Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

You guys are out of your minds. One picture of a character and you're freaking out? Jesus.
It's what everyone here ALWAYS does. They see one picture, they **** and whine for days, forget about it, and when what they were complaining about comes out, they find out that they were wrong.

It happened with the Captain America "The Return" image. It happened with the X-Men "Dissambled" image, and more. It's their trend.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Not this picture. All of BND. They go out of their way not to use old villains, so instead they create subpar copies of old villains and try to pass them off as new ideas.

New Kingpin. New Goblin. New Venom. Is it that hard to have one ****ing original idea?

New Kingpin? who the hell are you talking about?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

New Kingpin? who the hell are you talking about?

He's talking about Mister Negative, because every crime boss is automatically Kingpin. :roll:

The Return image I meant was Ross' Avengers/Invaders mini. How everyone jumped on complaining, "He's back already? WTF Marvel?!?!"

Oh, yeah. It was obvious he wasn't coming back so soon, those people are nuts.

.......But i think it's cool :(

You would.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)


I knew I recognized this

Marvel's just digging into they're old toybins and turning goofy variants into fullfledged characters...maybe halffledged
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

But there are constant references in the book to the character being Goblin-like, and I'm sure there will be constant references to Venom. Eddie Brock is in the book.
So if you copy another character then say, "Hey, this is just like so and so." that makes it good?

Can't wait for Professor Squid to show up.
BND has been great.
BND has been suck.
Well, to be fair, that Captain America costume is terrible.

But at least it wasn't just a whitewashed version of another character.
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Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

So if you copy another character then say, "Hey, this is just like so and so." that makes it good?

No, but it might mean it's leading to something else. Maybe a reason these "copycat" characters are showing up. At the very least there should be a connection to the Goblins they haven't revealed yet.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

No, but it might mean it's leading to something else. Maybe a reason these "copycat" characters are showing up. At the very least there should be a connection to the Goblins they haven't revealed yet.

Plus, these guys have their own M.O'S and I'm interested in what Menace's ties to Jackpot is.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Joe's right. You guys are overreacting.

BND has been OK. Slott's issues have been good.

And the new Cap costume doesn't suck.
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

They did not even address the Kraven grave, i hope he does not come back.
He is such a stupid character, and the only good thing about him was the Kraven Last Hunt story........... and i could barely get through that, did not like the art.
Even if they do bring him back, they better use him in a great way like Bucky or Green Lantern type story
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

They did not even address the Kraven grave, i hope he does not come back.
He is such a stupid character, and the only good thing about him was the Kraven Last Hunt story........... and i could barely get through that, did not like the art.
Even if they do bring him back, they better use him in a great way like Bucky or Green Lantern type story
He probably won't come back. It'll likely be his son (Kraven II) that will be tied-in .
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

He probably won't come back. It'll likely be his son (Kraven II) that will be tied-in .

Isn't he dead too though?
Re: Amazing Spider-Man series discussion (spoilers)

Last he appeared was in McDuffie's mini "Beyond!".

I thought that wasn't canon....?

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