Britney Spears Has Been Kidnapped By V!

She's smarter than she gets credit for.

Unfortunately they could just as easily take it from her legs or pits - if I were a betting man I'd say she doesn't shave those.
Considering the recent pics (before the shaved head pics) of her I would say that she shaves everything :wink:
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I finally found the last two issues of V For Vendetta (they were in a completely different box than the first eight for some reason). I haven't read this series in seven years. I haven't seen the movie either since I've been putting it off until I found those two freakin' issues. Many long hours wasted in my mom's garage. . . But all worth it now!
I was flipping through the channels a little bit ago, and they were doing some kind of Britney Spears marathon.

It's sad how far she's fallen.
I was flipping through the channels a little bit ago, and they were doing some kind of Britney Spears marathon.

It's sad how far she's fallen.
If her life wasn't so utterly meaningless, her story would be a greek tragedy.

I can't wait till they do one of those "where are they now" specials twenty years from now. At this point, I imagine her weighing 200 lbs with a split lip scar.
You know, I tried denying it to myself since it happened. I tried going along with the crowd. But I have to come clean. I think bald Britney is super sexy.

I've always had a thing for chicks with shaved heads or really short hair. I don't know.

Put me in a room with Robin Tunney from Empire Records and you won't see me again until Ultimates 2 ends.
I was bored waiting for my brother to get off the computer so I watched Leno since I was to lazy to change the channel from watching the news from after watching Law & Order: SVU.

Anyways, today he had his Headlines segment, and it opened with that picture VVD posted that has that webadress on it. The headline for that picture was "Britney Spears sues for being accidently used as Oscar."

It was funny.
I've always had a thing for chicks with shaved heads or really short hair. I don't know.

in words of Onyx, and surprised the song didn't start playing in my head when she went bald

What's the matter with my BRAIIIIIIIIN?
I can't think clear, oh it's the hair
Run and get the razor, gotta make it disappear
There! Now I've got a open mind
plus some grease to give it a shine


[Sticky Fingaz]
AIYYO!!! What's goin on with the world?
Yesterday, seen a bald head girl
WHAT? MOVE!! You heard what I said
I wouldn't be caught dead without a bald head
Atak of Da Bal-Hedz Lyrics
Britney Spears is losing it

Britney Spears says 'I'm the Antichrist' before suicide bid
- Troubled singer now on the mend, says source

Britney Spears claimed she was the "Antichrist" before trying to commit suicide, it has been reported.

The troubled singer - who is currently in Malibu's Promises rehab centre - scribbled 666 on her shaved head and terrified staff by screaming, "I am the

A source told the News of the World: "She was crying and shouting, 'I am the Antichrist!' Then she started screaming, 'I'm a fake!'

"Later that night she tried to kill herself. She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck. Paramedics were called, but luckily she was

Britney has reportedly begged estranged husband Kevin Federline, 28, to renew their wedding vows and have another child.

The source added: "Britney has realised what a rock Kevin has been to her, she wants to be with him again. Britney seems much happier and has calmed down since the incident. She is a completely different Britney from the beginning of the week."

The 25-year-old is said to have requested one night away from the clinic to be with Kevin. Just weeks ago, Britney and Kevin were embroiled in a bitter custody battle for their sons, 17-month-old Sean Preston and five-month-old Jayden James.

Britney quit rehab and was seen attacking a photographer and a car with an umbrella outside Kevin's home, after he refused to see her.

Friends claim the Toxic singer has attempted to commit suicide before. A source said: "Britney held up two bottles of Tylenol and shouted 'I'm doing this!' Britney was terrified Kevin would get full custody of the children. She said she would kill herself if she lost her boys."

Meanwhile, Britney's mother Lynne has banned former lover Justin Timberlake from visiting the star in rehab.

A source told the Sunday Mirror: "Justin was distressed to learn about the state Britney was in. Lynne was touched by the gesture but begged him not to go. He promised to hook up with her at a later date."

I have to say that I feel really really bad for her, although I find the situation kind of amusing.
Re: She Went Crazy!

Man... this is ****ed up. Its weird when thinking back to early in her career. And I agreed with the slightly amusing point specially this "Britney has realised what a rock Kevin has been to her" ...:shock: Also didnt see break up with him? Sometimes I dont get people
Re: She Went Crazy!

I don't find it amusing at all, honestly, and I genuinely feel bad for her.

It was funny at first, but she clearly has major issues that are getting worse, not the least of which is probably post-partum depression.

But she has the resources to get all the help in the world and hopefully people who care enough to help her get it.
Re: She Went Crazy!

I don't find it amusing at all, honestly, and I genuinely feel bad for her.

Me too. I said this back in the other thread (which I'll merge after I post this).

I do wish the media would shut up about her though, and not just for her benefit.
Re: She Went Crazy!

Paramedics were called, but luckily she was unhurt."

That line practically oozes irony.

I probably shouldn't find anything in this whole situation funny but, you know what?, I do. God help me, I find it hilarious. And yes, I've long ago accepted the fact that I'm going to Hell. The brochure says they serve martini's at five.
Re: Britney Spears is losing it

Amusing is the wrong word... and I'm insensitive to have used it...

Its just unbelievable to see her entire life collapse like it has... Like it seems like it can't possibly be real... I mean, this is Brittany Spears, for god's sake.

I also hope she gets the help she needs.
Re: Britney Spears is losing it

Its just unbelievable to see her entire life collapse like it has... Like it seems like it can't possibly be real... I mean, this is Brittany Spears, for god's sake.

Correct. She's been a constant presence in our life, for good or ill, for close to a decade now. For some of you younger bucks out there she's been with you throughout your most formative years.

Now she's bat**** crazy and it has to be a hard thing to cope with. Even harder if you're a fan, but regardless, she's an important aspect to everyone's life of a certain age and amusing or sad or whatever, it's impossible not to feel something.

Oh, and just so I don't sound like some crazy new age hippy, I wish this thread still had its Kidnapped by V name.
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Re: Britney Spears is losing it

Correct. She's been a constant presence in our life, for good or ill, for close to a decade now. For some of you younger bucks out there she's been with you throughout your most formative years.

Now she's bat**** crazy and it has to be a hrad thing to cope with. Even harder if you're a fan, but regardless, she's an important aspect to everyone's life of a certain age and amusing or sad or whatever, it's impossible not to feel something.

Also this all happened so suddenly, its so out of the blue