You should read DC Comics because they're way awesome. Buddy and the Question are my two favorite non-A-listers in the DCU, and it sucks, but I have faith. And there's plenty of sick DC books out right now.

Ask me what, and I'll be happy to break down a reading list for you. For that matter, what does everyone think about setting up a thread that covers the current OYL/52 state of affairs across all the DCU lines, so that everyone's up to date, and new readers have something of a primer?
Also, **** this thread. I didn't pick any books up today, and I didn't want anything spoiled, because I knew a space character was going to die (and I KNEW it was going to be Buddy) but I was ****ed up enough that I clicked on the thread without even thinking. Now you bastards have spoiled it for me. I hate you, Project, and I plan on wearing your scalp as a beanie..... Not because of the fact that I hate you, but because it's in fashion.