Batman: Arkham Asylum

Wasn't Arkham taken over once before in the DCAU though?

That one episode where the Gotham Rogues put Batman on trial and have an anti-Batman lawyer defend him.
It's been taken over a couple times, yeah. But in this case,
most of the guards are killed, a gigantic plot of corruption and terrorism involving biological weapons is uncovered involving inmates, security and at least one of the highest-up doctors, and the asylum is partially destroyed by gigantic mutant vines, all in one night.

Could be the last straw.
The only problem with that theory is Oracle, who is established throughout the game as being Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon's daughter. Batgirl accompanied Batman to Arkham in ROTJ and appeared in Batman Beyond, never once displaying any kind of paralysis.

I suppose it still works if you just say that in the DCAU, Barbara wasn't ever paralysed and just became Oracle for a while, for some reason, before turning back into Batgirl.
It's still not quite perfect though. I would have preferred to have had more (or any, for that matter) influence on the outcome of the story, rather than playing through a completely linear story. You can't really become the hero in a game, in my opinion, if you are basically doing what they tell you to do.

That's my biggest problem with the game. Other than that...yeah, it's great. The combat system is the most riotously fun combat I have ever experienced in a videogame.
Two new Downloadable maps will be coming out this Thursday for Playstation 3, XBOX 360, and games for Windows.

Eidos and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced the Insane Night Map Pack, a free downloadable map pack for the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum action adventure title. Beginning September 17th, the Insane Night Map Pack will be available from PlayStation Store, Xbox LIVE Marketplace, and Games for Windows LIVE Marketplace, and offer gamers two new Challenge Maps to hone their FreeFlow, Combat skills and test their Invisible Predator prowess.

Read more here:
I agree with Gothamite. It's not perfect. The story is lacking, the ambience of the setting (it's Arkham ****ing Asylum!) isn't quite where it could be, and a lot of the boss fights aren't as epic as I would have liked. And that Joker battle.... Really? But, for a first generation game, it's still pretty spectacular. Both the combat and the stealth gameplay are incredibly fun.

My 360 got the red ring of death during the final fight.... I really need to send it to MS for replacement.
Two new Downloadable maps will be coming out this Thursday for Playstation 3, XBOX 360, and games for Windows.

Eidos and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced the Insane Night Map Pack, a free downloadable map pack for the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum action adventure title. Beginning September 17th, the Insane Night Map Pack will be available from PlayStation Store, Xbox LIVE Marketplace, and Games for Windows LIVE Marketplace, and offer gamers two new Challenge Maps to hone their FreeFlow, Combat skills and test their Invisible Predator prowess.

Read more here:


I really want some alternate costumes too, though. I'd pay for them. Especially a Bruce Wayne one.
I really want some alternate costumes too, though. I'd pay for them. Especially a Bruce Wayne one.


I keep thinking how cool it would be to play as someone who isn't wearing a Batman suit, in one of the combat challenges. An unmasked Bruce Wayne in a ninja costume would be really nice. And obviously I'd love if we could get an all-black suit or a yellow-oval suit, but that probably isn't going to happen, either.

I'm sure there's going to be tons of mods for this when it comes out on PC.

Does anyone know how one can retrieve a lost Xbox LIVE password?
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It's still not quite perfect though. I would have preferred to have had more (or any, for that matter) influence on the outcome of the story, rather than playing through a completely linear story. You can't really become the hero in a game, in my opinion, if you are basically doing what they tell you to do.

That's my biggest problem with the game. Other than that...yeah, it's great. The combat system is the most riotously fun combat I have ever experienced in a videogame.

I agree with Gothamite. It's not perfect. The story is lacking, the ambience of the setting (it's Arkham ****ing Asylum!) isn't quite where it could be, and a lot of the boss fights aren't as epic as I would have liked. And that Joker battle.... Really? But, for a first generation game, it's still pretty spectacular. Both the combat and the stealth gameplay are incredibly fun.

My 360 got the red ring of death during the final fight.... I really need to send it to MS for replacement.

I didn't say it was perfect, I said it was the best Batman or comic based video game ever. Which it is. While it certainly has its problems (which you both accurately listed), I think its safe to say these will probably be addressed in a (theoretical) sequel.

And if this game doesn't get a sequel, I'll be very disappointed. Imagine a bit more of a sandbox element to it, where you can travel Gotham (and vehicle mode is required for the Batmobile/Batwing...a sequel should allow you to pilot both). I'd love to see a sequel follow a plot line like Long Halloween or another classicly epic Batman story.

Basically, I just want more.
I didn't say it was perfect, I said it was the best Batman or comic based video game ever. Which it is. While it certainly has its problems (which you both accurately listed), I think its safe to say these will probably be addressed in a (theoretical) sequel.

:D I didn't think you had, but yeah, you're right. I'm just a little worried that they might have blown their load a little early by using up Arkham Asylum for the first game. There aren't really any settings as evocative in the Batman mythos as the asylum. I'd like to see a game with the same scope as AA set around a portion of Santa Prisca, but that premise has its own challenges to overcome.

DIrishB said:
And if this game doesn't get a sequel, I'll be very disappointed. Imagine a bit more of a sandbox element to it, where you can travel Gotham (and vehicle mode is required for the Batmobile/Batwing...a sequel should allow you to pilot both). I'd love to see a sequel follow a plot line like Long Halloween or another classicly epic Batman story.

Ech. Long Halloween is beyond over-rated. I'd like to see them mix things up with the designs though, and something inspired by Tim Sale's art would be very, very cool. If I were to go with a sandbox style game, I'd do something thematically similar to Long Halloween (i.e. Gotham's transition from traditional organized crime to psychotic rogues) but would try not to shackle the game to Loeb's story.

But, I'm of mixed minds about moving into sandbox territory. On one hand, it's something I've been dying to see (and I think it's what just about everyone wants). There was actually a thread a while back where we were talking about what we'd like to see in a Batman game, and I suggested something sandbox style that actually mechanically had a lot of things in common with AA, so I think it could be done. But.... An open city Gotham game would have its own share of new difficulties the team would have to overcome and the investment of a lot of resources making the transition. I'm afraid if they jumped straight into something like that, they wouldn't have a chance to tighten up the problems that were inherent in AA. I don't know. I think I'd like to see them polish up the AA formula before jumping into something as ambitious as a sandbox game. I think the ideal middle ground would be something halfway between the two, mission based storyline spread along a series of maps linked together by Batmobile (and maybe Batwing) driving sequences. ;) Hell, maybe that's what you were suggesting, in which case, I think you're right.
I've been saying from the start that this game should have had a Tim Sale-esque design. But they have a decent design and they should stick to it, I think.

There should definitely be some sort of vehicular action in the sequel.
Gothamite and I found this on the Arkham Asylum PC boards:
:D I didn't think you had, but yeah, you're right. I'm just a little worried that they might have blown their load a little early by using up Arkham Asylum for the first game. There aren't really any settings as evocative in the Batman mythos as the asylum. I'd like to see a game with the same scope as AA set around a portion of Santa Prisca, but that premise has its own challenges to overcome.

I'd personally prefer several (or more) locations, a larger overall area than the first game, broken down into 4-6 sub-sections which are traversed through using the Batmobile, Batwing, or merely zip-lining/climbing buildings.

Ech. Long Halloween is beyond over-rated.

I agree. I only used that because I couldn't think of a Batman story more deserving, though Long Halloween itself barely is.

I'd like to see them mix things up with the designs though, and something inspired by Tim Sale's art would be very, very cool. If I were to go with a sandbox style game, I'd do something thematically similar to Long Halloween (i.e. Gotham's transition from traditional organized crime to psychotic rogues) but would try not to shackle the game to Loeb's story.

Thats exactly what I meant. I'd never support basing ANYTHING off Loeb's work (even his mediocre stuff), but the idea of Gotham transforming from a city run by the mob into a city run by the super-villains is a perfect idea. It echoes the "escalation" theme that was so prevalent in TDK film and such a large part of the Batman mythos overall. Perhaps as a sequel to this game, a sort of Year One approach (a prequel, then, maybe?). It'd give a good reason for including some of Bat's rogues who weren't in this game (Two-Face, Penguin, etc) as well as some of Bat's human foes (the Falconis, etc).

But, I'm of mixed minds about moving into sandbox territory. On one hand, it's something I've been dying to see (and I think it's what just about everyone wants). There was actually a thread a while back where we were talking about what we'd like to see in a Batman game, and I suggested something sandbox style that actually mechanically had a lot of things in common with AA, so I think it could be done. But.... An open city Gotham game would have its own share of new difficulties the team would have to overcome and the investment of a lot of resources making the transition. I'm afraid if they jumped straight into something like that, they wouldn't have a chance to tighten up the problems that were inherent in AA. I don't know. I think I'd like to see them polish up the AA formula before jumping into something as ambitious as a sandbox game. I think the ideal middle ground would be something halfway between the two, mission based storyline spread along a series of maps linked together by Batmobile (and maybe Batwing) driving sequences. ;) Hell, maybe that's what you were suggesting, in which case, I think you're right.

That was exactly what I was suggesting, as said, 4-6 sub sections that can be traversed on foot, but controllable Batmobile or Batwing transportation levels between the two...I'm sorry, AA was great despite its problems, but its biggest problem was the lack of Batmobile driving...the B-mobile is as inherent to the character of Batman as his cape. Not being able to control it was heartbreaking, which is something I hope they remedy in a future game. I agree that a sequel should focus first on improving and tightening up and the existing problems, but any sequel worth its salt not only fixes problems of the previous game(s), but adds new depth and gameplay features which broaden the appeal and quality of the game.

Basically, I'd like to see a bit more of a GTA element added as opposed to the Metroid/Resident Evil style of gameplay that the first game consisted of. Right down the middle would be perfect for me.
I'd personally prefer several (or more) locations, a larger overall area than the first game, broken down into 4-6 sub-sections which are traversed through using the Batmobile, Batwing, or merely zip-lining/climbing buildings.

I think this could work rather well set in Gotham. Give, say, an episodic segment for each villain. This would allow the rogues to be more squarely featured and allow for more epic boss battles. I'd suggest, rather than open world, maybe a mission based structure with a Batcave hub that allows you to return to old missions for high score/speed challenges. I would still like to see a Santa Prisca thing, but that's just because that part of the mythology really appeals to me. Give a stretch of barrios, a little bit of jungle space, Santa Pena prison, and a presidential mansion.

DIrishB said:
Thats exactly what I meant. I'd never support basing ANYTHING off Loeb's work (even his mediocre stuff), but the idea of Gotham transforming from a city run by the mob into a city run by the super-villains is a perfect idea. It echoes the "escalation" theme that was so prevalent in TDK film and such a large part of the Batman mythos overall. Perhaps as a sequel to this game, a sort of Year One approach (a prequel, then, maybe?). It'd give a good reason for including some of Bat's rogues who weren't in this game (Two-Face, Penguin, etc) as well as some of Bat's human foes (the Falconis, etc).

I'd like to see it as a Year Two type thing. Start a video game universe from scratch in much the same way they did with the DCAU. If we're talking what I'd ideally like to see out of a Bat game (and I imagine it's far too ambitious for a second generation game), I'd like to see a full-on GTA style environment. Have a layer of street level mafia mechanics that's run similarly to Crackdown, where crime in various neighborhoods corresponds to free form crime-fighting tied to the different families, and then tie the larger storyline to more traditional missions against rogues. I'd also like to see a little more of Bruce Wayne. Mix in a mild city management system where upgrades are tied to WayneTech resources and WT income corresponds to neighborhood crime and city management. Follow up with a No Man's Land style sequel and then something in the style of Batman RIP or Knightfall, where you can rotate in secondary playable characters. But that's rather ambitious, and quite possibly infeasible.