Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

NPH is so awesome, I hope he gets a part in the Muppet movie that Jason Segal is (supposedly) writing.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

'How I Met Your Mother' meets Season 6

On the heels of "How I Met Your Mother" hitting its 100th episode and its creators/executive producers Carter Bays and Craig Thomas getting locked in by producing studios 20th TV for three more years, CBS has given the comedy series an early sixth-season renewal.
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Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

The Yankees' Right Fielder, Nick Swisher, is going to guest-star in an upcoming episode of the show! w0000000t!!!!!! :rockon:
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

I have no clue about anything that's happening in Season 5. I feel so deprived. Ugh.

On the other hand, I finally got these guys here hooked on this. Seasons 3/4 aren't complete here, so they've only seen up the end of Season 2....but one guy bought all the seasons on DVD and is waiting on them impatiently.

I find it ironically funny that they resisted listening to anything I've said about the show, but now they're addicted to it.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

He finally saw the foot of his wife to be.

And he left the yellow umbrella at her apartment. Hence the importance of said yellow umbrella.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

5 seasons and all we get so far is a foot?!?!?!?!


Future Ted Mosby is the worst storyteller in history.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

5 seasons and all we get so far is a foot?!?!?!?!


Future Ted Mosby is the worst storyteller in history.

The best or the worst? Cause five seasons and just a foot and you're still hook.

Though this is a bigger tease than Lost I mean they showed their giant foot in season 2 and we saw the rest of it in season 5.
"How I Met Your Mother" Discussion (Spoilers)

(I can't find the thread and I spent at least ten minutes looking. If a mod wants to merge this with the thread, that's fine by me.)

So I started watching this show a few weeks ago out of sheer boredom (I was unemployed at the time) having seen the pilot and maybe the second episode, once years ago (and having completely forgotten everything about it except the Bob Saget voiceover) always promising that eventually I would watch it and get into it because it seemed like something I'd enjoy.

The first couple of episodes are a bit samey, the characters are all a bit clichéd and there's a rather stale atmosphere of "Friends: The New Class" about it. The jokes don't even really ever get that good (although there are some moments of sheer comedic perfection).

But the characters and the writing really pull you in. The show's greatest strength is how its writers have obviously planned an awful lot of this show far in advance and that extremely minor plot points (sometimes even just plot devices seemingly set-up for lame jokes, like the 70 year old penny) can end up being major benchmarks in the story. Like a lot of these "waiting for the ending" shows, there's an awful lot of cockteasing, but the writing makes up for it and makes it far more than just watchable in the meantime.

:shock: Neil makes How I Met Your Mother, only reason to watch

This is one of the biggest disagreements I have with the fanbase of the show. NPH is great on the show and his comic timing is exquisite, there is no doubt about that. The problem is that Barney Stinson really isn't that great a character and is no more interesting than the Joey Tribbianis and the Todds-from-Scrubs that came before him. He's really just the reliable gimmick that keeps casual viewers, adverse to character development watching. In a lot of ways, it wasn't wise to throw the sarcastic funnyman and the lothario into one character.

The one great big failure of the series is when Robin and Barney got together after an entire season of excellent nudging (and some excellent foreshadowing as far back as the first season), only for them to awkwardly break up a few episodes later and for Barney to go back to his old ways. It was ever so slightly redeemed with another great flashback episode later on in the season, but it still irked me greatly when it happened.

Don't get me wrong, I do really enjoy Barney and I love every minute he's on screen, but he's hardly the only reason to watch the show. Ted Mosby is a fairly dime-a-dozen cad (and it's pretty obvious that Josh Radnor knows it) but he's still an endearing protagonist and I like that the show very firmly has a main character (unlike Friends). I can't say enough about Jason Segel as Marshall Eriksen, who I believe is one of the most under-rated characters on TV. He's certainly just as enjoyable to watch as NPH and he often gets the biggest laughs of the whole show. Alyson Hannigan is basically playing Willow except in a sitcom, which is fine because the character works a lot better in that format; and Cobie Smulders while probably the weakest of the cast in most respects, is beautiful enough that I don't care.

In the short time I've been watching this show, I have come to adore it and urge anyone who has a casual interest in it to invest more fully into it, as the creative process and attention to detail (including a dozen actual websites featured in the show's storyline, most notably Barney's Blog) can only be fully enjoyed if you see most of the episodes.
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Re: "How I Met Your Mother" Discussion (Spoilers)

I've only seen a few episodes but Marshall was definitely my favourite character.
Re: "How I Met Your Mother" Discussion (Spoilers)

(I can't find the thread and I spent at least ten minutes looking. If a mod wants to merge this with the thread, that's fine by me.)

really? its on the 3rd page of the TV section 1/2 way down. mods if you please the original thread

This is one of the biggest disagreements I have with the fanbase of the show. NPH is great on the show and his comic timing is exquisite, there is no doubt about that. The problem is that Barney Stinson really isn't that great a character and is no more interesting than the Joey Tribbianis and the Todds-from-Scrubs that came before him. He's really just the reliable gimmick that keeps casual viewers, adverse to character development watching. In a lot of ways, it wasn't wise to throw the sarcastic funnyman and the lothario into one character.


case in point, its all about the suit

The one great big failure of the series is when Robin and Barney got together after an entire season of excellent nudging (and some excellent foreshadowing as far back as the first season), only for them to awkwardly break up a few episodes later and for Barney to go back to his old ways. It was ever so slightly redeemed with another great flashback episode later on in the season, but it still irked me greatly when it happened.

Don't get me wrong, I do really enjoy Barney and I love every minute he's on screen, but he's hardly the only reason to watch the show. Ted Mosby is a fairly dime-a-dozen cad (and it's pretty obvious that Josh Radnor knows it) but he's still an endearing protagonist and I like that the show very firmly has a main character (unlike Friends). I can't say enough about Jason Segel as Marshall Eriksen, who I believe is one of the most under-rated characters on TV. He's certainly just as enjoyable to watch as NPH and he often gets the biggest laughs of the whole show. Alyson Hannigan is basically playing Willow except in a sitcom, which is fine because the character works a lot better in that format; and Cobie Smulders while probably the weakest of the cast in most respects, is beautiful enough that I don't care.

In the short time I've been watching this show, I have come to adore it and urge anyone who has a casual interest in it to invest more fully into it, as the creative process and attention to detail (including a dozen actual websites featured in the show's storyline, most notably Barney's Blog) can only be fully enjoyed if you see most of the episodes.

it started going a little downhill after Lilly moved and stuff, but every once in a while theirs a good episode. but good to know we have another recruit to the cult.
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Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

5 seasons and all we get so far is a foot?!?!?!?!


Personally I believe The Mother is the "perfect match" person who Ted stood up in the first season episode "Milk" to go and woo Robin. We see a bunch of photos of her with her face blurred out, but all the same attributes are there.

I really don't mind the show continuing on for a while as long as it manages to stay interesting. Also, there's nothing in the title that says that the show can't go on after he meets The Mother. Heck, most people thought Robin was her in the very first episode.
Re: "How I Met Your Mother" Discussion (Spoilers)

case in point, its all about the suit

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the suit jokes and since I've started watching I've been saying "Suit up!" and "Whatup?" very often, but that's hardly the only reason to watch the show.

A character like Barney Stinson, exactly the same way as he is on HIMYM, would hardly make something like Two and a Half Men really good and watchable, all of a sudden.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

HIMYM has had significant effects on my day-to-day life since I started watching it, but arguably the biggest is that I can't go a day without listening to this song at least twice.


The scene in which they used that song is probably one of my all-time favourite TV scenes, now.