Batman: The Brave and the Bold (series discussion)

And they kept Billy West as Skeets!!!

I loved Vandal Savage (or Kru'll the Eternal - whytheycallhimthat?)

I love Booster Gold! Plus! More Wildcat! :D
Billy West is the greatest voice-actor in the history of ever

I've watched a couple episodes of this it's pretty good, I liked the one with Green Arrow, Merlin, and Morgan LeFay

Still can't get over Oswald's voice being Batmans
I like the Huntress episode better than the Booster Gold one but both were fun.

"You wouldn't hit a lady would you?"
"The hammer of justice is unisex."
Batman has such awesome lines in this show.

"Am I gonna live forever?"
"You deluded creature. Still hoping to get something for nothing."
The Robin episode! Whee!

I love how both Batman and Robin's methods work (in the deathtrap and figuring out Quilt's objective) equally well, even though they follow entirely different thought patterns.

And since someone has to say it, Crazy Quilt (who is awesome in this episode) is totally gay for Robin. Though I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until the shrine showed up.
The Bat-Mite episode was great. Ace the Bat-Hound showing up would have been enough, but the callbacks to the Timmiverse clinched it as one of my favorites.
I am in Berlin and can't see the new ep right now. But I saw the Crazy Quilt episode! It was totally kick-***. Robin was great fun. And I love the art-themed gimmickry of Crazy Quilt.

(On a side note, in Germany, the Z and Y keys are the other way round. Which is maddening when trying to type Crazy Quilt. This has to be the most Y-Z intensive post I've ever made... and of course, it would be in the place where the letters are switched. Irony is a poop.)
Oh man, the part where he goes to the fifth dimension comic con to see what other Batman fans thought was awesome.

Then Paul Dini and Bruce Timm dressed up as Harley and Joker, hilarious.
The last sequence was awesomesauce as well as the Comic-Con scene. This series is great when it goes to the WTF zone! :)

I have no idea how Batman figured out or even did anything that caused the last sequence in the end that causes Bat-Mite to regret his decision, but you just don't care. You just watch Bat-Mite go nuts from his imagination.
The last sequence was awesomesauce as well as the Comic-Con scene. This series is great when it goes to the WTF zone! :)

I have no idea how Batman figured out or even did anything that caused the last sequence in the end that causes Bat-Mite to regret his decision, but you just don't care. You just watch Bat-Mite go nuts from his imagination.

I just interpereted it as Bat-Mite subconciously sabotoging himself.

He expressed doubts that he could really replace Batman, so he used his powers to make Batman's foes (and Batman himself) a lot more powerful then they really were.
The Bat-Mite episode was so fantastically wonderful. The BTAS refs were terrific. But my favourite reference was a call to THE GREAT PIGGY BANK ROBBERY! How obscure and bizarre is THAT?!?!?!

If you don't know what I'm talking about...

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Wow, I'm surprised you caught that. Though I guess that explains my deja vu while watching the Bat-Mite episode.
I personally loved the Duck Tracy reference. That of course was a Dick Tracy parody.
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