I don't know.
Wolverine as Cable sounds terrible. Just terrible.
But Cable acted like old school gun toting Cable during the arc (despite saying Bub a few times). It was well written, and we never got a complete "yes" on if he is or not.
Wolverine as Cable isn't as bad as it sounds. Well...ok--maybe it does. But I blame that on the fact that nothing was explained by Kirkman. All we got was Cable popping claws outta one hand and some comment about how "he's had to go without healing powers for 30 years...".
Now obviously that leaves it wide open for future stories like:
- How did he lose his healing ability?
- Why was he out to kill Xavier?
- What did Xavier do to ruin the future?
- Why does he go by Cable now?
....and the list can go on. Maybe if he was doing another 2-3 arcs that played off each other like his filler arcs---then the story would have space to flesh out some major holes. But as of now---the Cable arc, while very solidly written, was just another filler arc. Nothing happened except that Xavier said he loved Jean and died. The character of Cable was left totally ambiguous.
So after Kirkman leaves odds are quite high the next writer will undo that and at least make Cable a Wolverine clone, at the most a human (or mutant since his eye glows...for seemingly no reason) who had to have an upper hand on all fights and had adamanitium claws added in.
There really is no reason to undo any of that. As of now---Cable accomplished his mission and killed X. So by time travel law

rolleyes:...yeah I know...) whatever Xavier did in the future to cause Cable to come back and kill him is undone----thus negating Cable's exsistence. But one could argue that since Bishop is still there---whatever Cable did do---didn't work. So that means at some point down the line, Xavier will be back and whatever he was supposed to do----he still will. If that makes any sense?
So yeah.....no need to retcon anything...........yet.
And if he is Wolverine, would you rather have it be a Wolverine from an alternate timeline or slowly see Wolverine becoming Cable?
I'd hate for the alternative timeline crap to seep into the UU. That's what ****ed up 616 in the 90s.
I'd rather Cable be Wolverine (the real one--not some clone) and there be a reason behind him becoming who he is. Like say---Ultimate Legacy virus. Perhaps the virus was the good intention-gone wrong brainchild of Xavier and some scientists.....and it wiped out mutants. But because of his healing factor Wolverine survived but the virus ate away at his DNA structure, thus negating his powers. So he was allowed to live---but as a human instead of mutant.
Then let there be some weird apocalyptic fallout war that lasts for decades and that makes Wolverine see that this is all Xavier's doing and the only way to prevent this is to go back and kill Xavier. Blah blah blah....add in filler details and whatnot.
Or something to that nature. Not the greatest idea....but just one that came of the top of my head.
But of course with that explanation you still get the time-spider problem. So the only way around that is to make Cable the future version of a Wolverine clone that was created from the DNA Sabertooth took.
Bah.....all this crap is causing the UXM to mirror 616 X history and making my brain hurt.