But, I'm of mixed minds about moving into sandbox territory. On one hand, it's something I've been dying to see (and I think it's what just about everyone wants). There was actually a thread a while back where we were talking about what we'd like to see in a Batman game, and I suggested something sandbox style that actually mechanically had a lot of things in common with AA, so I think it could be done. But.... An open city Gotham game would have its own share of new difficulties the team would have to overcome and the investment of a lot of resources making the transition. I'm afraid if they jumped straight into something like that, they wouldn't have a chance to tighten up the problems that were inherent in AA. I don't know. I think I'd like to see them polish up the AA formula before jumping into something as ambitious as a sandbox game. I think the ideal middle ground would be something halfway between the two, mission based storyline spread along a series of maps linked together by Batmobile (and maybe Batwing) driving sequences.

Hell, maybe that's what you were suggesting, in which case, I think you're right.