52 Series Discussion (spoilers!)

Seriously....I think my geek is showing.

I do have a semi-serious question after reading posts over on the DC Boards.

Do you feel the on panel death of Osiris was effective storytelling, or do you feel that it was gratuitous violence and gore and could have been handled off panel?

I have to say it meant more to me to see him eaten like that. It was a holy **** moment if I ever seen one.

However - I think the scene where Sobek goes from helpful pet to crippled child murderer is a very good scene. It IS powerful, shocking, and harsh. If it can have a positive effect on me (in that I go, "****! He ate him! Savage.") and I haven't even been reading the damn story, I think it's hardly gratuitous. I think it's the right choice. Off planel as we see Sobek munching as little blobs of blood pop out would've been too, "Oh - he just ate him". The savagery would've been lost and I think that was key.

So, Isis died. She thinks the world is twisted and in her final words she says that her way was wrong.
"Avenge us."

Let the body count begin. Humanity must die.
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I hope Black Adam kills everybody. Just freakin' obliterates them all. He's my favorite character now.


I mean he traid being nice and how o they re-pay him?killing his family

I honestly cant blame him for what he's about to do.

also thouse hoursemens where *****'s...i mean really and sobek wasreally weak

I mean he traid being nice and how o they re-pay him?killing his family

I honestly cant blame him for what he's about to do.

also thouse hoursemens where *****'s...i mean really and sobek wasreally weak

He is stealthy.
War is the Tank.
Pestilence is the Warlock with all his DoTs
and Death is like those medium characters that are good for solo.


I 'm playing too much MMOs :roll:
I swear...to ....god...Teth-Adam needs to just start dismembering people...NOW!
To elaborate on what Skotti-chan said, Sobek was originally the deification of the crocodile, and as such, was essentially the harshest of demons (Egyptians didn't think highly of monsters crawling out of the Nile and eating their babies), but as Egyptian mythology developed, his role become much more ambiguous. In Egyptian religion, Osiris would weigh the sins of the dead against a feather, and if their sins were heavier than the feather, they'd be damned to oblivion. A lot of the beliefs varied regionally, but in a number of areas, one of the primary roles of Sobek was to devour the souls of those damned to oblivion. So that begs the question. Exactly HOW ****ed is Osiris now that he's crocodile meat?

;) Sorry, I'm sort of a mythology geek too.

For what it's worth, I thought Sobek crunching into Osiris on-panel really adds a lot. Most of the story lines have been pretty moderate about reining in the violence, but the Black Adam plot has been chock full of gruesome on-screen action (Teth-Adam ripping Terra Man in half, Osiris ripping the dude in the Suicide Squad in half, Sobek ripping Osiris in half.... Hell. There's a lot of TEARING IN HALF, in particular). I think that works. It's telling a story about Old Testament, eye-for-an-eye justice and whether that can be considered right in the DCU, and putting it on panel is a hell of a lot more poignant here than anything happening off-screen.

Also, I've really liked 52 from start to finish, but I can understand where people are coming from. I think a lot of the appeal of the series is from DC nerds or aspiring DC nerds. Even when the plots in question are slow, I have a lot of fun seeing the writers put nods towards the fringier aspects of the DCU, retool old characters, and bring new characters to the front. A lot of why I like it has nothing to do with the characters themselves, but is instead just the creative appeal of watching all the world building these guys are doing.

damnit what did i miss?

In the Steel storyline:
Steel convinced Natasha she was right, after Luthor turned off the powers of most of the Everyman subject. He ended up giving himself powers, but was stopped by Natasha, John, and the Teen Titans.

In the Mystery in Space storyline:
Pope Lobo, Adam Strange, Starfire, and Animal Man defeated Lady Styx by throwing her into a Star Eater (which is a really nasty living weapon that subsists off the stars of planets. Mean aliens destroy whole planets by having these things gobble up their suns), but Buddy seemed to have died in the process. Starfire and Adam Strange left him behind in deep space and are now on their way home. We found out later, that he wasn't actually dead. The yellow aliens from his series showed up again, seemingly rewrote his personality and motivations, and left him back in deep space. He was distraught. With no animal life to connect himself with, he thought he was going to die... But at the last moment, he synchronized himself with a nearby star eater, giving him the powers he needs to chart and propel himself home. Lady Styx is reborn in true gruesome, Aliens style.

In the Ralph Dibny storyline:
Ralph continued his tour of the mystical DCU, collecting all sorts of artifacts, and drinking the whole time. Finally, Fate brought him to Dr. Fate's tower. They enacted a binding ritual using the artifacts that would prevent anyone from entering or leaving. Ralph put on the Helmet, and Fate told him that if he blew his head off, it would enact the ritual to open up the world to the afterlife, allowing him to guide Sue home. He held the gun from the first issue of 52 to his head and fired.... and the Helmet turned into Faust. Turns out that Ralph knew practically from the start that it wasn't the real helmet. The gun was an artifact, a wishing gun that granted your wish when you pulled the trigger. Faust owed Neron big, and was trying to sacrifice Ralph's soul to Neron in return for his own freedom. Also, it turns out Ralph wasn't boozing up, but was instead drinking gingold. Neron appeared and tried to bargain with Ralph. Ralph wasn't buying it, so Neron threw Sue's wedding ring through Ralph's chest. It turns out that Ralph had pulled the trigger on the wishing gun in the first issue, to get Sue back, and all along, Faust had been playing in to Ralph's wish. Ralph makes clear that at some point, he CHANGED his wish, but we don't know what the final wish was. With Ralph dead, and the ritual binding still in effect, Neron and Faust are now trapped in the tower. Neron's not happy. Faust is ****ed.

In the Supernova storyline:
Skeets keeps up the murder and mayhem. Supernova keeps foiling Skeets and stealing hero's artifacts and technology. We finally find out that he's been working in conjunction (using the Atom's size belt) with Rip Hunter, and they've been hiding in the bottle city of Kandor, in the Fortress of Solitude. Supernova's powers have primarily been orchestrated using the Phantom Zone projector, which also serves as a prison for all sorts of nasty Kryptonian bad guys. Skeets finds the two of them, and we discover that Supernova is Booster Gold. When he initially went down into Rip Hunter's lab, he actually found Rip Hunter there, who revealed to him that Skeets was the source of all the problems. Together, they staged Booster's death. Booster started acting more and more obnoxious to turn off any suspicions that he knew anything, and when he tackled the nuclear submarine, they took his corpse from the future, dressed it up in his current get-up, and switched it out with him. At this point, Booster went back in time, taking on the Supernova identity and collecting artifacts. The obnoxious role he initially put on allayed any suspicions that he was Supernova. Fighting Skeets in the Fortress of Solitude, he tried to use the Phantom Zone projector against him. Skeets ABSORBED the Phantom Zone, and we were given a glimpse of Zod and his crew in Skeets' visors. The distraction gave Rip Hunter a chance to create an exit for him and Supernova. They fled back in time, or into another dimension, or something. Skeets followed right after.

On the Island of Misfit Scientists:
The scientists were creating the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to tangle with Black Adam. Dr. Magnus was secretly hoarding metals to make new Metal Men. As of now, there's a tiny little Mercury running around his lab. The Four Horseman are finally unleashed, and they're bad mother ****ers. We're initially only given a glimpse of the first three. The fourth, Famine, has "already gone ahead".

In Khandaq:
Osiris desperately wants to become a Teen Titan but is refused, because of his connections to Black Adam. He does find a friend in Captain Marvel, Jr. who promises to help him find redemption in the eyes of the rest of the Titans. But then, Amanda Waller sends the Suicide Squad after the Black Marvel Family. Defending his sister, Osiris accidentally rips one of the assailants in half. It gets caught on camera and is televised world-wide. Waller gets what she wants. Osiris is grief-stricken, and the rest of the world is horrified. Meanwhile, Khandaq is stricken by pestilence, famine, and death, as the Horsemen work in the shadows. Osiris is convinced his powers are the source of all this, and decides to go to the Rock of Eternity to have his powers taken away. Isis and Adam show up. A tussle occurs, but they seemingly win him over, and he goes back home. Back in the palace, he tells Sobek that he still plans on leaving, that he still thinks this is all his fault. Sobek convinces him to say "Black Adam" and return to his mortal, crippled body. He does, and Sobek eats him, revealing himself as Famine. Adam and Isis fight the Four Horsemen, who reveal that they're exacting punishment for Adam's refusal to negotiate with Intergang (who are now steeped in the Bible of Crime, and operate Oolong Island). Sobek gets his jaw ripped open. The rest of the Horsemen get sent into retreat, but Isis has already been stricken with Pestilence, and is dying in Adam's arms. With her dying breaths, she tells him that she was wrong. Adam was not the one in need of redemption - the rest of the world was. She tells him to "Get revenge" and then dies.

Checking in on Montoya and the Question:
Charlie is dying of cancer and Renee is desperate to help him. She drags him to Nanda Parbat, only to have him die at the steps. Unwilling to let him die in vain, she begins training with Richard Dragon to find herself. She hits on Wonder Woman, and seems to reach an epiphany. When Isis' rose dies, Montoya deduces that Isis is dead with it, and with the blessings of Tot and Dragon, she heads to Khandaq to find the answers she needs. She refuses to take Charlie's costume, saying she doesn't want to become him, but does take his hat.
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well i knew all that, i just wanted to know what happened last issue. but thanks a whole bunch

Last issue was the throw-down. In the black shorts with the silly lightning bolts were Isis and Adam. In the other corner, were the four Horsemen. Famine had his jaw ripped open. War had his arm torn out by Black Adam and used to put holes all in Pestilence. Death was hurtled into space by a lava geyser. Who's actually dead, if anyone, is up for debate. Except Isis. She's dead as a doornail.

We also got that little tidbit about Renee going off to find out what the hell happened.
Last issue was the throw-down. In the black shorts with the silly lightning bolts were Isis and Adam. In the other corner, were the four Horsemen. Famine had his jaw ripped open. War had his arm torn out by Black Adam and used to put holes all in Pestilence. Death was hurtled into space by a lava geyser. Who's actually dead, if anyone, is up for debate. Except Isis. She's dead as a doornail.

We also got that little tidbit about Renee going off to find out what the hell happened.

I swear to god...Teth-Adam needs his measure in blood, even if Billy or Mary got in his way, I'd still side with Adam.
Also, in Egyptian myth, Osiris was betrayed by his brother Set, cut into a bunch of pieces, and thrown into the Nile. His wife and sister, Isis, gathered up all his parts, minus his penis, and sewed him back together.
Also, in Egyptian myth, Osiris was betrayed by his brother Set, cut into a bunch of pieces, and thrown into the Nile. His wife and sister, Isis, gathered up all his parts, minus his penis, and sewed him back together.

doesn't Osiris appear one year later in teen titans?
Wow. That was one of the best fights I seen in comics in awhile.

The 4 horsemen were seriously frighting. Why couldn't any of Apocalypse horsemen be this scary?

And once again, Black Adam proved he is the ****in ****.

I will miss Iris and Orsis.
Ok, Black Adam ruled all over that little country, killed'em all.
But he is starting to creep me out, I mean "You are not death, I am?" it looks like he is crossing that little line again and will become one of the most awesome villain in the DCU (Yes Darkseid, I've said it.). China is planning to get Black Adam, USA is planning to get Black Adam. He just declared war against the human world.
Looks like we are in for another Black Adam issue in 46. I'm happy with it, but I hope they don't forget the others. Even thought I'm gay for Black Adam I still want to see Buddy, Adam Strange and Booster.
52 is the best thing ever, seriously.
I swear to god...Teth-Adam needs his measure in blood, even if Billy or Mary got in his way, I'd still side with Adam.

You got your wish. He completely annihilated the nation of Bialya, drumming up a death count in the millions, OVER THE COURSE OF 36 HOURS! Holy ****! And he didn't even keep the deaths to the humans. He destroyed the wildlife and land too. Now he's seeing hallucinations of Osiris and Isis, and he just about murdered Montoya in cold blood for trying to talk some sense into him. No matter how provoked he was, there's really not much of a way for Adam to be redeemed at this point.... And goddammit, I don't want him to. His owning of Death was about the coolest thing ever, almost as cool as Death showing up at Bialya's door to send Adam on a murder spree and increase his own power.

Also, the Question plot's been dragging for a minute. I can't wait for Renee to return to Gotham and kick some Intergang ***.