanna see what he's gonna do with UXM.
Really, I'm just hoping that the ideas and plots that often rubbed me as obscure from the movies don't find there way into the Ultimate X-Men comic...
Well, in the Spider-Man movies, we got things that related to the actual comic and, at the same time, got something that was just a little off to keep the regular people in the movie entertained whereas in the X-Men movies we were given something different... Sure, we got the whole mutant school, but, what else did we get? A mutant making machine that used humans? An organization that drugged mutants and used cerebro as a weapon. They should have done something like based the first movie off the first X-Men comic and the second the Dark Phoenix or something. The plots given were just a little too comic book for a general audience... I hope I am getting this point across...
I understand what you are saying, but don't forget, it's till a comic-based movie! You can't change so much so a general audience can understand what the hell is going on, without keeping it is should be.
Right, I can understand that, however, there could have been better ways of going about it. For instance, instead of Stryker... You know, they could have made some better choices, you know? More of a focus on Magneto maybe? Who knows, it just rubbed me as strange.
I rather liked the second movie. The first one was handicapped out if being the introductory film and its foolish plot concept. The movie's Stryker character fits a standard X-men type as a fanatic who wants to eliminate mutants - X-Men is about human mutant relations to a large extent, or it was originally. Singer probably picked the name Stryker because he's a Clermont fan, the story he appeared in is considered a classic X-Men story and it's 'cool' name. In any case the story is a standard X-Men story and one well grounded in reality... which was the idea behind these movies, to make X-Men a respectible sci-fi franchise, rather than the sole property of (sorry to be brutal) guys who keep sealed copies of Clermont issues under their beds in their parents' basements. Off the wall stories were never in the cards and there have been way too many Magneto centred stories over the years so we didn't need another. And it's not like he wasn't in this movie, he was almost as prominent in the second as in the first. And I found using him in a different capacity thna as main villian was a good choice, gives him more range and is a move done prevoiously in the comics. Though I don't want him in UXM, I think Singer's done a decent job with the movies given their intended purpose.
GUYS!!! GUYS!!! You know how in the movie of X2 it says that Bryan Singer wrote story?!?!?!? Well according to my film teacher( he's also a working director) the story was so bad that they paid a guy 1 million dollars to RE-Write the X-Men movie. Sooooooo......we'll see how the comic comes out
Hmm... very interesting. Maybe Mike and Dan (the writers of the X-Men movies) were the ones paid $1 million for it.

I wouldn't be surprised. But I could be wrong.
Nope, some one different. He didnt want his name on the movie though, so I dont know who he is. Our teacher told us his name but I forgot

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