Doctor Who

I saw it, it was a Children in Need short, and really didn't have any plot. It was merely the Doctor donating his clothes to an auction for the sale. That said, it's still a little funny.

The preview for the Christmas Episode, the Doctor, the Witch and the Wardrobe, is quite interesting.
I'll watch this series when they remake it for American audiences.


starring Zach Braff

Fall: 2012

While I enjoyed last season I don't feel it was the strongest of the new Who. Here's hoping that series 7 sees a return to stronger stories.
Lots of news today - there's only going to be six episodes this year (including the Christmas special). Amy and Rory's last episode will be episode five, which will also feature the Weeping Angels again. The new companion is played by Jenna-Louise Coleman, who will first appear in the Christmas special. The remaining eight episodes of the season will air next year.

I thought the hiatus during the last season hurt the momentum of the show and lessened my enjoyment of the season overall (I much preferred the fifth series). I hope this seventh series will be an improvement.