Re: Get ready for Watchmen 2!
I don't know what's funnier - his unintentionally funny notion that Moore is a "one trick pony" who ruined superhero comics, or his intentionally funny idea that Liefeld is ideal to continue the trend.
Alan Moore may have destroyed superhero comics (he didn't), but all John Byrne can do is retroactively destroy his own work.
Actually, to me the funniest part is the irony of Byrne (of all people) calling ANYONE a one trick pony. Phone call for you Johnny, it's pot, says you're black.
know. Alan Moore is wonderfully versatile. His work on WATCHMEN is similar to his work on say, MIRACLEMAN and SWAMP THING, but it's
nothing like his work on SUPERMAN or TOM STRONG or TOP 10. He's
at least, a two-trick pony.
To be fair, the idea of someone doing to Watchmen's outlook what Moore did to the Superhero outlook back in the day is actually pretty darn interesting.
I thought Zack Snyder already did this.
He took a shocking, ground-breaking, poetic, grim, and down-to-earth conspiracy story about superheroes and turned it into an unsurprising, garishly loud, cacophony of operatic slow-motion action adventure conventions.
I don't necessarily hate everything Millar does, it's just that he's becoming repetitive, I mean, the biggest example was Ultimates 2: Grand Theft America was exactly the same as The Authority: Transfer of Power.
I didn't like GRAND THEFT AMERICA but I don't see how they're "exactly the same".
Sure, both stories involve the replacement of the superhero team with a team of doppelgangers, but the doppelganger is a grand old convention of the genre. Millar
used that convention rather differently.
In THE AUTHORITY the doppelgangers surreptitiously
kill and replace the originals and the public goes along with it. This allows the shadowy corporate conspiracies of the Earth, whom the Authority have been fighting, to reassert dominance over the planet.
In THE ULTIMATES, the doppelgangers are an
invading army. They don't show up and secretly replace the team, they lead an invading army to conquer America.
The conventions are the same conventions, but they're used rather differently. If the Liberators had been HYDRA infiltrating SHIELD and replacing the Ultimates, you'd be right; it'd be exactly the same. But they weren't; the dynamics of the stories were different. There are similarities, but they're handled differently in a number of ways; GRAND THEFT AMERICA had nowhere near the level of humour as TRANSFER OF POWER, like Religimon. Instead it had the creeping paranoia in the traitor mystery.
That said, I think GRAND THEFT AMERICA was poo.