Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

I love your time line DIrishB I just had a question

because marvel zombies have crossed over with evil dead and 616 should it still be counted as an ultimate universe's alt universe or It's own?

I ask because i was thinking the zombies to mee seem like zombies of 616 , the cross overs , should it count as it's own contained universe now?
no I dont think so it is ultmate not 616

was saying it wasn't ultimate or 616 IMO. but i'm saying it's more like a separate one.

might just be me. people don't agree , that's cool
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It should be considered in the same universe as Marvel Zombies and UFF 22 and 23. Why, was it not marked as such? If so it was just an oversight on DIrishB's part.

If not, I have no idea what you're asking.
I know what you're saying about it being different, but Squadron Supreme is its own ongoing series and it's still on there.

true , true

It should be considered in the same universe as Marvel Zombies and UFF 22 and 23. Why, was it not marked as such? If so it was just an oversight on DIrishB's part.

If not, I have no idea what you're asking.

never mind i might be over thinking it.

Is there anywhere in the timeline that says that Kitty got kicked out by the Professor? I thought I read a comment about it somewhere.

I was under the impression that Kitty viewed herself as getting kicked out. That, if she had stayed, she may have been kicked out.
Is there anywhere in the timeline that says that Kitty got kicked out by the Professor? I thought I read a comment about it somewhere.

I was under the impression that Kitty viewed herself as getting kicked out. That, if she had stayed, she may have been kicked out.

Either way, it's implied she left the team while Xavier is still "alive," which would mean she somehow joins it again prior to his "death." I don't wnat to speak for DIrishB (too much), but I think he's just waiting for some sort of confirmation before juggling things around in a way that would seem frankly impossible to do.
As for Marvel Zombies and Squadron Supreme books being included on the timeline, its because they're considered alternate universes to the Ultimate universe. Hence the italics. I consider them as separate realities to the Ultimate universe, obviously, but still part of the same multi-verse. And since a fair portion of Ultimate Fantastic Four arcs take place in alternate realities of the Ultimate universe, logic dictates (at least to me) that if I were to include those, I also had to include the Marvel Zombies stories (especially, since they tie directly into the UFF arcs by Millar) and Squadron Supreme/Supreme Power books (which Ultimate Power has now tied to the Ultimate-verse--however terrible the story has been thus far, and how much of a continuity mess its made). Simple as that.

I'm still on the fence about the upcoming Black Panther issues, which apparently cross into the Zombie-verse, but I'm hoping against hope that there's some indicator of it not being the same zombie-verse from UFF. Maybe its the 616's own version, where the Zombie Wolverine that showed up in Exiles came from (and that one wasn't the same as the Wolverine from Marvel Zombies, due to the Exiles version not having the power cosmic).

Thats my hope. As I said, everything marked with a "*" is tentatively placed, and could be moved, broken up by page number, or even removed entirely from the timeline if its established it doesn't fit into Ultimate continuity.

Either way, it's implied she left the team while Xavier is still "alive," which would mean she somehow joins it again prior to his "death." I don't wnat to speak for DIrishB (too much), but I think he's just waiting for some sort of confirmation before juggling things around in a way that would seem frankly impossible to do.

Pretty much. Just when I thought Bendis and Kirkman might have worked out in tandem Kitty and Peter's break-up situation, and their respective stories, we get the newest issue of USM which throws it all to hell again.


Anyway, I'm waiting to see what further info we get from both titles on the status of both (their relationship in UXM, Kitty's membership on the team in both titles, etc) before making any more changes.

Currently, I'm just assuming Kitty didn't want to talk about Xavier's death for some reason with Peter, and by some amazing stroke of luck he hadn't heard about it on the news.

Of course, the newest issue of UXM showed Xavier's still alive, so its entirely possible that sometime very soon Xavier comes back to the present and re-forms the X-Men, and Kitty rejoins the team...only to leave again and start going to the same school Peter Parker does...?

I'm not sure which choice Occam's Razor favors in this situation. Both are far-fetched, and I'm obviously over-thinking this whole continuity thing...but **** it, its what I do.

Updated for Ultimate Spider-Man #108, Ultimate X-Men #81, and Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (this SS mini series definitly ranks as the most unnecessarily difficult to chronologically organize).

Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #2 (pg. 2-12)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 1-2)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #1 (pg. 4-5)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 3-5)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #2 (pg. 16-17, 13-15)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #1 (pg. 6-10, 1-3, 11-22)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #2 (pg. 1, 18-22)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 6-10)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #3 (pg. 1-5, 7-11)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 11-13)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #3 (pg. 12-22)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 14-23)

HAHAHA...You live to chronologise things like this DiB

Good Job
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #2 (pg. 2-12)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 1-2)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #1 (pg. 4-5)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 3-5)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #2 (pg. 16-17, 13-15)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #1 (pg. 6-10, 1-3, 11-22)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #2 (pg. 1, 18-22)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 6-10)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #3 (pg. 1-5, 7-11)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 11-13)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #3 (pg. 12-22)
Squadron Supreme - Hyperion vs. Nighthawk #4 (pg. 14-23)

HAHAHA...You live to chronologise things like this DiB

Good Job

Thanks Ninja. This mini was a real *****, though. I mean, seriously, were all those time jumps really necessary? That and the fact that we repeatedly got the same scene retold from both Nighthawk's and Hyperion's perspectives was just way too over the top. Excessive time jumps do not make a good story.

Anyway, its behind us now...I only wonder if we'll ever see the regular Squadron Supreme series come back...
Yeah I think this is (and in fact pretty much everything in supreme-verse) very much written for trades. I'll read it all in one go at some point and see if it has more of a flow.
Yeah I think this is (and in fact pretty much everything in supreme-verse) very much written for trades. I'll read it all in one go at some point and see if it has more of a flow.

It helps a little, but not much. The trying to figure out what order everything happens in makes it hard to appreciate the story (and its really necessary to figure out the chronology so the story itself makes a lick of sense).

Also, since there are no Ultimate, SS, or MZ titles this week, there's nothing to update...so tune in next week for the next update.
So wait, Venom fights Carnage in the video game before Spider-Man does in the comics?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I just got to the Carnage level in the game, and I'm sort of new when it comes to figuring out the chronology of certain events.
So wait, Venom fights Carnage in the video game before Spider-Man does in the comics?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I just got to the Carnage level in the game, and I'm sort of new when it comes to figuring out the chronology of certain events.

Yeah. Peter Parker was actually the first Carnage, due to him being injected with some genetic mock-up of the Venom suit, and it combining with the Venom molecules already left over in his blood in combination with his altered genetics due to his powers turned him into Carnage...whew! Venom fights him (in the game you play as Venom vs. Peter/Carnage), and when you win that fight, there's a cinematic showing Venom absorbing the last of the Venom molecules from Peter's blood. He then gains the white spider symbol on his chest and has full control of his powers...supposedly.

The Carnage that first appeared in the USM comic was the second version, also birthed from a combination of Peter's altered DNA and the Venom formula. This is the same Carnage that killed Gwen Stacy...and I guess is the new Gwen Stacy? I'm confused too.
DIrishB not really a timeline thing but ....

Is there a difference between TPB vol 17 and HBK 17?
Is it 16 or 17 that has bumper special and I think Annual 2 is out so that 2?
Also which vol has that issue that had peter kissing M.J and kitty watching?