The Timeline Guy
John Q. Public said:Back a little bit on topic, one of the more original angles on this take on Supes is how he's a man of few words. No pontificating. Very terse. The brainy guy goes "I don't know how I should tell you this," and he says "just give it to me straight." Sort of Clint Eastwood in a cape.
And there's no emotional soul-searching when he gets the news. Gives the impression he's a very tough, taciturn character. No wasted words. Overall, in fact, there's an economy in the dialogue in general that's a nice break from the usual stuff. Like that Kevin Smith preview of the Black Cat thing. Blah, blah, blah.
That's encouraging. I really have to pick this up.
fnord said:This saved the All-Star line.
This makes me want to read Superman Comics, and i HATE Superman comics.
Best Superman Evor.
Another good review. So does this book deserve "Best Title of 2005"?
By the way, when's the second issue come out? In a few weeks?