thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
The only good Static Shock episodes were the crossover ones, otherwise that show sucked.
The only good Static Shock episodes were the crossover ones, otherwise that show sucked.
I hate to say it...but Static Shock is the TBG of the DCAU. There's no denying it.
I thought that was the green lantern
Static Shock is the TBG series. Green Lantern is just the TBG character of JLU.
Yeah, one of the very few continuity errors in the DCAU. I also like Static Shock, it was pretty goodIt originally wasn't supposed to and there's evidence that it wasn't at first (Static says "Even Clark Kent had a day job" and then, later, he met Superman and didn't know his secret identity), but eventually, Superman and both Batmans (Static travels to the future and meets Terry at one point) crossed over into it and Static even shows up as a future Justice League member.
Another show that people often discount as part of the DCAU is The Zeta Project, a spinoff of Batman Beyond.
That's because it sucked, good idea just too light.
That's another show where I didn't know it was considered DCAU until they showed Batman in one of the episodes, just out of the blue. That was awesome.
They also appear in "Fearful Symmetry".And in the JLU episode, where Supergirl, Green Lantern and Green Arrow meet up with the Legion, Supergirl is training in a danger type of room, the robots she is going up against are Zeta robots.
It was spun off from an episode of Batman Beyond, Zeta and the agent chasing after him first appeared there
It was never explained, I assumed that he was just a blue Atlantean like Namorita. Also, he was less of a dick than in JL.
That reminds me, he was in like two episodes of JLU in season one then we never see him after Ultimatum. What's the deal?
The lack of the Bat-family is one of the reason's JLU Batman was so great. I did miss the Joker a lot, though, especially during the Legion of Doom season.
At least we got Mark's encore performance as the Trickster.![]()