Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator
Re: Get ready for Watchmen 2!
They have some big names involved with this.
I'm surprised by that.
They have some big names involved with this.
I'm surprised by that.
I won't. Not out of outrage but simply because I didn't enjoy reading Watchmen.I'm tired of the outrage over this. I'll read it.
They have some big names involved with this.
I'm surprised by that.
Friday said:I won't. Not out of outrage but simply because I didn't enjoy reading Watchmen.
The creative teams are stellar. Darwin Cooke alone makes this worth checking out, but Azzarello writing Roschach and The Comedian seems perfect.
I'm already sick of the "fan" reaction on this. People are screaming Cash Grab left and right. Of course its a cash grab. DC Entertainment is a Corporaton. Its entire purpose in existing is to make money. By not taking advantage of properties like Watchmen and exploiting them to the best of thier abilities they're doing thier shareholders a disservice. And its not like they're mining a virgin well here. Its well known that the characters in Watchmen are analogues for the Charlton Comics superheros. Moore didn't create this universe from whole cloth, he had a foundation. Let other people, especially this EXTREMLY talented crew, build on his foundation.
Honestly I think the worst reaction I've seen on this is from Leah Moore. She tweeted "Why not do NEW ogn's from the Before Watchmen creators, or better yet by frech talent. Use the budget to find the *next* watchmen instead?" the latter half of which sounds to me like a great way for DC to burn a lot of money quickly. DC isn't in the buisness of cultivating new talent that isn't Dr. Strangfate. They're one of the premire publishers. They're the ones who will give you a vertigo series once you've mad a name for yourself. They're the ones who will let your inner 8 year old run rampent with Frankenstein after you've written the touching story about hockey. New OGNs by the teams would be great if they were interested in doing them, but I've got a feeling they're not. Each of these creators could do whatever project they want to. They're doing Before Watchmen. I bet they're going to do a hell of a job too.
Let them do what they want to and not what you think they should.
I love the stylization of Silk Spectre's cover.
Also... am I the only one who thinks it looks like Dr Manhattan's banging Silk Spectre on the cover of his book?
I love the stylization of Silk Spectre's cover.
Also... am I the only one who thinks it looks like Dr Manhattan's banging Silk Spectre on the cover of his book?
I'm already sick of the "fan" reaction on this. People are screaming Cash Grab left and right. Of course its a cash grab. DC Entertainment is a Corporaton. Its entire purpose in existing is to make money. By not taking advantage of properties like Watchmen and exploiting them to the best of thier abilities they're doing thier shareholders a disservice. And its not like they're mining a virgin well here. Its well known that the characters in Watchmen are analogues for the Charlton Comics superheros. Moore didn't create this universe from whole cloth, he had a foundation. Let other people, especially this EXTREMLY talented crew, build on his foundation.
Honestly I think the worst reaction I've seen on this is from Leah Moore. She tweeted "Why not do NEW ogn's from the Before Watchmen creators, or better yet by frech talent. Use the budget to find the *next* watchmen instead?" the latter half of which sounds to me like a great way for DC to burn a lot of money quickly. DC isn't in the buisness of cultivating new talent that isn't Dr. Strangfate. They're one of the premire publishers. They're the ones who will give you a vertigo series once you've mad a name for yourself. They're the ones who will let your inner 8 year old run rampent with Frankenstein after you've written the touching story about hockey. New OGNs by the teams would be great if they were interested in doing them, but I've got a feeling they're not. Each of these creators could do whatever project they want to. They're doing Before Watchmen. I bet they're going to do a hell of a job too.
Let them do what they want to and not what you think they should.
DC isn't in the buisness of cultivating new talent that isn't Dr. Strangfate.
I for one refuse to even download this. Nothing good will come from it and at best it will only cheapen the original comic. Books like this need to be seen as a product of their time. Writing a prequel more than 3 decades later means that the way we think about that period has changed.
In my Bachelor Thesis in Movie Studies I compared the way Adolf Hitler was depicted in 3 films: Hitler, the Last Ten Days (1973), The Bunker (1981) and Der untergang (2004). Each of these films depicts his final hours and they are all based on roughly the same source material. Yet each of them paints a completely different picture of the person Adolf Hitler. Why? Because the way we think about him has changed.
The same thing applies to Watchmen. Moore used this book to comment on the Cold War from a 1980's point of view. You can't go back to that! THe prequel will be written from a 2010 point of view. What's even worse is that it will influence and therefore change the original book because they are about the same characters.
DC is cashing in and cheapening one of the most infulential comicbooks ever written. Im sure it will turn a profit and more companies will try this route (hell, Hollywood has been doing it for years now)and in doing so it will once more cheapen comicbooks as a media. It will pave the road for the V for Vendetta sequel, the Maus prequel and the live action Calvin and Hobbes movie starring Chris Rock as the voice of CGI Hobbes.
F*ck everything about this.
This gave even me a hearty chuckle though:
That's a really cynical way to look at it. Hitler was depicted 3 different ways in 3 different films but it was also 3 different people playing Hitler and 3 different producers, etc. The passing of time in and of itself is just a very small part of that.
And you suggest that it's flat out not possible to tell a story in any time period in the past, which is kind of silly.
Guys...what if it's good? You hold Watchmen so sacred that you won't even give it a chance? So many of the arguments against that I'm seeing have already decided that the creative teams are incompetent idiots who can't possibly tell a good story.
The problem I have with this is that it WILL change the characters and thus change the original comic. Even more so if it is good.
DC is now changing the single most influential comicbook ever written to make a quick buck. Hell, the only reason they still have the rights to it is because it's so popular they can keep reprinting it.
And this argument: "DC Entertainment is a Corporaton. Its entire purpose in existing is to make money" is exactly what is wrong with the world. Big corporations want to make money, doesn't matter who they screw over, what they ruin or how much damage to the enviroment they cause. The fact that there are actually people saying 'can't really blame them for it, it's what they do' makes me sick to my stomach. Big corporations ALWAYS have ethical responcibility and right now DC is completely ignoring theirs.
I want to be told a good reason as to why BEFORE WATCHMEN is going to be good and worth my time.