Spider-Man 3 (discussion and spoilers)

Did you read the story? Joker called Carnage an uncreative hack, the David Cassidy of serial killers in that story. Joker was explaining why he is a much character than Carnage and he was right.

Yes I did it's right next to me as we speak.

Have you read it? That was to show they both had very similar personalities as it showed through the story. They just disagreed on how to kill people. Besides that one difference they were pretty much the same.

But this is getting off topic so I'll stop.

On topic Why do people keep calling the way Venom speaks in the comic 3rd person? Third person would be "Venom is mad." He speaks 1st person plural. 1st person plural = "We are mad".
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Yes I did it's right next to me as we speak.

Have you read it? That was to show they both had very similar personalities as it showed through the story. They just disagreed on how to kill people. Besides that one difference they were pretty much the same.

But this is getting off topic so I'll stop.

On topic Why do people keep calling the way Venom speaks in the comic 3rd person? Third person would be "Venom is mad." He speaks 1st person plural. 1st person plural = "We are mad".

That difference is huge, it explains why Joker can actually have differnet stories told around him, while every Carnage story is the same. Plus Joker when written well is something other then a mindless killing machine, while that is all Carnage has going for him. You don't seem to get that joker is a million times better than carnage.

Now to tie this back to the movie discussion, I would rather have Big Wheel as the villain than Carnage, at least Big Wheel knows he is joke, Carnage became a joke unintentionally. Big Whell could bve funny pathetic, unlike Carnage who just pathetic. With Carnage the movie will likely became some mindless R-rated splatter fest, which means kids will not be able to see it, which already cuts down on the profits for the movie. Carnage will completely change the tone from the previous movies and turn the series into a toal farce.
If I were to cast someone for carnage, I'd go with nonother then Nur's pick

The crazy dude from scream matthew lillard
I'm sure there are lot better actors but I can't think of them at the moment

He would be good but I think the actor that played Teabag on Prison Break would be better. Look at him and tell me he doesn't look like a Carnage...


I disagree, making every villain a superpowered maniac gets really old, really fast, it makes their personalities interchanable. Does anyone think Mr. Freeze was a good character before he got revamped into a sympathetic character by Bruce Timm? Sandman was just a thug with snad powers in the comics and that's kinda bland, so I don't fault raimi for trying to expand his character.

Besides what you are saying just proves that Carnage sucks, he is so one dimensional. All he is evil and they never really explain why he is evil. All he has going for him is shock value, take that away he has nothing. Plus Spidey shouldn't fight serial killers, that's just silly, he fights Electro one day and a serial killer the next? I hope Carnage never makes it to the silver screen.

Who said every villain? It also gets old if every villain is sympatheic. I want someone I can hate and love to hate. Green Goblin was never truely evil. He loved his son. And why shouldn't Spider-Man fight killers. He should fight all kinds of badguys.

But why does every villain now-a-days need some sympathetic motivator? Sometimes I want to see a guy who's just insanely evil just for the sake of being evil. I felt like Eddie Brock failed with that, because he wasn't necessarily an evil guy before he got the costume; he certainly wasn't a nice person, but wasn't exactly a criminal type. Sometimes I just want someone who's irredeemably crazy evil, none of this "sympathetic back story" garbage.


So go watch Superman Returns and shut up.:roll:

Lex is exactly what you're describing, and he sucked in SR. You're clamoring for something that would have this whole board screaming "OH NOES ONE-DIMENSIONAL!!!".

Lex was the best part of Superman.
Now that i think about it Sandman had easily the best origin scene out of the 3, with Doc Ock as a close second
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[Who said every villain? It also gets old if every villain is sympatheic. I want someone I can hate and love to hate. Green Goblin was never truely evil. He loved his son. And why shouldn't Spider-Man fight killers. He should fight all kinds of badguys.

So what Gobby loved his son, he didn't like him though and screwed him up psychologically. That's not really sympathetic, that just means Gobby wasn't pure evil, he was only 95% evil, that's still pretty evil. You would have to be nuts to think he is sympathetic.

I don't see why people are unhappy that Snadman was sympathetic. we already had a pure evil "love to hate" with Venom, would should Sandman be like that too? Then they would both have the same personality and that would be boring. The reason Spidey shouldn't fight serial killers, is because I don't want the sequel to be some mindless R-rated splatter fest, i think it would be more fun for everyone if he just fought Electro or something.


Lex was the best part of Superman.

Movie Lex was idiot, destroying the Earth in order to enact a bad real estate scam isn't smart, Lex is supposed to be a genius and that's the best plan he could come up with. God, I hope superman actually fights a Super Villain in the sequel.
Now that i think about it Sandman had easily the best origin scene out of the 3, with Doc Ock as a close second

IMO the origin scenes go

  1. Doc Ock
  2. Green Goblin
  3. Sandman
  4. Venom
  5. Gobby Jr
Just to add to my opinion in the movie, I think the 'emo Peter' was done well. He's supposed to look like an idiot, especially if you based it at the repulsed reactions of the girls he points at when he's doing his stupid (and very hilarious) disco walking "look at me I'm so cool" scene. It basically portrays that even his dark side shows that he's still a geek and would never be a 'cool guy' no matter what he does.

I was laughing my *** off at that scene. It's impossible for Peter to be cool outside the costume.
Spider-Man 4 would definately be part of the same franchsie as 1-3. Even without Maguire and Dunst, they'll just get two other knuckleheads and keep the same supporting cast. And who needs Raimi, really? Just get a decent writer on it, get a David Koepp or an Akiva Goldsman (who probably wants to show he can write a good super-hero movie) or someone, and it doesn't really matter who directs it. There are competent directors everywhere. Hell, someone like Chris Columbus could probably make a fine Spider-Man move.
Too much of a good thing can spoil, you know... They should know when to quit, despite the number of villains/stories they could tell. Spider-Man will not attract audiences for as long as people think. Spider-Man can't exist as a franchise like James Bond or, for that matter, Star Wars were it was limited to two trilogies.
Grossing an astounding $148 million this weekend, here are the records that Spidey 3 broke:

  • Biggest Single Day Gross
  • Biggest Opening Day Gross
  • Biggest Saturday
  • Biggest Sunday
  • Biggest Foreign Gross (Over 225 million dollars, bringing the complete haul to $375 mill)
  • Biggest Per-Screen Average
  • Biggest Increase from the Previous Weekend's #1
  • Fastest film to make $100 Million
  • Biggest Friday
  • Biggest IMAX Opening
  • The List Goes On....

Grossing an astounding $148 million this weekend, here are the records that Spidey 3 broke:

  • Biggest Single Day Gross
  • Biggest Opening Day Gross
  • Biggest Saturday
  • Biggest Sunday
  • Biggest Foreign Gross (Over 225 million dollars, bringing the complete haul to $375 mill)
  • Biggest Per-Screen Average
  • Biggest Increase from the Previous Weekend's #1
  • Fastest film to make $100 Million
  • Biggest Friday
  • Biggest IMAX Opening
  • The List Goes On....


Huh. Wonder if Pirates 3 will beat that.
No the joker is better but I mean he is a very similar character as shown in "Spider-man/Batman" written by J.M. DeMatteis (great story by the way). They have very similar personalities

I Similer but not very Carnage just kills in any given way Joker is more theatrical
Pirates does have the benefit of having every teenage girl in the world being in love with it's cast.

Depp, Bloom and Knightely. Teeny Bopper Trifecta.

Anyways....I've been thinking about Spiderman 3. I saw it last night and have had a day to let it marinate and give it some nice good thought.

And it still stunk.

I'm sorry but the only good thing about this film aside from some pretty sweet action scenes (note that none of the cool ones I'm refering to involve Venom. At all.)...Bryce Dallas's total hotness and Bruce Campbell----was Sandman. And he got shafted.

Topher did an ok job at playing a dick....but that doesn't mean that he needed to be a supervillain.

The whole thing is just ugh.

I don't wanna talk about it anymore.
Pirates does have the benefit of having every teenage girl in the world being in love with it's cast.

That and ending with a cliffhanger almost makes it a sure thing that the same amount who saw 2 will see 3 and more who caught dvds ect... of 2
I saw the first showing Friday, and I loved it.
Venom/Eddie was really well done, I loved the fact that Eddie was just a complete prick, nothing redeeming about him, just a jerk who got superpowers, and used them to get revenge on those he thought did him wrong, ie Peter. I loved the "I like being bad, it makes me happy.." line!
Sandman didn't really need to be in the film, but was pretty cool, Harry was awesome as the vengeful son.
The only thing that I didn't like was the strut down the street, and the over done dancing with Gwen in the club. He sound have just danced a little, kissed her then continued to give MJ the black eye, would have worked much better.
Okay, to keep it short, I think I would put this on about the same level as 2. I didnt think it was very rushed, all of the fights were excellent and they managed to flesh out all the characters at leas a little bit. Harry's death was perfect in every way, so much so that it is one of very few movie deaths that I can remember crying about. I hope they don't end up making a 4th, but with all of the money they have made it is pretty much inevitable.
Okay, to keep it short, I think I would put this on about the same level as 2. I didnt think it was very rushed, all of the fights were excellent and they managed to flesh out all the characters at leas a little bit. Harry's death was perfect in every way, so much so that it is one of very few movie deaths that I can remember crying about. I hope they don't end up making a 4th, but with all of the money they have made it is pretty much inevitable.

and thats pretty much all that matters
Why would you hope they don't make a fourth? It could be great, better than the first 3. It could be as good as the first 3. It could be slightly worse. It could be awful and tank the franchise, like Batman and Robin. But so what? It doesn't take anything away in the slightest from the first 3. If it's bad, Spidey's proven to be a box office star so it's not like he won't get another chance some time. And even if he doesn't, you don't want anymore anyway, so what do you care? And if it's good then, hey, another good Spidey movie. What's wrong with that?
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