Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.
I had an idea for this. I finished the other to chapters of my Punisher fanfic. Now I'm putting the finishing touches on this one. Expect it in a few days....
We gave this one an extra week, I still got a couple days
You are a nazi in this game, you know that?
It is too late to SUBMIT!
The deadline has PASSED!
Cast thy votes!
My random capitalizations and short, succinct, exclamaitions?
Or the fact that we have only 2 entries?
Should I be hurt or agree?
This actually came up today in my Military History class. My teacher, an ancient hump of a man, was telling us how they did that training in "his day". Do they still make guys stand in a room filled with tear gas?I had an entry...but I left my thumb drive with it at home yesterday and I spent all morning today in the gas chamber for Chem Warfare Training.
More than I did. I've had to write a lot for class of late, but I'll try and do the next one.I still have it.....but I figured it was too late.
It wasn't anything special....but at least I did something.
Do they still make guys stand in a room filled with tear gas?
Interesting.It's how I spent my morning.
I say either way you should post yours. I wanna read it.So uh....since only 2 people posted anything do we just pick between the 2 or can I go ahead and post mine as another option? Either way we need to get the next choice out there so others can work on.
It's how I spent my morning.
So uh....since only 2 people posted anything do we just pick between the 2 or can I go ahead and post mine as another option? Either way we need to get the next choice out there so others can work on.
I'm for it. But by next week could we get the game back on schedule or shift the days around so we could have a regular round next week and so on.
Chill, man.
I don't particularly think a character like this needs a whole crazy story revolving around him.