Pet-Peeve Thread 4: More peeve than you can handle.

I do not like road trips.

Particularly the parts where I have to drive. Normally I'd enjoy it, but the interstate is not fun.
When people criticize Lost with the idea that they are "just making it up as they go". Now I'm not saying that you have to like this show but this statement just pisses me off for two reasons.

The first is, "Like that's a bad thing" cause honestly I've know shows that had this great series long story were elements from the first episode gets played out in the last. Beast Wars was a great example of this, if you watched the entire series you would think they had a plan from episode one. I was shock to learn that for the first season they were just making it up, throwing in random things that eventually became their best story arcs. I don't care if there's not a master plan from the beginning as long as the writers had the presence of mind to pick up on those plot lines and go somewhere with them. And even if you believe the writers did make it up they certainly aren't forgetting about those and are working with it. Think of season 3 Heroes, there is were they are just making it up without even considering past continuity. That's the product of not revisiting ideas or trying to make logical outcomes.

My second point is that they are not just making it up. As someone who has started watching with season 3 and 4, then going back and watching season 1 and 2, I can really say that they haven't been making it up. I've seen a ton of foreshadowing and the setting up of plot points that have been played out later. When they introduced and idea of revelation, they clearly have an idea where it's going. I think the main problem people have are at the rate in which these mysteries are revealed. The way that Lost works is that there's a big puzzle and we only get separate pieces at a time. The creators give us this very board little hints to begin with, a big picture with only a few small pieces and as the series progress it gets filled in. And I can see how people think they are making it up because some mysteries are not resolved or progress until the next season. And even though that process is unveiled logically it's hard for new people to stay with it, with out getting frustrated. And you also have to consider the fact that production of the show isn't a vacuum, sometimes things happen forcing the story to change and the ideas to evolve. For example, the character Eko was meant to last the entire series but the actor didn't want to stay.

So basically just don't use that idea when describing why you don't like the show.
When people criticize Lost with the idea that they are "just making it up as they go". Now I'm not saying that you have to like this show but this statement just pisses me off for two reasons.
Actually, one of my minor peeves is how people think that "making it up as you go along," is somehow a bad thing in TV, as if the definition of good TV is to have a master plan.

I'm too drunk to elaborate on that, but I did write an unfinished essay about that and tried to talk about how it's used in West Wing and 24, and contrasting it to other art forms that are valorized simply for being just as improvisational as unplanned TV shows.
Random makes it up as he goes along.
Thus the name "Random"

Actually, one of my minor peeves is how people think that "making it up as you go along," is somehow a bad thing in TV, as if the definition of good TV is to have a master plan.

I'm too drunk to elaborate on that, but I did write an unfinished essay about that and tried to talk about how it's used in West Wing and 24, and contrasting it to other art forms that are valorized simply for being just as improvisational as unplanned TV shows.

I wish any of my papers allowed me to write about 24
I think that, with a show like Lost, it is important that the writers have an idea of what direction the show is headed in. This isn't true of all shows, but I think it's definitely true for Lost.

But as Random pointed out, if you seriously think at this point that the writers are just making it up as they go along, then you obviously don't ****ing watch Lost.
It is true about that for 24. I mean, for the most part they know what they want to do, but some of it is made up as they go along.
Like where the President was made to be the bad guy in season 5, the writers didn't think of that until almost mid-season.
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I'd say one of my crowning pet-peeves is when people just can't give you the right answer to what you asked for.

Q: Where did you get this?
A: It's really good.

Q: What's the temperature out?
A: It's raining, so that makes it worse.

Any combination of asking for the what and getting the when, where, why, who or how. Happens so often. Drives me up the wall.
Planet-man I hate that too. Happens all the time I normally yelling at them.
It's the time of year for one of my biggest pet peeves - road construction.

I don't have a problem with road construction per se - obviously I want them to keep up on it and keep the roads smooth and drivable. But everyone does such a horribly ****ty job at it.

I hate when they put barrels up to close lanes on the expressway, then just leave them there for several days before they actually start work. Or worse yet, when they close off miles and miles at once and only work on small sections. They have a 10 mile stretch that I drive on my way to work every day that has been closed for going on 4 days and they haven't done a single thing yet.

And I also get pissed at the idiots who "fix" potholes by dumping a huge mound of tar on them and let all the cars drive over them to flatten them out, so everyone gets tar all over their cars, because construction "workers" are so stupid and lazy.

**** you, construction workers.
*Gets job as a construction worker*

It's the time of year for one of my biggest pet peeves - road construction.

I don't have a problem with road construction per se - obviously I want them to keep up on it and keep the roads smooth and drivable. But everyone does such a horribly ****ty job at it.

I hate when they put barrels up to close lanes on the expressway, then just leave them there for several days before they actually start work. Or worse yet, when they close off miles and miles at once and only work on small sections. They have a 10 mile stretch that I drive on my way to work every day that has been closed for going on 4 days and they haven't done a single thing yet.

And I also get pissed at the idiots who "fix" potholes by dumping a huge mound of tar on them and let all the cars drive over them to flatten them out, so everyone gets tar all over their cars, because construction "workers" are so stupid and lazy.

**** you, construction workers.

*Quits job as a construction worker*
It's the time of year for one of my biggest pet peeves - road construction.

I don't have a problem with road construction per se - obviously I want them to keep up on it and keep the roads smooth and drivable. But everyone does such a horribly ****ty job at it.

I hate when they put barrels up to close lanes on the expressway, then just leave them there for several days before they actually start work. Or worse yet, when they close off miles and miles at once and only work on small sections. They have a 10 mile stretch that I drive on my way to work every day that has been closed for going on 4 days and they haven't done a single thing yet.

And I also get pissed at the idiots who "fix" potholes by dumping a huge mound of tar on them and let all the cars drive over them to flatten them out, so everyone gets tar all over their cars, because construction "workers" are so stupid and lazy.

**** you, construction workers.

You should never move to Chicago... you'd go insane. Most of the time they don't fix potholes, they say they will. But three years later and they'd still won't be filled. Infact some people end up doing it themselves cause their so tired of the city saying, "they'll get to it." And they can't legally block off that part of the road so you still get the tar on your car.

Then there's the construction that pretty much goes on all year long. If you live just a few miles outside of the city. You always have to make sure you leave at least an hour early cause you know you'll just be delayed by construction. You don't even have to look on the web or the news to see what roads are shutdown or converting into one or two lanes (but it helps). You just know you will be late if you don't leave early.
Um E, they could be doing the work at night, when there isn't alot of people on the road and all.

That's what they do around here anyways.

Yeah I believe that's the case, it would be just too much of a hassle to take away and place back road blocks everyday.