My Boom-Boom's mostly gay
Dude. The Black Marvels are getting their own version of Tawny Tiger.
I took a manic glee in learning that Skeets' armor was built out of Waverider.
I look forward to the final battle between Rip Hunter and Skeets...
- The Nuclear explosion sends a timewave that replaces Michael Carter (old Booster) with Daniel Carter at the moment of his death.... The timewave is what ages him into death, not the Bomb.
- Michael Carter pretends to be Rip Hunter to lure Skeets to his final doom.
- Carter then realizes that he is, in fact, THE Rip Hunter.
Dude. The Black Marvels are getting their own version of Tawny Tiger.
Maybe. Who knows if that croc (or alligator) isn't trying to get to Khandaq and do some ****? He looks like one of those animal men from Intergang...
Also, I'm loving the hell out of the Question/Renee relationship. It may be the most natural and realistic friendship I've seen in a comic book before.
Agreed, actually there isn't one story from 52 I'm not enjoying. Steel's story is weak this month, but it looks like it will kick major *** in the end.
Bravo my friend, bravoI took a manic glee in learning that Skeets' armor was built out of Waverider.
I look forward to the final battle between Rip Hunter and Skeets...
- The Nuclear explosion sends a timewave that replaces Michael Carter (old Booster) with Daniel Carter at the moment of his death.... The timewave is what ages him into death, not the Bomb.
- Michael Carter pretends to be Rip Hunter to lure Skeets to his final doom.
- Carter then realizes that he is, in fact, THE Rip Hunter.
yum! Fleshy bits!
Bravo my friend, bravo
"The Questions.... You can't be here.... The Questions haven't been answered!"
That's so awesome....
The Head was a Green Lantern...THAT was awesome.
I think its not so much that the plots will wrap up soon, as it is that they'll start interconnecting. Mannheim will be defeated in gotham, but then he'll still be with Egg Fu on Oolong Island... Both, having been connected with Darkseid before, are undoubtedly still working for him. Which means Magnus' plot will connect with the Renee Montoya/Question arc, which has already connected with the Black Adam arc, which will now get Checkmate up and running after this botched suicide squad attack that's been hinted at for months...
Its all coming together in the second half. I'm excited.
MS: Batwoman's next appearance is in a couple short weeks, in issue 30, where she meets one of the other members of the Bat clan. Which one? Here' s a hint: he wears a mask. Let the guessing begin.
Egg Fu was pissed.
Some new girl with Jade's powers, that even pissed me off.