Britney Spears Has Been Kidnapped By V!

Re: Britney Spears is losing it

Also this all happened so suddenly, its so out of the blue

Yeah, it's totally blindsiding. I mean, she goes from marrying some jagoff who left his pregnant girlfriend for her to having two kids in one year to splitting up with said jagoff husband to partying with other famous people who she apparently met at some point. . . ? to having her vagina plastered over the internet, to shaving her head and trying to kill herself.
Re: Britney Spears is losing it

K-Feds plans to get his bike back have come to fruition. If all goes well, he will be with britney by the months end. That or she mixed medication with her 5 oclock martini.
Re: Britney Spears is losing it

I can't believe we're talking about this. I spend all day avoiding celebrity gossip like rape, come home and find you guys gossiping about Britney like a bunch of 13 year old girls.

I have no reservations though; it's funny. She's a public figure and she went crazy. Crazy people are funny.
Re: Britney Spears is losing it

I can't believe we're talking about this. I spend all day avoiding celebrity gossip like rape, come home and find you guys gossiping about Britney like a bunch of 13 year old girls.

Like, OH MY GAWD! TOMMY WAS AT THE MALL! And he so checked out my ***!

And did you see Carla, the skank showing off her tramp stamp!
Re: Britney Spears is losing it

Like, OH MY GAWD! TOMMY WAS AT THE MALL! And he so checked out my ***!

And did you see Carla, the skank showing off her tramp stamp!

Totally...and do you know she had the nerve to wear the same GAp shirt I was wearing to Steven's party last week.

Re: Britney Spears is losing it

Yeah, this isn't really funny anymore.
Oh, and just so I don't sound like some crazy new age hippy, I wish this thread still had its Kidnapped by V name.
YES. "Britney Spears is losing it" is a totally lame title in comparison.
Like, OH MY GAWD! TOMMY WAS AT THE MALL! And he so checked out my ***!

And did you see Carla, the skank showing off her tramp stamp!
omg u could totally c her coin slot

ill text u bout what i saw
Anal sex...another preventative to the terrible plague that is post-partum depression.
You should do a book with Brooke Shields.
Thread title changed back. Thank teh Kalicki.
Britney is now claiming to be the anti-christ... She even shaved "666" into the side of her head. :roll:

Again I say its an act. just to get publicity. Most likely she'll try doing dark music when she gets out.