Bendis: "I smell an Ultimate Deadpool comin’"

I just came online to express my extreme excitment for this story!! And everyone better buy these Deadpool issues, cause i wanna see more of Ultimate Deadpool!
U.C. meet Ultimate Deadpool!

That costume would benefit from a big smiley grin on the front of the mask.

And it should be all purple with green spots.
AWESOME!! This costume is a great update, i wonder who he is under the mask, if their gonna change the fact that hes Wade Wilson, and maybe do a new origin on him! Man im hyped!
It's either Mary Jane or Kitty Pryde.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Who let him in here?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He needed a walk...I went to put the leash, and VOOM! VOOM! VOOM! he ran off.

I'll try so that it won't happen again, but I can't make any promises.
Regarding the wording of the solicitation. I think that we're still gonna get an Ultimate Wade Wilson. I just think that he somehow has a deeper agenda than taking over the school. He might tie into one of the other character's pasts.... hopefully not Logan... but then again, I wouldn't mind.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Who let him in here?

Get it? Because that's what everyone was saying about the Spider-Girl thing?

Hee hee hee...
Doc Comic said:
Can somebody post the solicit?
Pencils & Cover by MARK BAGLEY
It's the Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spider-Man versus Ultimate Deadpool and his deadly band of Reavers—for all the marbles! And wait'll you see where the battle takes place! Deadpool's identity revealed and the relationship between Peter Parker and young Kitty Pryde hits an important milestone!
32 PGS. /Rated A ...$2.99

There ya go...
First, the costume looks terrible. This is supposed to be an update? Hardly. I'm not impressed, but all that matters is all of the hardcore Deadpool fans are satisfied so I won't say anything else about his appearance.

Also, I've got a question for Bendis now...

Is it the ****ing Maruaders or is it the Reavers?
Goodwill said:
Also, I've got a question for Bendis now...

Is it the ****ing Maruaders or is it the Reavers?

The Marauvers?

Regarding the Merc With The Mouth, I'm more than happy with his costume. Looks similar enough, although I hope Bagley draws the facial expressions under the mask as most DP artists have.

As for the identity, I'm a little worried Bendis is gonna do something a bit stupid. I would actually prefer him to be tied to Wolverine somehow, rather than setting up and explaining Department K (or was it H?). I also have the feeling he's gonna be kept as a villain by Bendis too, which is a shame, I'd rather see him as the insane anti hero.

And by God, he'd better talk in those little yellow baloons.
Fuzzy Birds said:
The Marauvers?

Regarding the Merc With The Mouth, I'm more than happy with his costume. Looks similar enough, although I hope Bagley draws the facial expressions under the mask as most DP artists have.

As for the identity, I'm a little worried Bendis is gonna do something a bit stupid. I would actually prefer him to be tied to Wolverine somehow, rather than setting up and explaining Department K (or was it H?). I also have the feeling he's gonna be kept as a villain by Bendis too, which is a shame, I'd rather see him as the insane anti hero.

And by God, he'd better talk in those little yellow baloons.

I think that he will somehow be connected to Xavier, a failed student?and his band of maruaders, more failed students?? Why the X-Mansion? how did they know it was there?? It makes me wonder the connection must be deeper than Wolverine...

And yeah I hope he doesnt stay a villain he deserves a shot at a mini or a solo!