Pet-Peeve Thread 4: More peeve than you can handle.

even if they did, there's no reason to keep them there during the day when it's busy. they're just lazy.

Or, even better, work during the day too. What is the point of only working at night if the road remains closed during the day? These people are probably union and demand more money for working nights, so we're paying MORE money for the same job with no additional benefits! It's retarded.

Well I find it would be way to impractical to lay a 1/2 mile of road blocs, and have to collect them and put them back everyday.

I disagree. 1/2 mile is not a long distance at all.
Or, even better, work during the day too. What is the point of only working at night if the road remains closed during the day? These people are probably union and demand more money for working nights, so we're paying MORE money for the same job with no additional benefits! It's retarded.
Well because that would cause a separation of the team and could lead to miscommunications that can ruin the entire project. And they work at night so they have less trouble with traffic in case something goes wrong.

I disagree. 1/2 mile is not a long distance at all.
When lifting a hundred big cones at walking pace, yeah it is.

What I find funny is that you would agree with me if you worked construction
You know what I hate? when you go to put your seatbelt on and it's twisted. I hate it! it drives me CRAZY!

It takes so freakin' long to get it back to being does it just happen on it's own?!!

stupid seatbelt gremins...
Not a chance.

I'm certain you would, you're just so set to villianize them. I mean when you heard they work at night you immediately think it's a union scam and not that it may be safer to work at night with less cars on the road. You equate showing up an hour earlier to walk a half mile behind a slow moving truck placing barrel size cones on the road, then staying an hour late to slowing walk behind a truck lifting up these barrels to being lazy. When construction of any kind can be extremely labor intensive, it gets hot, it gets cold, it gets dirty, it even gets dangerous. And to ask them to work even harder and longer just so you have less of a minor annoyance just isn't right.
I'm certain you would, you're just so set to villianize them. I mean when you heard they work at night you immediately think it's a union scam and not that it may be safer to work at night with less cars on the road. You equate showing up an hour earlier to walk a half mile behind a slow moving truck placing barrel size cones on the road, then staying an hour late to slowing walk behind a truck lifting up these barrels to being lazy. When construction of any kind can be extremely labor intensive, it gets hot, it gets cold, it gets dirty, it even gets dangerous. And to ask them to work even harder and longer just so you have less of a minor annoyance just isn't right.

Why do you put them on a pedestal like that? It's not like they aren't compensated accordingly. It's one of the best-paying jobs you can find. You make them sound like martyrs.
But you need commercials especially clothing commercials, that way you can see what your clothes would look like if attractive people wore them :p:lol:
That's fine. My Peeve is this :


It's on Comedy central in the uk all the time or various other episodes. It trie to do hidden camera humour like such shows as "Trigger happy tv" or "candid camera" but yet it's actual comedians or actors playing the roles and so the humour ends as hidden camera humour is only funny if there's an actual hidden camera. It's unfunny and painful to watch yet they keep showing them
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