Batman: Arkham Asylum

Bruce Wayne could also pull out nunchuks to use in place of the Cape Stun.

Also, (don't read this if you haven't found all the Chronicles of Arkham)
the sequel should definitely involve Quincy Sharp, as the leader of some sort of organization of vigilantes who murder criminals.
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I would play an alternate costume of the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh costume.

How does one blend into the shadows wearing that?

The same way they do wearing any of the retardedly blue batsuits that still pop up in perfectly serious comics to this day. Not so well.... not so well. Grr.

Also, the "Insane Night" challenge pack is only available to those who currently have Gold, which I don't at the moment. Grr.


Did you even read RIP?

No. Should I have?

The same way they do wearing any of the retardedly blue batsuits that still pop up in perfectly serious comics to this day. Not so well.... not so well. Grr.

Yeah, but even the lightest gray or blue would blend into shadows or darkness much better than orange, neon yellow, and purple. He may as well be wearing a neon sign over his head saying "Batman's hiding in the shadows...right here, below the arrow!"
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I beat the game yesterday with 84% complete. Got all the Riddler challenges done, and 62% of the trophies for the game done. Loved this game so much. I really hope there's a sequel and we don't have to wait forever for it.

Now it's time to play the Challenges and play as The Joker!
I've recently beaten the game on hard, which was not as challenging as I thought it would be, save for a few frustrating moment particularly the Ivy Boss fight. What was good was that it got my combat skills much better, I couldn't beat the last three combat challenges on Normal but after play hard I got through them easily, now just getting the high scores is all that separates me from 100%
Now it's time to play the Challenges and play as The Joker!

I find it great that I have no hang ups about having it on Xbox and have no desire to play as the Joker.

And I completely agree about a sequel. After beating it the first thing I thought was "More"
I'm thinking that after this game I really want to see a new one. I'd like to see it as set in actual Gotham (Even title it Batman: Gotham Knights) and have a gang war erupt between rival factions of Bane, Two-Face and Black Mask maybe. It'd be cool to see how they could handle this while still making it "Zelda-esque" like Arkham Asylum was. Other bosses I'd want to see would be Clayface, Joker, Mad Hatter, Man-Bat (And an army of Ninja-Man-Bats created by Talia) Mr. Freeze, with maybe Ra's Al Ghul and Talia pulling the strings of everyone.
I'd also like to see an expansion where you could play as some of Batman's allies such as Nightwing, Robin, Catwoman and Batgirl. Make it so that you can either unlock these characters after they help you on a mission and replay the game as them or even team up with them on some cases for larger boss battles. It seems like this would be a lot to undertake but so was the level of detail and power put into the first game.
There needs to be a "Classic Moments" mode for the downloading, including Adam West "Bam!" "Pow!" sound effects that pop up when you pull off a takedown, complete with trombone noises and stuff, the Stun-Baton thugs making that "Brrrblrrrblbrrrbl!" noise from Batman Forever for the rest of the round if you shock them, and when Batman picks a thug up, he says "I'm Batman" before he throws them.
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