Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Okay comicbook, I get it. Red Skull is very evil. Now do you mind explaining to me WHY he is evil?

Yeah, I'm also a bit annoyed at War Machine's sudden compassion. But I'm glad their getting a little past the "OH my GoD I'm soooo Bad ass!!!" mentality. As always I love Cap's plans, I was wondering why he went to France.
But he threw a baby out the window, then had his men murder and rape the wife!


The wife wasn't killed, she's the New Wasp or who ever the chick with the metal helmet is suppose to be
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Millar's Captain America is definitely one of my favourite characters.
Either way it doesn't really matter. Red Skull made the woman murder her own husband with dull scissors to save the baby, then killed the baby after she killed the husband, then let his troops rape her.

Then they ate all the bread and drank all the vodka. Cause he's EVIL!
I can't believe a global terrorist would eat someone else's bread.

I know Millar likes gratuitous violence, but that's just too damn far.
Either way it doesn't really matter. Red Skull made the woman murder her own husband with dull scissors to save the baby, then killed the baby after she killed the husband, then let his troops rape her.

Then they ate all the bread and drank all the vodka. Cause he's EVIL!

I stopped taking the scene seriously when Nick noted how hot the wife was. Because that's totally something you want to bring up for a scene like this.

I can't believe a global terrorist would eat someone else's bread.

I know Millar likes gratuitous violence, but that's just too damn far.


I love bread.
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Murder, rape, and infanticide is one thing.

Eating bread is pushing it.

But when the Skull uses the cosmic cube to cause blatant misspellings in subsequent issue blurbs, THERE WILL BE BLOOD.
... He's going to drink my milkshake too?!?!?

Does the Red Skull know no decency?!
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I hope that bread causes some kind of facial yeast infection! It would make him have to rip his own....
forget it.
I'm so confused...Red Wasp is Swarm, the insect controlling mutant from Syria, who was killed by Janet Pym in Ultimates 2, but somehow is back to life and now shrinks and is a living bullet...yet she's also the wife of a Georgian activist.

Not that that's a huge stretch, Georgia and Syria are relatively close, but her back story is getting a little confusing.

I wonder if Red Skull ate JFK's bread too.
Okay comicbook, I get it. Red Skull is very evil. Now do you mind explaining to me WHY he is evil?

I guess he is evil, because 616 Red Skull's main trait was being pure evil, so they felt the Ultimate Skull should be pure evil as well. Would anyone want a sympathetic Red Skull?
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I have a theory that the Red Skull used the cosmic cube to make himself evil, thus the sudden switch in the past. kind of a self fulling prophecy.
so i've decided that i'm going to pick up issue six to finish the arc and then drop it. I can't imagine reading 18 more issues of this with new under-developed characters embarking on new ridiculous missions every six issues. It's just not worth it.
I don't get it. If he has a "God Box", why doesn't he, y'know...use it?