you didn't switch. E's still grumpy too.

Correct, Houde poisoned him with his Mind. It's his latest evil sceam. He's turning anyone with power into a grumpy critical Synics or Houdites. After he get's a few world leaders under his control he will them activate the chip in his Houde clone's brains world wide, to take over the world. You being the Canadian Clone your job is to take over Canada (not a hard task). After he seizes control of the world. He will destroy you before you start think for yourself and think you are some kind of equal and try to take some of his power for yourself, cause he's evil like that.

Oh, and here's a preview of the next issue.
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Correct, Houde poisoned him with his Mind. It's his latest evil sceam. He's turning anyone with power into a grumpy critical Synics or Houdites. After he get's a few world leaders under his control he will them activate the chip in his Houde clone's brains world wide, to take over the world. You being the Canadian Clone your job is to take over Canada (not a hard task). After he seizes control of the world. He will destroy you before you start think for yourself and think you are some kind of equal and try to take some of his power for yourself, cause he's evil like that.

Oh, and here's a preview of the next issue.

does anyone else ever get the feeling that Watcher doesn't like Houde?

and by the way, taking over Canada would be much harder that you think. We just use the same tactics the Russians used against Napolean in 1812. We'll burn our cities and retreat north. Then you're armies will freeze to death trying to survive in the Wild North.
does anyone else ever get the feeling that Watcher doesn't like Houde?
and by the way, taking over Canada would be much harder that you think. We just use the same tactics the Russians used against Napolean in 1812. We'll burn our cities and retreat north. Then you're armies will freeze to death trying to survive in the Wild North.

It's a mutual thing. You weren't here for it. But Houde and Doom use to give me a hard time every chance they got. Even on stuff I can't help. Doom stopped when he found out why I do some of the stuff I do, Houde didn't. He's been Ignoring me more and more now. But the damage is done.

the russians went east not north...

That's one of the many reasons why I said, taking over Canada is easy to take over. They'd rather make their land uninhabited and move to a place so cold most would die off when they can't ajust to their new surroundings. Cause they mixed up what some else had done and are to proud to admit they were wrong. That and they'd run away rather than fight if some one opposes them. It's so easy E's kid could march up there and *****slap his way into power.

Also Alaska is part of the United States, Captain. That plan wouldn't work. Their state is so way up there in your region. They'd probably do a better job living in your country than you do. :wink:
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the russians went east not north...
yeah well if I went East I'd end up in Quebec and that's just not worth it...

Actually, you can have Quebec if you want. We'll give them to you happily.

That's one of the many reasons why I said, taking over Canada is easy to take over. They'd rather make their land uninhabited and move to a place so cold most would die off when they can't ajust to their new surroundings. Cause they mixed up what some else had done and are to proud to admit they were wrong. That and they'd run away rather than fight if some one opposes them. It's so easy E's kid could march up there and *****slap his way into power.

Also Alaska is part of the United States, Captain. That plan wouldn't work. Their state is so way up there in your region. They'd probably do a better job living in your country than you do. :wink:


You're sending Sarah Palin after us?
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Just picked up and read ASM #647.

It really was a wrap up to BND. Peter is now dating Carlie (surprise), Vin is out of jail, Harry is going into hiding with his child (Stan), Overdrive is FINALLY behind bars (because that really needed to be wrapped up :roll: )

But Vin's higher power and Harry's reaction was amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing where that goes.

I got some of those temporary tattoos for free today. They're sweet.
(bump to keep the comic from getting covered by ads)
ASM #688 - pretty good. I like the way they dealt with Lizard/Conners. I always love seeing MJ, and you know Morbius is a ticking timebomb. Looking forward to #689.
ASM # 689 - this is certainly a new direction for the lizard. Im interested to see where it goes.

Also, I like that they referenced ASM # 101 continuity makes me happy!
I'm just glad that the quality of the plot already seems to have improved.