Which is why I didn't bother to start. All I can say is I honestly watched the film and didn't feel as if it was an Avengers teaser movie.

I'm with you Houde. Was there elements of continuity? Hell yes. Which is what we've all been asking for. But it didn't take away from this already mediocre story. We know why it didn't live up to the first. Favreau was rushed and his hand was forced. And I don't mean he was forced to add in SHIELD or any suggestions about the world outside of Tony Stark cause that was probably going to happen but it wasn't done the way he wanted to do it.
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Its not you yet. You still haven't had a difference of opinion with our resident infallible God (whom we lowly humans refer to as Bass...his actual name cannot be pronounced with our 3-dimensional tongues).

If you make him say Ssab he'll go back to the 5th dimension.

An I agree with people that say a Justice League movie would work. You've just got to look at it the way Nolan did. Make it a movie and not a comic book movie. I think people would need to play up the aspect of these seven heroes being as gods to regular people and how others would react to them (ie Luthor or a Cadmus like story). This is actually something I don't think an Avengers movie could do even with a god like Thor on the team.
Which is why I didn't bother to start. All I can say is I honestly watched the film and didn't feel as if it was an Avengers teaser movie.

Me either. I don't get the fuss about it.
Guess we don't overanalyze movies enough, must be all the sex we have.

E and Houde have sex with each other?

It all makes sense now.
E and Houde have sex with each other?

It all makes sense now.

That was my first take when I read his post but I couldn't think of something funny to say about it.
This is pretty well done Avengers trailer.
I wanted to see Inception before I made a counter-argument (Well, not exactly a counter-argument, but you'll see), and I did, but now I'm too drunk. So, soon.

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